Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the passive. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the passive.



Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-C) to complete the sentences (1 -4).



Only humans speak using words. But all species in the animal kingdom can communicate in one way or another. Maybe you have heard about the way bees dance around to send messages to each other and the way dogs bark in different ways to give warnings, to be friendly or to be playful.

But did you know about infrasonic communication used by elephants? This is how it works.

Humans hear low sounds like the bass notes in music or thunder rumbling in the sky. But we don’t hear sounds lower than these. However, animals such as elephants and hippos can hear much lower sounds than humans can. And what’s more, they can make sounds in that range as well, and they use them to communicate with each other. This is known as infrasound.

Another amazing thing about infrasound is that it travels over several kilometers. Sounds which have a higher pitch, like the ones people can hear, don’t travel well through walls, leaves, trees, and so on, which is why we can’t hear sounds from more than 100 meters away. But infra­sound is much ‘stronger’, and things like grass and trees have no effect on it. Therefore it can travel much further. Elephants can hear infrasonic calls from four kilometers away!

In places like a zoo or wildlife park where you can get nearer to animals, it is a bit easier to sense when infrasonic sounds are made. When you stand near mother elephants with their babies in a zoo you may notice a slight rumbling in the air every few minutes — not loud or strong, but clearly noticeable. This is infrasonic communication — the mother elephants ‘talking” to their babies!




1. The writer mentions bees and dog…

A because they want to learn how they communicate.

B as examples of animal communication,

Ç because they use infrasonic communication.


2. Humans can hear...

A lower sounds than elephants can.

B sounds that travel long distances.

C sounds with higher pitch.


3. Things like trees...

A cause problems for low sounds.

B cause problems for high sounds.

C don’t affect sounds at all.


4. In places like zoos...

A humans can sense when infrasonic sounds are being made.

B elephants don’t need to make infrasonic sounds.

C it is easier than in wildlife parks to sense when elephants use infrasonic sounds.




Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the passive.

1. The house ______________(build) last year by my father.

2. The floor in my room __________ (clean) already.

3. All the food _______ (eat) by the time I got there.

4. The house ____(decorate) this week.

5. The town (visit) by the King next month.

6. The letters (open) every morning in the office.

7. The car was three years old, but (not/u se) very much.


3. Your teacher has asked you to write a short description of your best friend (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• what your friend looks like;

• what your friend is like;

• if the proverb 'A friend in need is a friend indeed' is about your friend.




Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-С) to complete the sentences (1-5).


Born on March 19th, 1955, on a military base in Germany, Bruce Willis has always had a strong personality and a gift for acting.

He was a very energetic teenager and became active in various drama clubs. His first leading role was in the very successful TV series ‘Moonlighting’ and his first great success was ‘Blind Date’, ‘Die Hard’, ‘Hudson Hawk’, ‘Armageddon’ and a number of other unforgettable Hollywood hits followed.

Bruce Willis is of medium-height and well-built. What makes him so attractive is his smile and his laughing eyes. He looks great in expensive suits, but he prefers casual clothes.

Of course he is not only well-known for being good looking. He is a talented actor with a complicated personality. He’s also a very sociable and outgoing person. His life and Career have shown that, with determination and a strong will, you can succeed m whatever you choose to do.

Bruce Willis was married to a film star Demi Moore, with whom he has three beautiful daughters. Unfortunately, his married life was not as successful as his career. That’s why he got divorced. Of course he loves his children and tries to spend as much time as possible with them, although he sometimes feels he doesn’t see them enough.

Bruce Willis is indeed a unique personality, whose character has many sides. One thing is for sure his talent arid fame will continue to shine for many years to come.

(239 words)


1. In his teens, Bruce Willis...

A wasn’t very active.

В decided to join drama clubs.

С watched a lot of TV series.


2. People find Bruce Willis attractive because...

A he is well-built.

В he is famous and talented.

С of his facial features.


3. Bruce Willis is famous for...

A his talent and personality.

В his beautiful wife.

С his attractive appearance.


4. Тhе article tells us that Bruce Willis has a complicated personality because.,.

A he’s rich and famous.

В he’ s very talented, strong-willed and successful.

С he loves going to parties with his friends.


5. The article tells us that Bruce Willis...

A is a very interesting and talented actor.

В is only interested in money and fame.

С doesn’t have a very successful career.



Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If you ____________________________ (not / put up) this shelf, you won’t have any­where to put your books.

