VI. Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом «который» 

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VI. Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением, вводимым союзом «который»

1. The main function of the cell is to preserve a suitable environment for itself and neighboring cells.

2. The patient to be operated in the morning has serious gastrointestinal disorder.

3. The senior nurse was asked to help the doctor in charge with the new patient.

4. The injection to be made must reduce pains in the patient with the broken leg.

5. The amount of fluid to be given to the patients with the wounds of the abdomen, varied in each case.

6. I know the drug which will help you immediately.

7. The patient to be standing at the procedure room is expected in the ward by his doctor.

8. The patient to visit the doctor that day has broken his leg.

9. The disease is to be eliminated as soon as possible.

10. In addition to penicillin another drug should be given to a patient.

11. The patient to be examined at the hospital suffers diabetes.

12. The first disinfectant that was used in practice is carbolic acid.

13. The nurse to make the injection has entered the ward.

14. The professor supposed the drug to be effective.

15. The girl to be operated next week was repeatedly hospitalized 2 days ago.

16. If you want to be a good specialist you are to study hard.

17. The patient to be examined will come in an hour.

18. Having done all the necessary examinations the doctor diagnosed an ulcer.

19. The injection is to be made in the evening.

20. The student to make a report hasn’t come yet.

21. The method to be used in this investigation was recently developed in our laboratory.

22. The drug to be used in this case is very efficient.

23. This nurse had to be on duty two days ago.

24. The patient is known to be examined by this doctor.

25. Antibiotics may harm your body when used without consultation with your family doctor.

26. The surgeon to operate on the patient is already in the operating theatre.

27. The results to be reported at the conference have not been confirmed by clinical tests.

28. Nutrition should include all the elements which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

29. Penicillin is the drug of choice to treat many infectious diseases.

30. Urine examination to be done in all cases is an important part of the medical examination.


VII. Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением цели, вводимым союзами «чтобы», «для того чтобы»

1. The patient reacted to treatment by improved appetite.

2. To avoid complications it is necessary to follow doctor’s prescriptions.

3. To begin the experiment this week is quite necessary.

4. The drug was shown to be effective only under certain conditions.

5. The surgeon entered the ward to examine the recently admitted patients.

6. It is always interesting to learn something new either from books or experiment.

7. Many of the conditions that simulate influenza are referred to as “grippe”.

8. The doctor came to examine the patient delivered to the hospital last night.

9. Having finished his daily round the doctor went to the chief-physician to discuss the patient from ward 10.

10. He worked hard to find the source of infection.

11. One must know English well to understand this book without dictionary.

12. To avoid infection in a hospital it is necessary to keep high standard of sanitation.

13. The new medical equipment to be delivered to our hospital was bought in the USA.

14. New drugs are to be developed to fight infectious diseases.

15. To make the diagnosis the doctor recommended the patient USI.

16. To purify the polluted air biological methods were used.

17. She went to the polyclinic to get medical aid.

18. To enter higher medical school one has to pass entrance examinations.

19. To be a doctor it is necessary to graduate from the higher medical school.

20. It is impossible to inject gamma globulin for a period of many years.


VIII. Укажите номера предложений, в которых ing-форма соответствует в русском языке деепричастию, оканчивающемуся на – в

1. The doctor left the ward having examined all his patients.

2. Translating the text the student met many new anatomical terms.

3. He copied out the text from the Internet being aware nobody will notice it.

4. They are having an examination on anatomy now.

5. Having looked through the last material on the subject we decided to perform a new experiment.

6. I went for a work having done my homework.

7. The doctor made everything possible to save the patient having arrived in time.

8 The diagnosis being made in time saved the patient’s life.

9. The work was being done for several hours yesterday.

10. Having finished the work we expected the results to be widely used in clinical practice.

11. Having sterilized the instruments the nurse left the room.

12. Having a bad headache I look some medicines.

13. The new equipment was necessary for performing the experiment.

14. Having tested the drug clinically the scientists recommended it for clinical use.

15. The boy went for a walk having done his homework.

16. When examining a patient the doctor misinterpreted some of the symptoms.

17. The doctor having examined a patient made the diagnosis.

18. Being known for its unfavorable side effects this antibiotic was used only in extreme cases.

19. Knowing him well I didn’t believe him.

20. He was surprised having got these results.

21. The patient went to the ward having done all the analysis.

22. In man, food entering the mouth is broken down by teeth.

23. Having translated the text the student read it to the teacher.

24. While studying at the higher medical school it is necessary to work hard.

25. Having finished his daily round the doctor began to fill in the patient’s case history.


IX. Укажите номера предложений, в которых ing-форма переводится на русский язык причастием, оканчивающимся на –щий, -щая, щее

1. The risk of developing this disease is higher in children and old persons.

2. Taking this drug regularly you will soon recover.

3. I know the doctor treating my friend.

4. The nurse left the ward having taken the patients’ temperature.

5. The student writing the test now has missed many lessons.

6. Depending on the results we’ll either continue or discontinue our investigations.

7. Darwin used all the knowledge existing at that time to make his theory of evolution.

8. Heat loss is caused by vasoconstriction of blood vessels supplying the skin.

9. Breathing fresh and pure air is very important because it produces favorable effect on the central nervous system.

10. The scientist left the laboratory having finished his work there.

11. People living or working in poorly ventilated rooms are often attacked by different infectious diseases.

12. Persons suffering from infectious diseases must be isolated.

13. Spreading through drinking water the virus affected many persons in locality.

14. While operating the patient the surgeon was surprised by some unusual signs.

15. A biologist’s laboratory is a very interesting place to visit.

16. In breathing we inhale oxygen which is necessary for the proper functioning of various organs of the human body.

17. While operating the patient the surgeon was surprised by some unusual signs.

18. Air is necessary for the sense of sight, smell and hearing.

19. Blood flowing from the lungs is rich in oxygen.

20. This drug gives a new hope to patients suffering from the so-called incurable diseases.

21. While studying at the higher medical school it is necessary to work hard.

22. The doctor examining a patient is a good specialist.

23. Having done all the necessary examinations the doctor diagnosed an ulcer.

24. The conference starting next week in Helsinki will be devoted to environmental protection

25. When examining the patient the doctor used new equipment.

26. The hospital which is being built in our street will be equipped with the latest equipment.

27. All the necessary examinations being done the doctor diagnosed an ulcer.

28. The doctor is examining a new patient now.

29. Persons isolated were suffering from an acute infectious disease.

30. It is a very interesting to visit a biologist’s laboratory



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