I. Укажите номера предложений, в которых сказуемое стоит в группе простых времен 

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I. Укажите номера предложений, в которых сказуемое стоит в группе простых времен

Раздел I

I. Укажите номера предложений, в которых сказуемое стоит в группе простых времен

1. Now much attention is paid to the study of different diseases.

2. The patient had to come to his polyclinic last week.

3. My friend cannot answer the question the teacher asked him.

4. Recently computer methods of diagnostics have been introduced to everyday practical work of policlinics.

5. The patient is being examined now to make definite diagnosis.

6. He has been told to follow strict regime of nutrition by his doctor in charge.

7. It is important to study the structure of plant and animal hormones.

8. Many factors show that smoking is a direct threat to health.

9. To do blood test was necessary to make differential diagnosis.

10. These patients avoid alcohol and smoking.

11. The members of our delegation are listening to the doctor with great attention.

12. The nurse had finished her work before the patient was admitted to the clinic.

13. The doctor does not know the cause of this disease.

14. The nurse left the ward after she had taken the patients’ temperature.

15. All the drugs are to be kept in special drug cabinets

16. The injection of the drug has just been made to normalize heart activity.

17. When examining a patient the doctor used a new method developed in the clinic.

18. The student being examined answered the question correctly.

19. It is important to study the origin and structure of plant and animal hormones.

20. Patients with gastric ulcer should avoid alcohol and smoking.

II. Укажите номера предложений, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в группе длительных времен

1. When the doctor came into the ward the nurse was already taking the patient’s temperature.

2. It was interesting to listen to the lecture on anatomy.

3. They have been studying the problem for more than four years already.

4. His being absent from the town did not allow him to make a planned visit to the surgeon.

5. A new hospital is being built not far from my home.

6. We have been working over this problem for several years but still we are far from its solution.

7. The examination paper is being checked at the moment.

8. When the doctor was examining a patient he used new equipment.

9. When examining a patient the doctor used a new method developed in our clinic.

10. At 5 o’clock tomorrow I’ll be listening to the lecture on new chemical pollutants and their effect on human health.

11. The problem of new drug was being discussed at the conference for 2 days.

12. District nurses give skilled nursing care to people at home or elsewhere outside a hospital.

13. The surgeon is known to be operating on a patient now.

14. He had been writing the paper for 40 minutes when I came.

15. It was interesting to listen to his report.

16. She is planning to be a doctor.

17. There are signs of general state improving.

18. Whooping cough was once one of America’s leading child killers.

19. Cancer cells did not invade surrounding tissues.

20. My brother has been learning English for 3 years already.

21. The student being examined answered the question correctly.

22. The doctor was examining the patient when the nurse entered the ward.

23. My brother has been learning English for 3 years already.

24. The operation is being performed by the best surgeon in this clinic.

25. It was quite interesting to listen to this report presenting the results of the experiment.

III. Укажите номера предложений, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в группе завершенных времен

1. This method has never been used in clinical practice.

2. This grammar rule had to be used in translating this sentence into Russian.

3. The patient had been examined by the doctor before the results of his analyses were known.

4. This doctor has been working in the clinic for ten years already.

5. My friend has never been to Moscow

6. The doctor has been examining an X-ray film for several minutes already when somebody entered the room.

7. The experiment was said to have been finished several days ago.

8. The results of the study have been reported already.

9. The nurse had met this condition in her practice before she began to work in this clinic.

10. The experiment could have been over already.

11. The doctor had been examining his patient for half an hour when the nurse entered the room.

12. This method has been developed in our clinic.

13. The operation is known to have been performed by our best surgeon.

14. The patients will have been examined by the doctor before the professor comes.

15. No cases of poliomyelitis have been reported in Finland during the last two decades.

16. Since the times of Hippocrates, fever has been recognized as a hallmark of disease.

17. The patient had had all the signs of acute hepatitis when he applied for the doctor’s help.

18. Thirty to sixty per cent of patients have no symptoms of the disease at the time of examination.

19. Interferon has the capacity to stop the development of some diseases in the human body.

20. He is known to have never been to London.

IV. Укажите номера предложений, в которых сказуемое стоит в группе завершенно-длительных времен

1. It is true that important achievements in medicine have been made recently.

2. The scientist had been studying the effects of the drug on laboratory animals for a month already when he found this article.