2. If he______________(change) jobs, he would be more happier.

3. If I were you, I________________ (tell) her how you feel.

4. If you continue to shout so loudly, you _______________ (wake up) the baby.

5. Even if he______________ (ask) them. they wouldn’t have agreed to come.

6. If you’re patient for a few minutes, I __________(be able) to finish this.

7. If she___________ (not/threaten) him, he wouldn’t have left.


3.A cookery magazine is running a competition to find the best recipe. Write your recipe, explaining how to make your favourite dish (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• name of a dish;

• ingredients;

• preparation in chronological order.




Read the text and answer the questions.


When people wanted to find their way to a place in the past, they used to buy a map. They don’t have to do that any more. Now they can either buy a GPS or go online and find maps.

Is this an improvement? Perhaps, but some people think some of the online companies are going too far, because they have been sending out cars with photographic equipment on their roofs, to photograph every street and house in the country.

One o f these cars arrived on a Wednesday morning in the quiet English village of Broughton. The camera was on a meter-high pole on top of the car and could see over walls and into people’s gardens. Some o f the villagers came and stood around the car, and asked the driver and photographer to go away. Journalists quickly arrived on the scene, and soon the event was news all over the country.

Of course, the online company claims that it is simply collecting information that people on the Internet want. But Broughton residents feel differently.

‘We used to have privacy in this country — now companies just come and take photographs of our homes without even asking,’ said one resident. ‘It’s not right. We mustn’t let this happen. We mustn’t lose our right to live privately.’

There is, of course, no law to prevent people from taking photographs of houses, so the residents cannot go to court. But many people are asking the question: ‘OK, it’s legal, but is it right?’ This is a question that won’t go away very...


1. What did people do in the past to find their way to places?


2. What do people do now to find their way to places?


3.Why do some people think online companies are going too far?



4. What did the villagers of Broughton want the driver and photographer to do?



5. Who else appeared in the village?



6. Was one resident of Broughton not happy about the photographs?





Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative forms.

1. There is _____________ ' (much) traffic in a city than in a village.

2. This car is.. ______________ (expensive) than last year’s model.

3. My younger brother is _(tall) than I am.

4. David is • ______ (talented) player in the team.

5. Your essay on French history was ______ (good) than mine.

6. The Mona Lisa is one of ____________________ (famous) paintings in

the world.

7. Sally’s restaurant has become. ___________ (successful) than Chez Louis.




Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-D) to complete the sentences (1 -4).

A few years ago the company I was working for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I’ve always loved jogging, so I was really happy when I found out the apartment they had rented for us was next to Central Park. This meant that every morning I could go for a run before I went to work.

Because a lot of people had told me to be careful o f muggers in the park, I didn’t usually take anything with me. How could they rob me if I didn’t have anything? But this one morning my wife asked me to bay some bread on the way home so I put a $10 note in my back pocket.

While I was running through the park, another jogger bumped into me. He apologised and continued running. I thought it was a bit strange so I checked my pocket and found that the money was missing. I immediately started to run after the other jogger. I finally caught up and grabbed him by his arm. I started shouting and demanding that he gave me the $10. I’m not usually a hot-headed person but I really lost my temper. This seemed to frighten him and he quickly put his hand in his pocket and gave me the money then he ran away as fast as he could.

I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got there I began to tell my wife my story. ‘You won’t believe what happened to me.’ I started. She immediately interrupted. ‘I know you left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.’

(274 words)

1. The author of the story was really happy...

A to have the apartment in New York.

B to jog every morning in the park.

C to live in rented apartment.

D to move to New York.


2. On that morning the man...

A was careful of muggers in the park.

B didn’t take anything with him.

C took a $10 note in a pocket.

D forgot to buy some bread.


3.The man was robbed in Central Park by...

A the other jogger,

B the local mugger.

C his wife.

D nobody.


4.Story tells us that the man was...

A sportsman.

B hot-headed person.

C a helpful l person.

D a rude person.





1.Choose correct variant.

1.He______really hard this week.

A works B has been working C is working


2. She_________ Steve for years.

A known B is knowing C knows


3. They ________for a new house at the moment.

A look B are looking C have been looking


4. I’m afraid I can’t come to the party because I__________ to a concert on a Friday night

A go B has gone C am going


5. Vicky ________ in Bradford for the last two years.

A is living B has be6n living C has lived


6. James________ about redecorating his flat.

A has been thinking B is thinking C thinks


7. The meeting _______ at 9:30.

A starts B has started С is starting


3.You have decided to organize a surprise party for your sister. Write a letter to your friend inviting him / her for the party (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• details about the party theme;

• place and time;

• directions on how to get there.










Mark the correct variant.


