Подберите соответствующую форму фразового глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык. 

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Подберите соответствующую форму фразового глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. to break down переводится на русский как «сломаться», «перестать работать»,

2. to break up, регулярно употребляемый в разговорной речи фразовый глагол, обозначает «прекращать», «заканчивать», «расходиться», «распадаться».

3. to hang up переводится “повесить трубку”.

4. to calm down переводится на русский язык «успокаивать», «затихнуть».

5 to give up - все значения фразового глагола вращаются вокруг «сдаваться» и «бросать (делать что-либо)».


  1. The police (calmed down, broke up) the fight.
  2. The telephone system has (hung up, broken down).
  3. Look, (give up, calm down)! We’ll find her.
  4. Don’t (give up, break up) without even trying.
  5. Don’t (break down, hang up), I haven’t finished talking to you!
  6. The party (gave up, broke up) when the police arrived.
  7. He (calmed down, broke down) and wept when he heard the news.
  8. After I (hung up, broke up) I remembered what I’d wanted to say.
  9. He took a few deep breaths (to calm down, to give up) himself.
  10. I did want a holiday abroad, but we’ve had to (hang up, give up) the idea.


9. Работа в парах. Соотнесите английские идиомы в левой колонке с объяснениями, данными в правой колонке. Переведите их на русский язык. Составьте мини-диалоги, демонстрирующие значения этих идиоматических выражений в различных ситуациях общения. (Professor – Student. Boss – Employee, Mother – Daughter, Legal Adviser – Client).



1. You reap what you sow. a. You created a big problem
2. Don’t beat about the bush. b.I am miserable now but I know I will be happy
3. Never let your guard down. c. I really need to get rid of my anger
4. A little bird told me. d. You get what you deserve
5. You really opened a can of worms. e. Always pay attention, don’t lose the focus
6. Steam when you heat water. f. Stop wasting my time. You are trying to avoid answering my queries
7. That is not my cup of tea. g. I don’t want to reveal the source of information
8. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. h. It is not my style


Прочитайте текст еще раз и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты следующим русским словам: враждебный, намерение (умысел), привычка, обижать, метафора, терпеливый, знакомый человек, уважение. Найдите эти слова на буквенной карте и составьте с ними предложения. (Слова записаны только по горизонтали и вертикали, в прямом и обратном порядке).


c o p k y t a m u t a m a q c e i
u y u t a s c e r p w h р v j k n
s h i c y a q t e c p a t i e n t
t w l e t a u a b t c b e t s e e
o p p p l a a p i a t i n u t s n
f q v s a n i h r t f t o b o a t
f e c e n q h o s t i l e s b r h
e i i r e w a r s e m a e d l a w
n u t o p d n h e m p f n b n q m
d d i x o s a a d s a o a l b a i
a c q u a i n t a n c e e u p p l
l s e g e с p x j f w e s o c i e


11. Работа в парах. Прочитайте текст и составьте вопросы. Один из студентов составляет общие и альтернативные вопросы, а другой – специальные и разделительные. Задайте вопросы друг другу и ответьте на них.


Promt: General questions (yes-no).

Special questions (Wh-).

Alternative questions (or).

Tag questions (__, is it?).


Culture is a group which shapes a person’s values and identity. Cultural conflicts arise because of the differences in values and norms of behavior of people from different cultures. A person acts according to the values and norms of his or her culture; another person holding a different worldview might interpret his or her behavior from the opposite standpoint. Situation creates misunderstanding and can lead to conflict.

The following case exemplifies how unintentionally one cultural group can hurt the feelings of the other. The city of Kenai, Alaska was planning a celebration of 200 years since the first Russian fur traders came to the region. A Native Indian tribe which lived in Alaska for a thousand years was offended by the implication that before the Russians came to the region there was no civilization there. As a result the celebration turned to a year-long event and Native Indian culture became its basis.

People can prevent cross-cultural conflicts by learning about cultures that they come in contact with.


Воспользуйтесь Интернет- ресурсами и продолжите список стереотипов и стереотипных качеств, которыми наделяют людей, принадлежащих к той или иной национальности. (Список стран может быть продолжен).

National Stereotypes

In heaven, the cops are British, the lovers are French, the food is Italian, the cars are German, and the whole thing is run by the Swiss.

In hell, the cops are German, the lovers are Swiss, the food is British, the cars are French,and the whole thing is run by the Italians.

Traditional joke.

The happiest man on earth lives in a British house, gets an American salary, has a Chinese wife, and eats Japanese food.

The saddest man on earth lives in a Japanese house, gets a Chinese salary, has an American wife, and eats British food.

Another traditional joke.

Britons - ceremoniously polite, address others using personal names, snobbish__________

Americans - like to use slang words, forced smile, chewing gum, large cars _______________


Germans - love details, observe time, highly organized_______________________________

Italians – noisy, gossipy neighbours, enjoy cooking _________________________________

Japanese –extremely polite, intelligent, and obedient but dislike foreigners ________________

Russians –love chess and ballet, open-hearted, hospitable, _____________________________


13. Обсуждение – «Круглый стол». (Round Table Discussion. The way members are seated in relation to each other significantly affects group interaction. Arrangements that bring people closer together and permit direct eye-contact among all members promote group interaction).


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