Работа впарах. Выберите одну из ситуаций из упражнения 8 и разыграйте свой диалог в аудитории. 

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Работа впарах. Выберите одну из ситуаций из упражнения 8 и разыграйте свой диалог в аудитории.



10. Прочитайте телефонные разговоры. Можно ли назвать их примерами эффективного делового общения? Почему вы так считаете?


A Good morning, Hilton Hotel. Can I help you? B Yes, please… er… just a moment. A Hello? Are you still here? B Yes, sorry…em… A How can I help you? B Oh, yes, can I speak to, er, to, er …Sylvia Parker, please? A Certainly, Sir. May I ask who is calling? B Sorry? A Can I have you name, please? B Oh, yes, it’s John Powell, from Super Dent company. A Can I ask the purpose of your call, Mr. Powell? B Oh…em… I want to confirm the reservation for the conference. A Thank you, Mr. Powell. Putting you through now. A Good morning, Hilton Hotel. Can I help you? B Yes, this is John Powell, from Super Dent company. Could I speak to Sylvia Parker, please? A Certainly, can I ask the purpose of your call, Mr. Powell? B I’d like to confirm the reservation for the next week’s conference. A Thank you, Mr. Powell. Putting you through now.  


11. Измените диалог таким образом, чтобы он стал примером эффективного делового общения.


A Hello?

B Hello.

A Hello. Is that Electronics Ltd?

B That’s right.

A Can I have a Customer Service Department, please?

B Yes.

A Sorry?

B This is the Customer Service.

A Oh, right. I’d like to speak to Mark Spell, please.

B Yes.

A Sorry?

B That’s me.

A Well, why didn’t you say so?

B Can I help you?

A Yes, I hope so. I’m calling about a defective product I bought yesterday in your shop.



Вежливость, как известно, является неотъемлемой частью любого делового общения. Чтобы овладеть навыками эффективного делового общения, необходимо освоить некоторые формулы общения для вежливого оформления просьбы или приказа: Could you, please…? – Не могли бы вы… Would you do me a favour and …? – Не могли бы вы оказать мне услугу и … Would you mind … ing? – Вы не будете возражать против … I’d really appreciate it if you did it for me. – Мне было бы приятно, если бы вы сделали это для меня. It’d be a great help if you could …. – Вы бы мне очень помогли, если бы могли … Для вежливого оформления вопроса или для уточнения информации при деловом общения часто используется косвенный вопрос. Do you know …? Could you tell me …? I’d like to know … I wonder … При построении косвенного вопроса необходимо помнить, что порядок слов во второй части вопроса прямой, в отличии от общих и специальных вопросов. Сравните: How much does it cost? (специальный вопрос) – I’d like to know how much it costs. (косвенный вопрос) Will he be at the office in the afternoon? (общий вопрос)– Do you know if he will be at the office in the afternoon? (косвенный вопрос)


Используя формулы вежливости, измените высказывания.


  1. Get it done by Friday.
  2. Mail it to my home address.
  3. Tell her to come to see me.
  4. Wait a minute.
  5. Tell him I called.
  6. Inform him about the delay.
  7. Attend the meeting.
  8. You will work overtime next week.


13. Прочитайте и переведите диалог, обращая внимание на косвенные вопросы.


A: “InterAir”. Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I’d like some information about a flight arriving from Munich.

A: Yes. Do you know what the flight number is?

B: The flight number? I’m not sure. I know it leaves Munich at 6:30 p.m.

A: Oh, yes, it’s IA 745.

B: Yes, that’s it. Could you tell me what time it arrives?

A: Certainly, Sir. The arrival time is 8:25 p.m.

B: 8:25 p.m. Do you know if there is any delay?

A: No, the flight is on time.

B: Right, thank you very much

A: You’re welcome. Goodbye.

B: Goodbye.


14. Переделайте общие и специальные вопросы в косвенные, обращая внимание на порядок слов.


  1. What time does the flight leave?
  2. What terminal does it leave from?
  3. How long is the meeting with Mr. Hales?
  4. Which car hire company is it?
  5. Which models do they have available?
  6. Do I need an international driving license?
  7. Where are we staying?
  8. Is it a nice place?
  9. How far is the hotel from the nearest town?
  10. Have they booked a meeting room?


Работа в парах. Прочитайте ситуацию, составьте и разыграйте диалог.


Student A: You are travelling on business in the UK. When you finish there you are going straight to another country for a special conference. You expected to receive the information about this trip from your office, but the hotel’s Internet connection doesn’t work and you don’t have any other access to your email account. Call your office to get the necessary information. Ask the questions in exercise 14. Make a note of all the information.