1. Don’t take that money from the table. It’s______

A me B mine C my

2. Dora is crying. She has cut ____________

A she B her C herself

3. Is that _______ book?

A your B yours C you

4. That’s my pencil. Please give it to ___________

A I B me C my

5. I can’t find the newspaper. Where did you put _________?

A itself B its C it

6. Enjoy _______ at the party, Beth. Have a good time!

A yourself B you C your

7. I look at ________ in the mirror every morning.

A mine B myself C me








Mark the correct variant.

1. John is a boy______studies hard every day.

A when B which C who

2. This is the bicycle_________ I used to ride to school on.

A whom B whose C which

3. I remember the time________ I fell and broke my arm.

A where B when C which

4. The reason_________ he is happy is that he has just passed his exams.

A why B which C when;

5. That’s the woman __________ best friend is a film star.

A whose B who’s C which

6. The woman ___________ lives in that house is very rich.

A which B who C where

7. The book __________ I borrowed from the library is very interesting.

A that B whose C who’s


Your cousin had invited you to go on a skiing holiday with him/her which you enjoyed very much. Write an email to him / her (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

thank him/her for the holiday;

say what you liked best;

suggest another holiday that you could spend together in the future.




II Writing.


Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-D) to answer the questions (1-4).




Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. ‘They are working in the garden,’ he said.


2. ‘What have you done today?’ mother asked.


3. ‘We got married six months ago,’ she said to us.


4. She asked ‘Can you play the piano?’


5. ‘I’ll go shopping tomorrow,’ he said.


6. ‘Have you seen my blue jacket anywhere?’ she asked.


7. ‘I bought a new car last week,’ he said.



You have found the advertisement of a summer job in a local newspaper. Write a letter of application (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• why it is important for you to get this job;

• personal information;

• your work experience.






Mark the correct variant.

1. In the film, Mark Williams _______ a private detective living in Tokyo.

A plays B has been playing C is playing


2. Have you finished painting the living room_______?

A ago B just C yet


3. Nick ________about buying a new car for ages.

A thinks B has been thinking C is thinking


4. The sun ________ in the west.

A is setting B sets C has been setting


5. The kettle has just boiled. ________ us all a cup o f tea, please?

A W ill you make B Do you make C Are you making


6. I love walking past that bakery. It always __________ wonderful.

A smells B is smelling C has smelled




Your English pen-friend has asked you about shopping in your city/town. Write her/him an email about your recent shopping (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• where you went and with whom;

• what you saw and bought;

• what you want to buy the next time.





Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-C) to complete the sentences (1-6).



Imagine a world with no drinking water, and no water to wash or cook with. It’s hard to imagine this, because we use water every day without even thinking about it. Yet there are terrible water shortages all over the world. In parts of Africa and China, for example, many people don’t even have clean water to drink. In fact, over half of the people in the world have to live with water shortages every day. We all need water — not just for our homes and factories, but to survive. Fortunately, there are things that we can all do to save water.

The solution begins at home. We can save the water from our baths and use it for the garden, instead of wasting hundreds of litres of clean water on our lawns and plants. This would help to Save many litres o f Water everyday, especially in summer.

Governments can help by passing laws to stop factories from wasting and polluting water. If factories recycled water and stopped pouring chemicals into our lakes and rivers, there would be a lot clean water around.

Governments could also stop water companies from wasting millions of litres of water because leaking pipes. Many cities have successfully saved water by repairing pipes.

All in all, there are many things we can do to save our planet’s disappearing water supplies. The time has come to start understanding the value of water, before a world without clean water becomes a terrible reality.

(249 words)



1. The writer says that in many parts of the world people...

A …don’t have water at all.

B …don’t have any clean water.

C… have too much water.


2. The word ‘shortage’ means...

A …big supply of something.

B …lack of something.

C …enough amount of something.


3. The writer suggests that we should...

A use more water at home.

B stop using water at home.

C stop using so much water at home.


4. There would be more clean water around if factories....

A produced more water.

B used the same water several times.

C only used water from rivers and lakes.


5. Water companies can help…

A by fixing pipes.

B by giving us more water.

G by making people pay a lot more.







Mark the correct variant.

1. _________ I have a glass of water?

A Shall B May C Can


2. She _______ speak four languages fluently.

A can B is able to C have to


3.________ we go and see Andrea tonight?

A May B Must C Shall


4. We ______ be home before midnight.

A ought B should C must


5. You _______ buy a present.

A mustn’ t B shouldn’ t C needn’t


6. ________ you like me to make the arrangements?

