High steward in the temple of Ptah 

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High steward in the temple of Ptah

Relief of the mayor of Memphis Ptah-mose, Florence 2557[304]; Four pillars of Ptah-mose, Leiden K 10-13[305]; Tomb relief of Ptah-mose, Leiden K. 16[306]; Papyrus column, from Saqqara[307]

113 -

imy-r pr wr m prw-nfr

High steward in Peru-nefer [308]

Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[309]; Statue of Ken-amun, from temple of Mut in Karnak, Cairo 935[310]


114 -

Imy-r pr wr m Mn-nfr

High steward in Memphis [311]

Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[312]; Alter of royal high steward in Memphis Amen-hotep, from Memphis[313]; Stela of Amen-hotep, Florence no. 2567[314]; Pyramidion of Amen-hotep, Leiden K1[315]; Statue of Amen-hotep, BM. 632[316]; Palette of Amen-hotep, Florence[317]; Cubit of Amen-hotep, Florence[318]; Palette of Amen-hotep, Metropolitan Museum[319]


115 -

imy-r pr wr m @wt kA PtH

High steward in Memphis

Conical figure of royal envoy, Ramesses-sma-khaset[320]



Imy-r pr wr m Hwt Wsr-mAat-ra Stp-n- ra m pr Imn

High steward in the Ramessum

Stela of high steward of the Ramesseum, Naher-hu[321]; Fragments from tomb-chapel of high steward of the Ramesseum, Her-em-hab, Saqqara[322]; Block statue of the royal secretary, Amen-em-ene, Ermitage Mus. no. 11[323]

117- var.

imy-r pr wr m Hwt nsw

High steward in the royal mansion

Pylon VIII, E. end, Karnak Temple[324]; Statue of the high priest of Amun, Ramesses-nakht, Karnak Cachette, Cairo CGC. 42162[325]

118 -

imy-r pr wr m tA Hwt Wsr-mAat -Ra S tp-n-Ra m pr Imn

High steward in the mansion of User-maat-re Step-en-Re in Amun's temple

Stela of the treasury scribe, Mahu, Turin 1465[326]


119 -

Imy-r pr wr m tA Hwt Ra-ms-sw mry Imn m pr PtH

High steward in the mansion of Ramesses, mery-Amun in Ptah’s temple

Three panels from Memphite tomb, Cairo 4874[327]


120- var. ;

Imy-r pr wr n Imn

High steward of Amun

Statue of Senmut, from Temple of Mut at Karnak[328]; Stela of Setau, from Wadi el-Sbua, Cairo 41395[329]; Theban tomb of high steward of Amun, Amen-em-ope, no. 41[330]; Statue of Amen-em-ope, from Armant[331]; Theban tomb of high steward of Amun, Thutmose, no. 32[332]; Limestone statue-group of Thutmose, Cairo CGC. 549[333]; Funerary cone of Thutmose[334]



Imy-r pr wr n WAst

High steward of Thebes

Theban tomb of the high steward, Neb-su-menu, no. 183[335]

122 -

imy-r pr wr n Wsir

High steward of Osiris

Stela of Nebwau, from Abydos, Cairo 34017[336]



Imy-r pr wr n Prw-nfr

High steward of Peru-nefer

Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[337]



Imy-r pr wr n mwt nsw

High steward of the royal mother

Stela of Kares, now in Cairo[338]


imy-r pr wr n Mn-nfr

High steward of Memphis

Tomb-chapel of son of Say, Saqqara[339]



Imy-r pr wr n niwt

High steward of the city

Stela of the viceroy, Setau, from Wadi el-Sbua, Cairo 41396[340]

127- var.

Imy-r pr wr n nb tAwy

High steward of the lord of the two lands

Tomb chapel of Nefer-sekhru, Zawiyet el-Maitin[341]; Tomb of the high steward, Kha-em-waset, in Heliopolis[342]; Colum-drum of the royal butler, Set-her-wen-em-ef, from Saqqara[343]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Neb-su-menu, no. 183[344]; Fragments from tomb-chapel of high steward of the Ramesseum, Her-em-hab, Saqqara[345]; Stela of of the high steward, Ur-khya, Louvre E. 3143[346]; Statue of the high steward of the Ramesseum, Nedjem, from Memphis, Cairo 1220[347]



Imy-r pr wr n nb tAwy m niwt rsyt

High steward of the lord of the two lands in Thebes

Theban tomb of the high steward, Neb-su-menu, no. 183[348]


var. ;

imy-r pr wr n nsw

High steward of the king

Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[349]; Statue of the high steward, Maai-nakht-ef, from Medamud[350]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[351]; Statue of Senmut, Cairo 579[352] Ushabti of Ken-amun, from Zawiyet Abu Mesallam[353]; Stela of Maai-nakht-ef, from Medamud[354]; Statue of the royal high steward, Mery-re[355]; Palette of the high steward, Mery-re, BM. no. 5512[356]; Stela of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, from Karnak[357] Statuette of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, from the “Cachette” in Karnak, Cairo 42128[358]; Statue of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, Louvre A 51[359]; Statue of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, BM. no. 421 (503)[360]; Statue of the viceroy, Suti, Copenhagen, Glyptothek Ny Carlsberg, AEIN 584[361]



imy-r pr wr n nsw m Inb-@D

High steward of the king in White-wall [362]

Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[363]



imy-r pr wr n nsw m Pr-nfrw

High steward of the king in Peru-nefer

Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[364]


Imy-r pr wr n Hmt-nTr

High steward of the god's wife

Chapel of the high steward, Senmut, at Silsila[365]


imy-r pr wr n #nsw

High steward of Khonsu

Stela of the high priest of Osiris, Thutmose, Louvre E. 17227[366]




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