Student B: You were just about to send this email to your colleague when he/she called you. Answer his/her questions.


To: steve.clayton@megaline.com From: robert.mcmurdo@megaline.com Subject: Annual meeting   Steve, You’re on flight BA 684 at 7:15 p.m. on the 18th of May from London Heathrow Terminal 2. You’ll be met by a taxi which will take you to the factory to meet Mr. Hales. It’s about 40 kilometers from the airport. You have got one hour with Mr. Hales. Then you leave to get to the hotel for the conference. You’ll need to go across the country. AVIS have either a Range Rover or Jeep Grand Cherokee, whichever you prefer. Don’t forget that you’ll need to carry your passport and international driving license all the time. The hotel is the Lodge. It’s in the middle of the forest, twenty miles from the nearest town, and has five stars. All the rooms (including the meeting room) have been booked for the whole week.   Best wishes, Robert




1. Работа в парах. Обсудите вопросы с коллегой по группе.


  1. What types of business correspondence do you know?
  2. What is more popular now: a letter or an email? Why do you think so?
  3. Business letters are often called “snail mail” Can you guess why?
  4. When do you think it is necessary to write a letter instead of email?
  5. What types of letters do you know?


2. Прочитайте текст и проверьте, правильно ли вы ответили на вопросы упражнения 1.



Correspondence on paper has reduced a lot in recent years with the introduction of email. However, formal business letters are still used as they leave a written record which can be kept for reference. Business letters can be written in different situations: to apply for a job, to inquire information, to complain, to request actions, to propose a service, etc. There are the most common types of business letters:

  • Acknowledgement Letter: This type of letter is written when you want to acknowledge someone for their help or support when you were in trouble. The letter can be used to just say thank you for something you have received, which is of great help to you.
  • Apology Letter: An apology letter is written for a failure in delivering the desired results. If the person has taken up a task and he fails to meet the target then he apologizes and asks for an opportunity to improve the situation.
  • Complaint Letter: A complaint letter is written to show that an error has occurred and that it must be corrected as soon as possible. The letter can be used as a document that is used for warning the reader.
  • Inquiry Letter: The letter of inquiry is written to inquire about a product or service. If you have ordered a product and have not received it then you can write a letter to inquire when you can get it.
  • Order Letter: This letter is used for ordering products. This letter can serve as a legal document to show the transaction between the customer and the vendor.
  • Letter of Recommendation: This type of letter is written to recommend a person for a job position. The letter states the positive aspects of the applicant's personality and how he/she would be an asset for the organization. Letter of recommendation is even used for promoting a person inside the organization.

To write a successful business letter you need to use the right tone and to communicate your message to the reader using straightforward language. The way a letter is written reveals a lot about the person who is writing it and it also sends a message about the organization he or she works for. So it’s very important to make sure that the information, layout, style and spelling are all correct before you send it.


When writing a business letter you should follow the standard format. The following components are obligatory for every business letter:

  • Letterhead/address (without a name) of the writer
  • Name and address of the recipient
  • Date
  • Opening statement
  • Subject heading
  • Body of the letter
  • Closing
  • Signature
  • Name and job title of the writer

Language style

Business letters are usually quite formal in style. A conversational style is not appropriate, so you should avoid contractions, emoticons, colloquial words. You should also avoid writing sentences that are too long and that include complicated or unnecessary language. A straightforward letter will get your message across more effectively than a long wordy one. There are certain conventions concerning correct way to address people and to close your letter.


Letters always start with Dear … followed by the correct form of address. If the letter is going to someone whose name you don’t know, it starts with Dear Sir, or Dear Madam, or Dear Sir or Madam. But if you do know the name, then you can begin with Dear Mr/Ms Ingram.


Letters are usually closed in standard ways. At the end of your letter you should include a short sentence like I look forward to hearing from you or Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information. Below that, you should put a closing phrase: Yours sincerely (for formal letters beginning with Dear and the name of the recipient), Yours faithfully (for formal letters beginning with Dear Sir or Madam), Yours truly, Best regard, Best wishes (for less formal letters).


3. Прочитайте пример делового письма и сопоставьте буквы с соответствующими частями делового письма.

  • Body of the letter
  • Signature
  • Address of the writer
  • Name and job title of the writer
  • Closing
  • Date
  • Opening statement
  • Subject heading
  • Name and address of the recipient
  • Signature



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