A Could B Would C W ill

7. He ________have at least phoned me last night.

A could B would C should



You are on holiday with your family. Write a postcard to your friend (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• where you are and with whom;

• what you are doing there;

• what you are planning to do. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-5).

All around the world, millions of people work in the clothing industry. Famous designers and models make a lot of money. Other people don’t make much money, especially the workers in factories.

All designers are good at drawing. Many are good at sewing, too. Designers know about different fabrics and colours. Everything begins with the designer. The designer has an idea for a piece of clothing and draws a design on paper or on a computer. The designer chooses the best fabric for the piece of clothing and puts it with the design.

Buyers work for big department stores or for supermarket chains. They choose clothes for their stores. They tell the factory how many clothes they need. Big stores buy thousands of clothes every year. They usually want a summer collection and a winter collection. Before one winter ends, the buyer chooses the clothes for the next winter.

Factory workers use a sewing machine all day. They work fast, putting the pieces of fabric together, sewing zippers and adding buttons. Do you think this is an interesting job? Maybe not, the clothing industry pays money to thousands of factory workers and it helps their families live. The clothing industry is an important part of the world economy.

Sales clerks work in the store and help people to choose clothes. Sometimes, customers want to try on lots of different clothes, so sales clerks must be patient.

(238 words)


1. Everything in clothing industry begins with...

A the buyer. B the sales clerk.

C the factory worker. D the designer.


2. Many designers are good at drawing and...

A selling clothes. B sawing clothes.

C buying clothes. D wearing clothes.


3. Buyers choose clothes for...

A factory workers. B big department stores.

C small shops. D models.


4. The work on factory is not...

A hard. B boring.

C interesting. D important.


5. Sales clerks usually....

A help people to choose clothes.

B put the pieces of fabric together.

C draw the design of clothes.

D buy thousands of clothes every year.







Fill in with a, an or the.

1.__________amazing thing happened to me the other day — I won ________lottery!

2._________ man who lives next-door to me is _____ vet. He’s _________really nice man.

3. My father is doctor and he works at ________ hospital which is near our house.

4.Don’t forget to lock _______door when you leave.

5. Terry sold his old bicycle so that he could buy ________ new one.

6. I found ________old coin on _______beach the other day.

7. Mr. Willis is _______ only person I know in this area.

Your friend has moved to another town. Write an email to him/her (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• apologise for not writing sooner;

• tell the news about yourself;

• ask questions about him/ her.







Rewrite the sentences in the passive.


1. Someone left the front door open.


2. An explorer has found a dinosaur egg.


3. The boss gave the secretary some letters to type.


4. Lisa is sending Tim an invitation card.


5. Sonia is going to lend me some money.


6. Jack will show me the new car.


7. The doctor had already told him to go on a diet.




You want to borrow your friend's CD. Write an email to him / her (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• explain why you need to borrow the CD;

• say how long you will need it;

• tell your friend when you will return it.




Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-D) to complete the sentences (1 -4).


Most people have heard of the Nobel Prize but do you know where the name comes from? The prize is named after Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist who invented dynamite.

Nobel was born in 1833 in Stockholm and studied in St Petersburg, Russia and in the United States of America. When he returned home he worked in his father’s factory developing weapons and explosives. In 1864 Alfred’s younger brother and four other people were killed in an explosion in the factory. After this Alfred dedicated his life to developing safer explosives. Three years later he made dynamite which was much more stable than any other explosive at that time. Nobel also invented several other types o f explosives and he became very rich, owning factories all over the world. Nobel was worried about some of the uses o f his inventions and he spent a lot of time and money trying to promote world peace. He was also very interested in science and literature and when he died in 1896 he wanted his money to be used to set up the Nobel Prize.

Each year this great honour is awarded to someone who has made a major contribution to World Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Economics and Literature.



1. Alfred Nobel...

A …lived all his life in Russia and the USA.

B…had family in St Petersburg.

C …travelled abroad to study.

D …was a Russian scientist.


2. Nobel...

A …worked in the family business after he finished his studies.

B… was responsible for his brother’s death.

C… decided to return to Sweden after an explosion in the factory.

D …didn’t like his job very much.


3. Nobel...

A …invented the most dangerous explosives of his time.

B …didn’t earn much money from his inventions.

C… was only interested in becoming rich.

D …was anxious about how his work could be used by some people.


4. The Nobel Prize...

A …is only given to people who contribute to world peace.

B …is not only awarded to scientists.

C …made Alfred Nobel wealthy.

D …was not Alfred Nobel’s idea.








