Exercise 7. Say what a robot (a computer) can (can't) do. 

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Exercise 7. Say what a robot (a computer) can (can't) do.

Exercise 8. Imagine you are going to have a party. Your mother tells you what you must do and what you mustn't:

invite too many people

invite Harris

prepare everything

drink anything but soft drinks

make a noise

use the best plates and cups

enter Father's study room

bring food and drinks into bedrooms

sing or play guitar very loudly

smoke in the house

stay after midnight

leave the fridge empty

put everything in order

wash up

clean the carpet

air the sitting room

go to bed too late

forget to turn off the TV set

Exercise 9. Use "mustn't" or "needn't":

1. You....... clean the room today, you can do it tomorrow morning. 2.1....... forget to post the letter Mother gave me. 3. We have a lot of food at home so we....... go shopping today. 4. The baby is asleep, you……. shout. 5. You....... shout, I'm not deaf. 6. You....... worry about your luggage, I'll take care of it. 7. Must I come on Saturday? — No, you... ….. 8. This book is very valuable, you....... lose it. 9. You....... eat the salad if you don't like it. 10. We have plenty of time so we ….... hurry. 11. You tell anybody what I said. 12. You....... cross the street when the red light is on. 13. Must I type these letters today? — No, you....... 14. You …... remind her about the meeting. I warned her yesterday.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions using "don't have to" or "needn't.'*! Work in pairs.

1. Must I watch all his movements? 2. Should I be nice to her? 3. Must I phone you every day? 4. Do I have to come here again tomorrow? 5. Must I wear this dress at the party? 6. Should I insist on his coming? 7. Must we do this exercise in writing? 8. Should I listen to her? 9. Do you have to type all these letters tonight? 10. Do you have to get up at 6 o'clock tomorrow? 11. Do we have to pay for the lunch? 12. Should I wear a uniform at the ceremony? 13. Do you have to serve coffee to the visitors? 14. Do I have to stay till they come? 15. Do I have to explain my absence?

Exercise 11. Use "must," "to have" or "to be":

1. The train....... arrive in five minutes, we....... hurry up. 2. If he doesn't meet you at the station you....... take a taxi. 3. They...... be here an hour ago. 4.1....... go to the library after classes because I....... make a report tomorrow. 5. It........ be a very interesting novel, I know the author. 6.1 don't think you....... wait long. 7. They....... marry early in June, so they....…stay in Moscow. 8. She....... clean her shoes after working in the garden. 9. The lecture...... begin in a minute. 10. You....... be tired, you....... have a little rest. 11.1...... answer a lot of questions at the examination. 12. We... …leave on Monday.

Exercise 12. Use "was (were) to" or "had to":

1. He..... train hard the whole year. 2. The contest...... take place in the school Assembly Hall. 3. The weather was nasty and we....... put off the trip. 4. There was a storm of applause and the singer....... go out on the stage several times. 5. Later they……. meet a few more times. 6. It…... happen. 7. He...... rewrite his paper. 8.1... ….repeat the question several times. 9. One party....... ask questions, the other.......answer them in 30 seconds. 10. What........ I do under the circumstances?

Exercise 13. Make up a list of what a student has and what he doesn't have to do:

get up early every day, attend all lectures, be on time for classes, prepare for classes every day, miss practical classes, study on Sundays, take exams twice a year, work hard, stay at the University after classes, have only excellent marks, take notes of all lectures, buy textbooks, know the names of all professors, earn money, go in for sports, wear a uniform, work during the vacation, learn two foreign languages, know how to use computers, be smart and intelligent, serve in the army, I bring parents to the University, pay the tuition, clean the lecture rooms.

what a student has to do what he doesn't have to do:


Exercise 14. Express advice or recommendation using the models:

Models: You/бросить курить

You should give up smoking. Нe работать по ночам

He shouldn't work at night.