3. Vaccination being used in time, the disease did not affect many people in this area.

4. Having examined the patient the doctor prescribed him bed rest and a course of injections.

5. The student has been working over this problem for two weeks already.

6. Lungs are said to have been involved in the process.

7. The virus has been growing in culture medium for 2 days already.

8. Since you had to do the examination of the area two days ago you are to give me the report just now.

9. The study of this infection has been slowly progressing for the last 10 days.

10. The drug was being produced in our department from September 12 to November 30 last year

11. The neurologist having examined this patient did not find any pathology.

12. The patient’s parents are talking with the doctor in charge now

13. We have been performing our research for four months already

14. The drug having been tested on animals was recommended for clinical use.

15. The patient had been sleeping for two hours when the nurse came to give him the injection.

16. The students had been writing the test-paper for 40 minutes already when I came.

17. By the end of this year he will have been working in the Research Center for Pulmonology for 15 years already.

18. Having examined the patient the doctor prescribed him bed rest and a course of injections.

19. The patient had been operated on by 12 o’clock yesterday.

20. The patient had been examined for the presence of staphylococci in his blood before the therapy was begun.


VII. Укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением цели, вводимым союзами «чтобы», «для того чтобы»

1. The patient reacted to treatment by improved appetite.

2. To avoid complications it is necessary to follow doctor’s prescriptions.

3. To begin the experiment this week is quite necessary.

4. The drug was shown to be effective only under certain conditions.

5. The surgeon entered the ward to examine the recently admitted patients.

6. It is always interesting to learn something new either from books or experiment.

7. Many of the conditions that simulate influenza are referred to as “grippe”.

8. The doctor came to examine the patient delivered to the hospital last night.

9. Having finished his daily round the doctor went to the chief-physician to discuss the patient from ward 10.

10. He worked hard to find the source of infection.

11. One must know English well to understand this book without dictionary.

12. To avoid infection in a hospital it is necessary to keep high standard of sanitation.

13. The new medical equipment to be delivered to our hospital was bought in the USA.

14. New drugs are to be developed to fight infectious diseases.

15. To make the diagnosis the doctor recommended the patient USI.

16. To purify the polluted air biological methods were used.

17. She went to the polyclinic to get medical aid.

18. To enter higher medical school one has to pass entrance examinations.

19. To be a doctor it is necessary to graduate from the higher medical school.

20. It is impossible to inject gamma globulin for a period of many years.


Раздел V.

Раздел I

I. Укажите номера предложений, в которых сказуемое стоит в группе простых времен

1. Now much attention is paid to the study of different diseases.

2. The patient had to come to his polyclinic last week.

3. My friend cannot answer the question the teacher asked him.

4. Recently computer methods of diagnostics have been introduced to everyday practical work of policlinics.

5. The patient is being examined now to make definite diagnosis.

6. He has been told to follow strict regime of nutrition by his doctor in charge.

7. It is important to study the structure of plant and animal hormones.

8. Many factors show that smoking is a direct threat to health.

9. To do blood test was necessary to make differential diagnosis.

10. These patients avoid alcohol and smoking.

11. The members of our delegation are listening to the doctor with great attention.

12. The nurse had finished her work before the patient was admitted to the clinic.

13. The doctor does not know the cause of this disease.

14. The nurse left the ward after she had taken the patients’ temperature.

15. All the drugs are to be kept in special drug cabinets

16. The injection of the drug has just been made to normalize heart activity.

17. When examining a patient the doctor used a new method developed in the clinic.

18. The student being examined answered the question correctly.

19. It is important to study the origin and structure of plant and animal hormones.

20. Patients with gastric ulcer should avoid alcohol and smoking.


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