Exercise 1 choose and translate the phrases in Past Continuous 

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Exercise 1 choose and translate the phrases in Past Continuous

1. We are having a break now. 2. She was thinking about conference when he called. 3. The doctor and the nurse are taking care of the sick man. 4. Sally is taking a shower now. 5. The clock was striking 10 when I came. 6. We were writing a test from 2 till 4.7. Ann was looking for her cat in the garden. 8.1 was not walking with my dog at that time. 9. We were not driving too fast. 10. They are leaving for the airport in five minutes. 11. She wasn't feeling very well last night. 12. Everybody was waiting for their arrival. 13. She is always complaining of her husband. 14.1 am trying to explain it to you. 15. I'll be seeing you tomorrow morning. 16. He won't be staying here long.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using Past Continuous:

1. When John came home.......................................................... 2. When the telephone! rang................................................................................. 3. When I entered ……………..…………………………………. 4. When we arrived in St. Petersburg...................................................... 5. When the police came............................................. 6. When we saw her................................................... 7 When they got married....................................... 8. While she was cooking …………………………... 9. While I was finishing my homework..............................................10. While the robber was putting the money into the bag............................................................................

Exercise 3. Use Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

1. When the tax………….to arrive) I still............(to pack) my things. 2. What ………you …………(to do) in the evening yesterday? — I …………(to watch) TV and my wife………….. (to wash up). 3…….. I ………….(to do) all the exercises while you …………(to smoke). 4. Mr. Brown, where……….. уоu (to be) when they………….. (to drive) your car at midnight? 5. When ……..the clock ……………(to strike) nine she ……………(to run) up the stairs to her office because the lift ………….(not to work). 6. He ………….(to stand) and ………….(to watch) while the boys…………… (to fight). 7. She …………(to wear)marvellous new dress at the party and ………….(to look) fantastic: 8. He ………………(to wait) for her for an hour but she never …………… (to соmе).9. When the telephone ……………..(to ring) I …………….(to bake) a cake and ………………(to ask) Mary who ……………….(to do) nothing at the moment to answer the call. 10. Why………… you …………..(not to attend) the lecture on Satur­day? Professor B. …………………….(to speak) about UFO and other mysteri­ous objects.

Exercise 4. Match parts I and II:


1. She leaves the house at 8.30 1. once a week

2. next week

2. She was in her first year at the University 3. At the moment

3. Mr. Walker was watching the football match 4. at 3 o'clock

4 She is talking to the boss 5. now

5. He goes to the office by car 6. Last year

6. Our exams will be over

8. I write letters to him


9. He is writing a new novel 7. every day

8. sometimes

9. at this time yesterday

Exercise 5 Use Present Continuous или Past Continuous.

1. I …………… (to write) an English exercise now. 2. I……………. (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 3. My little sister …………..(to sleep) now. 4. My little sister………….. (to sleep) at this time yesterday. 5. My friends …………..(not to do) their homework now. They …………..(to play) volleyball. 6. My friends ……………(not to do) their homework at seven o’clock yesterday. They ………….(to play) volleyball. 7. She…………. (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 8. She…………. (not to read) now. 9. Now she…………. (to go) to school. 10. What …….you ……….(to do) now? – I……….. (to drink) tea.



Exercise 1. Use the verbs in Future Continuous:

1. At this time tomorrow we …………….(to have) an English class. \ 2. Don't worry! I ……………(to write) letters to you regularly. 3. When you come they ……………..(to train) in the gym. 4. Don't wait for me. I (to work) for some time. 5. As far as I know you ………… (to join) us in Kiev. 6. While you are away we …………..(to look after) your children. 7.Don't leave. We ……………. (to have) tea in a few minutes. 8. Let's hurry! The film ………………. (to start) in a few minutes.

Exercise 2. Use the verbs in Future Continuous:

1. The boys (to play) football the whole weekends.

2. The adults (to talk) about their project from five till eight pm.

3. Why they (to do) that project? __________________________________________
4. Where you (to be going to do – собираешься делать) today the whole evening?

7. We (to go) to the Dubai for the vacation in a week.

8. When my friend (to come) to my apartment, I (to work) at my project the whole day.

9. When he (to bring) the cake, we (to have) dinner.

10. When he (to get) here? – I (to be going) to play tennis the whole evening.

11. I (not to stay) at the office during 7 hours.


12. The girls (to go) shopping tomorrow, one of them (to be going) to buy a wedding dress, because she (to get married) next month.