1. You (he, she) читать книги в оригинале

делать зарядку каждый день

лежать в постели, если больна

переходить улицу осторожно

ложиться спать вовремя

гасить свет, когда выходишь из комнаты

знать свои обязанности

купить билеты заранее

помочь ей, если она не справляется

сходить к врачу

предупредить нас заранее

отказаться от дурных привычек

2. You (he, she) одеваться так ярко

есть так много шоколада

плакать из-за пустяков

задавать глупые вопросы

опаздывать на занятия

разговаривать с ней таким тоном

спать на занятиях

ломать игрушки

разговаривать так долго по телефону

брать мои вещи

читать в постели

спать до десяти утра

ездить с такой скоростью

нарушать правила уличного движения

тратить время зря

Exercise 15. Translate into English using modal verbs:


1. Ты умеешь печатать? 2. Я не могу вспомнить имя автора романа. 3. — Можно взять твой учебник? — Нет, мне он нужен. Я завтра должна делать доклад. 4. Може­те спросить их об этом сами. 5. Возможно, вы правы. 6. Погода изменилась, и нам пришлось вернуться из от­пуска раньше. 7. Какое счастье, что завтра воскресенье, не надо рано вставать. 8. Вам необходимо высту­пить на собрании. Кто-то должен высказать нашу точку зрения. 9. — Нам надо сдавать сочинение сегодня? — Не обязательно. Но если оно готово, можете сдать его сегодня. 10. Можете не беспокоиться о билетах. Я куп­лю их. 11. Я не умею шить и вязать. 12. Ты могла бы обратиться к нему за помощью. Я уверена, он поможет. 13. Неужели уже 7 часов? Еще светло. 14. Детям не следует смотреть ночные телепрограммы. 15. Может быть, я ошибаюсь, но мне кажется, это он. 16. Мы так устали, что с трудом двигались. 17. Наверное, очень! трудно быть учителем. 18. — Кто это может быть? — Это может быть кто угодно. 19. — Где Коля? — Он, наверное, ждет нас на остановке. 20. Мы должны были ехать в Италию в начале года, но не смогли.




Exercise 1 Read and translate the following verbs in the 3d person singular, Present Indefinite:

writes, reads, gets, has, takes, gives, brushes, washes, cleans, dreams, thinks, plays, hates, happens, ends, finishes, turns, asks, answers, drives, publishes, tries, appears, watches, sees, looks, verifies, hurries, lends, borrows, decides, awakens, wakes, leaves, sits, stands, cries, kills, receives, matches, fixes, repairs, learns, dresses, chooses, wins, loses, teaches, studies, keeps, remembers, earns, wears, begins, attends, follows, enjoys, returns, reduces, understands, helps, speaks, kisses, enters, drops, checks, makes, misses.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:

1. What does a student do? __________________________________________________

2. What do teachers do? __________________________________________________

3. What does a typist do? __________________________________________________

4. What do singers do? ___________________________________________________

5. What does a painter do? ___________________________________________________

6. What do writers do? ___________________________________________________

7. What does a cook do? ___________________________________________________

8. What do dancers do? ___________________________________________________

9. What does a driver do? ___________________________________________________

10. What do actors do? ____________________________________________________

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences according to the model: Model: She doesn 't know French. (Russian)She knows Russian.

1. He doesn't drive a car. (a lorry) _____________________________________________________

2. She doesn't start her work at 10:00. (9:00) ____________________________________________

3. He doesn't drink tea in the morning, (coffee) _________________________________________

4. She doesn't like pears, (apples) __________________________________________________

5. She doesn't wear short dresses, (long dresses) _______________________________________

6. He doesn't work quickly, (slowly) ___________________________________________________

7. She doesn't speak Chinese. (English) __________________________________________________

8. She doesn't like classical music, (jazz) ____________________________________________

9. He doesn't play basketball, (football)

10. She doesn't live in the suburbs, (the centre of the city) _______________________________

Exercise 4 Make up negative answers and questions according to the model:

A. Model: I like bananas.I do not like bananas. Do you like bananas?

1. I write letters regularly. I... not... letters regularly.... you... letters regularly?

2.I drive a car. I... not... a car..... you... a car?

3. You sing well. You... not.... well.... you... well?

4. They live in London. They... not... in London.... they... in London?


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