Overseer of the ships in the temple of Amun 

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Overseer of the ships in the temple of Amun

Theban tomb of the orverseer of ships, Ipy, now is lost[172].



imy-r a Haw n Imn n tA Hwt nb tAwy Mn-xprw-ra

Overseer of the ships of Amun in the temple of the lord of the two lands, Men-khepru-re

Theban tomb of Ipy, now is lost[173]


imy-r a Haw nb(w) n nsw

Overseer of all royal ships.

Theban tomb of the steward of the royal wife, Neb-amun, no. 24[174].




imy-r a Haw n pr Imn

Overseer of the ships of the house of Amun

Pap. Amiens 2,4[175].




imy-r a Haw n nsw

Overseer of the royal ships

Theban tomb of the steward, Neb-amun, no. 24[176]; Theban tomb of the royal butler, Su-em-niut, no. 92[177].



76 -

Imy-r aHaw nsw

Overseer of the royal ships

Theban tomb of the butler, Su-em-niut, no. 92[178]; Funerary cones of Su-em-niut[179].

77 - var.

imy-r a Hwt n Imn

Overseer of the farm-lands of Amun

Statue of the high steward, Senmut, Berlin 2296[180]; Statue of Senmut, from the Temple of Mut at Karnak[181]; Stela of Neb-amun, Cairo Museum CGC. 34107[182]


78 - var.

imy-r a Hwt nt Imn

Overseer of the farm-lands of Amun

Theban tomb of the chief-treasurer, Sen-neferi, no. 99[183]



79 - ; ;

imy-r aXnwty


Chapel of the high steward, Senmut, at Silsila[184]; Statue of the chamberlain, Nakht-hotep, Cairo 953[185]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[186]; Theban tomb no. 62[187]; Statue of Meryet, from the temple of Mut from Karnak, Cairo 916[188]; Seal of Senmut, Berlin 1514.1605[189]; Statue of Senmut, Berlin 2296[190]; Wine-Jar sealing, from Malkata, nos. 35; 215[191]; Ostracon Mosco 4478 (I.16328)[192]; Theban tomb of chamberlain, Amun-em-waskhet, no. 62[193]; Statue of Sen-nefer, Cairo 556[194]



80 -

Imy-r at nt xt nt Imn

Overseer of the orchard of Amun

Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[195]


81 -

imy-r wabw

Overseer of Wab -priests

Double statue of Iuny, from Deir Durunka, Asyut[196]; Kneeling statue of Iuny[197]



82 -

imy-r wab n BAst

Overseer of Wab -priest of Bubastis

Doorway from Qantir[198]; Stela of the Wab -priest, Heri, from Qantir[199]


83 -

Imy-r warwt mHtt

Overseer of the northern districts

Theban tomb of the steward of the great queen, Kheru-ef, no.192[200]

84 -

Imy-r ww wr n StX

Great overseer of the districts of Seth

Graffiti of the troop-commander of Kush, Bak-en-seth, south of temple, Buhen[201]



imy-r wrHw [202]

Overseer of anointers

Pap. Anast. IV 3,8.[203]


86 -

imy-r wtw

Overseer of embalmers (bandagers).

Tomb-chapel of son of Say, Saqqara[204]


87 -

imy-r bHs

Overseer of calves

Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[205]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[206]


88 -

Imy-r bHs ity

Overseer of the calves of the Sovereign

Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[207]


89 - var.

Imy-r pr


Statue of the steward, Nefer-renpet[208]; Theban tomb of the steward, Amun-mose, no. 89[209]; Tomb of the overseer of the harem, Mery-re II, at el-Amarna[210]; Tomb of the steward, Ipy, at el-Amarna[211]; Tomb of the steward, Any, at el-Amarna[212]; Wine-Jar sealing, from Malkata, nos. 17, 38, 79; 108, 109; 188; 236; 241 [213]; Statue of Pen-en-hert, from Abydos, Cairo 711[214]; Stela of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, BM. no. 123[215]; Theban tomb of the viceroy, Setau, no. 289[216]; Stela of Setau, BM. 556[217]; Granite Inner Sarcophagus of Huy, from Memphis, Cairo 59128[218]; Seated statue of Ptah-mose, Leiden D. 33[219]; Seated statue of Ptah-mose, Leiden D. 65[220]; Cube-statue of the royal steward, Pa-hery, Brussels E. 8063[221]’ Stela of the high steward, Ur-Khya, Lyon no. 84[222]; Stela of Ur-khya, Louvre E. 3143[223]; Block statue of the high steward, Yupa, Cairo 567[224]; Statue of the high steward, Yupa, Cairo 1062[225]; Statue of Yupa, Berlin 24022[226]; Inner sarcophagus-lid of Yupa, Brussels E. 5189[227]; Statuette of the mayor of Heliopolis, Amen-em-wia[228]; Block-statue of the high priest of Onuris, Sa-ise, Cairo 45392[229]


90 -

Imy-r pr Imn

Steward of Amun

Statue of the viceroy of Kush, Went-awat, Cairo CGC. 42158[230]


91 -

Imy-r pr Itm

Steward of Atum

Stela of the chief goldsmith, Panehsy, Cambridge, Fitzaillisn Mus. E. 195.1899[231]


92 -

imy-r pr.wy nbw

Overseer of double treasury of gold

Stela of Bener-merut, in Louvre[232]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[233]; Ushabti of Ken-amun, from Zawiyet Abu Mesallam[234].


93 - var.

imy-r pr.wy nbw imy-r pr.wy HD

Overseer of the double treasury of gold and overseer of the two houses of silver

Theban tomb of the high priest of amun, Men-kheper-sneb, no. 86[235]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Rekh-mi-re, no. 100[236]; Statue of Bener-merut, Cairo 42171[237]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[238]; Statue of the royal high steward, Mery-re[239]


94 -

imy-r prwy n HD

Overseer of the double treasury of silver

Statue of the overseer of the treasury, Panehsy, BM. 1377[240]



i my-r pr.wy n HD nbw


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