13. It (not to work) in the future for a few years without this thing.

Exercise 3: Use Future Simple, Present Continuous или Future Continuous

1. I (to do) my homework tomorrow  
2. I (to do) my homework at six o'clock tomorrow.  
3. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to sleep)  
4. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) your book.  
5. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening.  
6. I(not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch) TV the whole evening.  
7. What you (to do) tomorrow?  
8. What you (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow?  
9. You (to play) volleyball tomorrow?  
10. When you (to go) to see your friend next time?  


PRESENT PERFECT Exercise 1. Say three forms of the verbs: to be, to become, to begin, to break, to bring, to buy, to come, to catch, to choose, to do, to drink, to drive, to eat, to fall, to feel, to forget, to give, to go, to grow, to hear, to keep, to know, to leave, to lose, to make, to meet, to pay, to read, to rise, to run, to see, to send, to show, to sit, to sleep, to stand, to strike, to take, to teach, to think, to wake, to win, to write.  

Exercise 2.

A. Answer the following questions:

Models: Have you brought my book?

Yes, I have. (No, I haven i.)

Has he brought your book?

Yes, he has. (No, he hasn 't (yet).)

1. Have you seen the new film ________________________________________________

2. Have you read my letter?_____________________________________________________

3. Have you passed your English exam? ___________________________________________

4. Has he phoned her today? ____________________________________________________

5. Has she sent them a telegram? ________________________________________________

6. Has the weather been rainy the whole month? ____________________________________

7. Have they read. the novel in the original? ________________________________________

8. Have they moved in? _______________________________________________________

9. Have you had your lunch yet? ________________________________________________

10. Has he completed his course yet ___________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences:

1. I've just умылся

накрыл на стол добрался до института пообедал совершил ошибку опоздал на поезд включил телевизор поссорился с ней обсудил этот вопрос

2. He's (already) посмотрел этот фильм

перевел третий текст встретил их на станции проводил ее нашел книгу прибыл в город потратил все деньги ушел

3. She's never работала на фирме

читала книги в оригинале

спорила с ним

переходила улицу на красный свет

готовила обед мужу

вставала рано

путешествовала вокруг света

получала любовные письма

видела достопримечательности Рима

брала чужие вещи

сомневалась в его честности

4. They've always покупали только дешевые вещи

обедали в кухне

платили наличными

жили в самых роскошных отелях

приглашали гостей на Рождество

делали всю работу по дому сами

читали «Тайме»

гуляли в дождливую погоду

сдавали экзамены успешно

любили петь громко

5. Have you ever гуляли под дождем без зонта?

видели семь чудес света?
наблюдали сильный снегопад?
слышали эту песню?
влюблялись с первого взгляда?
купались в реке зимой?
пробовали манго?

6.1 haven't сказала ему правду

путешествовала по Европе

видела достопримечательности Лондона

видела спектакль

послала ей письмо

нашла свое кольцо

пробовала пирог

написала книгу

говорила с ним

звонила ей

кончила читать книгу

купила билеты


Exercise 4. Use Present Perfect or Present Indefinite:

1. Helen …………..(to be) sick since last week. She …………….(to miss) her grammar test. 2. He ………….(to read) a lot and (to know) a lot. 3. Bob's parents usually………….. (to stay) in the country the whole summer 4. We …………..(to stay) here for a month, and it (to rain) almost every day. 5. You ………….(to be) at home in the evenings? 6………….. (to be) here j ever since morning. 7. He………….. (to receive) letters from her every week. 8. He………….. (not to receive) letters from her since last year. 9. Is it the first time he …………(to see) a tiger? 10. That's the third time I…………. (to phone) her today. 11. How long ……..you……… (to know) each other? 12.1 hardly ………..(to hear) anything from her since that time 13. It.long ………..(to be) my dream to visit Canada. 14. She …………(to dream)! of becoming an actress. 15. Normally I …………(to have) breakfast at 8 in the morning. 16.1 ………..(to have) just my breakfast.

Exercise 5. Translate the first part of the sentences using Present Indefinite or J Present Perfect:

1. Мы живем в Москве now

since 1960

2. Я изучаю английский twice a week

since childhood

3. Он работает на фирме three days a week

for two years

4. Они ходят в этот магазин every Saturday

since they moved here

5. Мы встречаемся друг с другом sometimes

for many years

6.Я знаю этого человека now

since we went to school

7.Я здесь every day

since 9 o'clock

8. Он играет в футбол once a week

since early childhood

9. Он может водить автомобиль now

since he got the driving licence

10.Они получают от него письма regularly


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