Finish the following sentences. 

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Finish the following sentences.

1) The island of Ireland is politically divided into…

2) One third of the population lives…

3) Belfast is…

4) The Protestants are of…

5) The Catholics are…

6) Northern Ireland is made up of…

7) The outstanding feature of the Irish weather is….

8) Northern Ireland has…


6. Give suitable English equivalents to the following sentences:

1) Северная Ирландия, известная как Ольстер, является частью Соединенного Королевства.

2) Она состоит из шести частей: Антрим, Даун, Ферманаг, Лондондерри и Тирон.

3) Треть населения живет в столице — Белфасте — и вокруг нее.

4) Белфаст также является самым важным портом, коммерческим и промышленным центром.

5) Некоторые части территории, расположенные не совсем близко к столице, остаются, по большей части, сельскими.

6) Ирландское население делится на две группы: протестантов и католиков.

7) В 1968 году католики начали движение за равные гражданские права.

8) В Северной Ирландии сохранились сильные культурные традиции: песни, танцы, литература и фестивали.


7. Find out about Northern Ireland as much as possible. Discuss the information you’ve got with your group.





1. Read the dialogue and dramatize it.


Travel agent: Can I help you?

Valentina: Oh, yes. You know, last year we went to Greece and spent two weeks at the sea resort. It was really great. But this year we are looking for something different, you see, something exciting.

Vladimir: I would say, something we could remember for many years to come.

Travel agent: Well, I think there is something for you. How about a 2 week holiday in Britain? You will travel by coach around the country and see the most interesting places in England, Scotland, Wales. Castles, palaces, ancient monuments, medieval towns and modern cities.

Vladimir: It sounds great.

Travel agent: And not very expensive. The price includes everything: accommodation, catering, excursions and admission fee to all museums and historical buildings.

Valentina: Yes, we will take it.


At London Airport they are joined by some other Russian tourists who are going on this tour: Anna and Denis. The tourists are welcomed by Richard Dawson – their tour guide.


Richard: It is my profound pleasure to invite to this wonderful journey around the United Kingdom. This tour was designed to give you the freedom to explore both the history and the culture of Britain.

Anna: Excuse me, I have a question which I have always wanted to answer. You say the UK and Britain, is there any difference?

Richard: Well, actually, no. The official name of my country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland but it is such a fuss to pronounce it that we usually say just UK. Britain and Great Britain are geographical names. As you know UK consists of several parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The word England should never be used to describe Britain, because England is only one part of the country. It is always correct to call people from England, Scotland, or Wales British, although people from England are properly called the English, people from Scotland are the Scots, and people from Wales are the Welsh.

Denis: So, if I address anyone “English” in, say, Scotland…

Richard: You will offend this person. Please, be careful with what you are saying.

Valentina: How very interesting!

Richard: The United Kingdom is a small nation: 244,110 sq km, it is about the size of Byelorussia or twice the size of New York State. The climate, in general, is mild and often wet. We have about 300 rainy or cloudy days per year.

Anna: Now I understand all these sayings about “the English weather”.

Valentina: The British weather…

Richard: Despite its size, Britain is a highly developed nation with stable economy, prosperous and peaceful. The British enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world. Britain’s rich cultural heritage and traditions are the main reasons why it has millions of visitors each year. The attractions include theaters, museums, art galleries, and historical buildings that are all around the country and numerous annual arts festivals.Tourism is very important to our economy. Britain is one of the world’s most visited countries. We have about 25 million visitors a year.

1. Take the map of the United Kingdom, and study it.

2 Find all geographical names mentioned in the texts and answer the following question: How many counties is England divided into? What are they?


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