Mark the correct variant.

1. Athens is the city _________ the first modern Olympic Games took place,

A where B which C that


2. 1966 was the year______________ England won the football World Cup.

A when B which C where


3. An airship is an aircraft ______________looks like a big balloon.

A who B which C why


4. The Titanic hit an iceberg. That’s ____________it sank.

A where B why C which


5. 1492 was the year _____________ Columbus discovered America.

A which B where C when


6. Edison was the man __________________invented the light bulb.

A when B which C who


7. Guy Fawkes was a man__________ tried to blow up the English Houses o f Parliament.

A who B which C whose


8. The rabbit is an animal ______________only eats plants and vegetables.

A who B whose C that


You have found a wallet in the school canteen. Write a notice (35-45 words) Use thé plan below and your own ideas:

• describe the wallet;

• when and where you found it;

• give your contact details.






Complete the tag-questions.

1. A: Mike bought you these flowers,_______?

B: Yes, he did. They’re nice,_____________?

2. A: You’re going on holiday soon,_________?

B: Yes, I am. You’ve been to Italy before,__________?

A: Yes. It was great. You’ll send me a postcard,___________?

B; Of course!

3. A: Your sister has got a dog, _________?

B: Yes, she has. You don’t want a puppy. ___________?

A: Well, actually I do. You haven’t got any,_________?

B: Yes, you can have one if you want.____________?


You have just seen a new film. Write an email to your friend about it (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• what kind of film it is;

• its short description;

• if you enjoyed watching it.









Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-6).



A pale, yellow moon was rising as I was walking home from my friend’s house. We had spent the evening babysitting her younger sister and had watched two really frightening horror film s on TV.

Imagine my shock when, suddenly, from the distance I heard a loud cry and saw a strange white form flying towards me at top speed through the air, My mouth opened but no sound came out. The terror I felt stopped me from screaming for help. I fell to the ground to escape as I was certain it was a ghost. I kept my eyes tightly shut, in case I would end up staring into the eyes of a terrible monster.

After a couple of minutes, when I realized that I hadn’t been hurt, I carefully opened my eyes and looked around. It was then that I heard the hooting coming from a nearby tree. I looked up and saw a large, white owl sitting on a branch, watching me with what seemed to be a puzzled expression on its face.

I could have kicked myself for being so stupid. It’s strange how the mind can play tricks on you. I promised myself that that was the last time I would go wandering around late at night after watching horror films!



1. The writer spent the evening...

A …babysitting her sister.

B …babysitting her sister’s child.

C …babysitting her friend’s sister.

D …babysitting her friend’s child.


2. On the way home, the writer...

A heard a noise and saw something strange.

B saw something strange.

C heard something strange.

D felt something strange.


3. When the writer saw the ‘ghost’...

A she ran away.

B she screamed for help.

C she couldn’t scream for help.

D she knew it wasn’t real.


4. The ‘ghost’...

A hurt the writer.

B puzzled the writer.

C took the writer away.

D scared the writer.

5. The writer had seen...

A. a ghost.

B an animal.

C a car.

D a man.


6. At the end o f the story, the writer felt...

A frightened.

B strange.

C excited.

D silly.


Fill in with a or the.

A: Have you made all (1)______ arrangements for our holiday yet?

B: Yes, I think so. I’ve booked (2)__________flight to Paris.

A: Did you find (3) ______good hotel?

B: Well, it isn’t (4)__________ luxurious hotel, but it’s near (5) ______ centre of (6)_______city

A: Good. I’ll pack (7) ______ suitcases tomorrow night.

B: I’ll book (8)________ taxi to take us to (9)_______________ airport.

A: Good idea. I think we’re going to have (10)________ very good holiday.


You have just received an invitation to the birthday party from your friend. Write a card to him / her (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• thank your friend for the invitation;

• ask about some details of the party;

• ask about the dress code.





Mark the correct variant.

1. How many children _________there in your crass?

A is B are C was D were


2. There __________ a pair of socks under the bed.

A is B are C was D were


3. The police__________ looking for the criminal at the moment.

A is B are C was D were


4. I want to cut some paper. Where_________ the scissors?

A is B are C was D were


5. The information you gave me _________very helpful.

A is B are C was D were


8. There___________ a lot of people at the cinema last night.

A is B are C was D were


7. His shoes _________too small. He needs a new pair.

A is B are C was D were


8. My parents____________ walking the dog now.

A is B are C was D were


You are going to be late. Write a message to your parents (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

• apologise;

• explain the reason of your delay;

• state the time of your return.


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