Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-С) to complete the sentences (1-5). 

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Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-С) to complete the sentences (1-5).


Born on March 19th, 1955, on a military base in Germany, Bruce Willis has always had a strong personality and a gift for acting.

He was a very energetic teenager and became active in various drama clubs. His first leading role was in the very successful TV series ‘Moonlighting’ and his first great success was ‘Blind Date’, ‘Die Hard’, ‘Hudson Hawk’, ‘Armageddon’ and a number of other unforgettable Hollywood hits followed.

Bruce Willis is of medium-height and well-built. What makes him so attractive is his smile and his laughing eyes. He looks great in expensive suits, but he prefers casual clothes.

Of course he is not only well-known for being good looking. He is a talented actor with a complicated personality. He’s also a very sociable and outgoing person. His life and Career have shown that, with determination and a strong will, you can succeed m whatever you choose to do.

Bruce Willis was married to a film star Demi Moore, with whom he has three beautiful daughters. Unfortunately, his married life was not as successful as his career. That’s why he got divorced. Of course he loves his children and tries to spend as much time as possible with them, although he sometimes feels he doesn’t see them enough.

Bruce Willis is indeed a unique personality, whose character has many sides. One thing is for sure his talent arid fame will continue to shine for many years to come.

(239 words)


1. In his teens, Bruce Willis...

A wasn’t very active.

В decided to join drama clubs.

С watched a lot of TV series.


2. People find Bruce Willis attractive because...

A he is well-built.

В he is famous and talented.

С of his facial features.


3. Bruce Willis is famous for...

A his talent and personality.

В his beautiful wife.

С his attractive appearance.


4. Тhе article tells us that Bruce Willis has a complicated personality because.,.

A he’s rich and famous.

В he’ s very talented, strong-willed and successful.

С he loves going to parties with his friends.


5. The article tells us that Bruce Willis...

A is a very interesting and talented actor.

В is only interested in money and fame.

С doesn’t have a very successful career.



Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If you ____________________________ (not / put up) this shelf, you won’t have any­where to put your books.

2. If he______________(change) jobs, he would be more happier.

3. If I were you, I________________ (tell) her how you feel.

4. If you continue to shout so loudly, you _______________ (wake up) the baby.

5. Even if he______________ (ask) them. they wouldn’t have agreed to come.

6. If you’re patient for a few minutes, I __________(be able) to finish this.

7. If she___________ (not/threaten) him, he wouldn’t have left.


3.A cookery magazine is running a competition to find the best recipe. Write your recipe, explaining how to make your favourite dish (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• name of a dish;

• ingredients;

• preparation in chronological order.




Read the text and answer the questions.


When people wanted to find their way to a place in the past, they used to buy a map. They don’t have to do that any more. Now they can either buy a GPS or go online and find maps.

Is this an improvement? Perhaps, but some people think some of the online companies are going too far, because they have been sending out cars with photographic equipment on their roofs, to photograph every street and house in the country.

One o f these cars arrived on a Wednesday morning in the quiet English village of Broughton. The camera was on a meter-high pole on top of the car and could see over walls and into people’s gardens. Some o f the villagers came and stood around the car, and asked the driver and photographer to go away. Journalists quickly arrived on the scene, and soon the event was news all over the country.

Of course, the online company claims that it is simply collecting information that people on the Internet want. But Broughton residents feel differently.

‘We used to have privacy in this country — now companies just come and take photographs of our homes without even asking,’ said one resident. ‘It’s not right. We mustn’t let this happen. We mustn’t lose our right to live privately.’

There is, of course, no law to prevent people from taking photographs of houses, so the residents cannot go to court. But many people are asking the question: ‘OK, it’s legal, but is it right?’ This is a question that won’t go away very...


1. What did people do in the past to find their way to places?


2. What do people do now to find their way to places?


3.Why do some people think online companies are going too far?



4. What did the villagers of Broughton want the driver and photographer to do?



5. Who else appeared in the village?



6. Was one resident of Broughton not happy about the photographs?





Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative forms.

1. There is _____________ ' (much) traffic in a city than in a village.

2. This car is.. ______________ (expensive) than last year’s model.

3. My younger brother is _(tall) than I am.

4. David is • ______ (talented) player in the team.

5. Your essay on French history was ______ (good) than mine.

6. The Mona Lisa is one of ____________________ (famous) paintings in

the world.

7. Sally’s restaurant has become. ___________ (successful) than Chez Louis.


Your friend has caught a cold. Give him/her advice how to get well as soon as possible (35-45

words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• see a doctor;

• take some pills and have a rest;

• suggest your help.




Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-D) to complete the sentences (1 -4).

A few years ago the company I was working for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I’ve always loved jogging, so I was really happy when I found out the apartment they had rented for us was next to Central Park. This meant that every morning I could go for a run before I went to work.

Because a lot of people had told me to be careful o f muggers in the park, I didn’t usually take anything with me. How could they rob me if I didn’t have anything? But this one morning my wife asked me to bay some bread on the way home so I put a $10 note in my back pocket.

While I was running through the park, another jogger bumped into me. He apologised and continued running. I thought it was a bit strange so I checked my pocket and found that the money was missing. I immediately started to run after the other jogger. I finally caught up and grabbed him by his arm. I started shouting and demanding that he gave me the $10. I’m not usually a hot-headed person but I really lost my temper. This seemed to frighten him and he quickly put his hand in his pocket and gave me the money then he ran away as fast as he could.

I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got there I began to tell my wife my story. ‘You won’t believe what happened to me.’ I started. She immediately interrupted. ‘I know you left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.’

(274 words)

1. The author of the story was really happy...

A to have the apartment in New York.

B to jog every morning in the park.

C to live in rented apartment.

D to move to New York.


2. On that morning the man...

A was careful of muggers in the park.

B didn’t take anything with him.

C took a $10 note in a pocket.

D forgot to buy some bread.


3.The man was robbed in Central Park by...

A the other jogger,

B the local mugger.

C his wife.

D nobody.


4.Story tells us that the man was...

A sportsman.

B hot-headed person.

C a helpful l person.

D a rude person.


Fill in with a, an, the or—.

1. This is ____________ very boring book. I don’t want to read it.

2. _________film was very exciting — I enjoyed it.

3. Tom is ________teacher at school I used to go.

4. Do you know _______answer to this question?

5. I watched____________ interesting programme on ____________ TV last night.

6. __________bakery is closed every Saturday afternoon.

7. Simon hasn’t got job at _____moment, but he’s going for _____ interview next week.

3.You teacher has announced a short story competition. The story must end with the sentence 'It was the trip I would always remember'. Write your story (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• when and where you went on a trip;

• who you went with;

• what impressed you most during the trip.






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