Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 

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Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice. This text (to translate) at the last lesson.

C) was translated

56. Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: The hostel... near the University.

E) is built

57. Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice Many new houses for farmers... in my village.

E) are being built

58. Choose the verb in Past Perfect Tense By the time the train reached the city, he... friends with many passengers.

E) had made

59. Choose the verb in Past Perfect Tense Kate gave me the book which she... the day before.

C) had bought

60. Choose the verb in Past Perfect Tense It... before we came here.

E) had happened

61. Choose the verb in Present Perfect Tense. He has just... something for us.

E) done

62. Choose the verb in Future Simple Tense She... all the arrangements about it before she flies.

A) will make

Find the right translation of the word: «стрелки часов»

B) The hands

Choose the right translation of the word: «глава»

D) A chapter

Give the Russian variant of the word: wrestling

E) Борьба

Give the Russian variant of the word: to compete in running

E) Соревноваться в беге

Give the Russian variant of the word: a dull novel

E) скучный (не интересный) роман

68. Choose the correct form of the verb: He asked me where I … when I came to London next time.

E) would stay

69. Fill in preposition: A doctor prescribed her a good medicine … the flu.

B) for

70. Choose the correct word to fill in: Water is an important … for growing vegetables

E) source

71. Choose the correct word to fill in: Parents … their children from harm.

C) take

72. Choose the correct word to fill in: I wish to … you from harm.

E) preserve

73. The sun … when I woke up.

E) was shining

74. If I … predict the future I … the richest man.

A) could, would be

75. Cars may … not far from the house.

B) be parked

76. I'm afraid I'm very bad … languages.

B) at learning

77. I'm going out with … friends.

E) some

78. We've worried … your future.

A) about

Choose the word with common meaning

E) Speciality

80. Choose the noun to the verb "cook":

D) Dinner

81. We … to a party on last Saturday.

E) went

82. Jill has been to Ireland…Monday.

C) since

83. A ____________story or film is about events in the future or other worlds.

E) science fiction

84. The film was so violent that I had to ………. I couldn't watch it any longer.

B) turn away

85. I fell asleep in the middle of the film - it was so ……….

A) boring

86. Irrigation …………….

D) channels

87. "Does she often write to you?" asked Nick. Nick asked me ………………….

E) if she often wrote to me.

88. He takes his …… everywhere and records ehat he sees.

C) video recorder

89. Could you get me a …… of bread and some milk?

E) loaf

90. Вид информации, к которому относят объективные сведения о внешнем мире это …

E) когнитивная

91. К жанру устного перевода относится …

D) интервью

92. Термин «рецептор перевода» означает …

E) получатель

93. Эквивокабульные межъязыковые переводческие лексические соответствия возникают…

C) если единицы совпадают по форме: слово оригинала = слову в переводе или словосочетание оригинала = словосочетанию в переводе

94. Информативная модель перевода утверждает, что …

E) любой устный или письменный текст является носителем самой разнообразной информацией, которая должна быть воспринята и осмыслена переводчиком в полном объеме

Вид моделей, в котором перевод понимается как процесс замены материальных знаков денотатов

E) ситуативной

96. Основными видами прагматической адаптации перевода, по В. Н. Комисарову, являются …

E) информативно - смысловая адаптация, информативно - эмоциональная адаптация, информативно - ситуативная адаптация, отступление от оригинала (экстрапереводческая адаптация)

97. … writes that the length of English [t∫] in the words chair and match is different; [t∫] in match is considerably longer than |t| in mat and may be even longer than [∫] in mash

D) G.P. Torsuyev

98. The bundle of distinctive features is …

E) the invariant of a phoneme

99. The features which can't be changed without a change of meaning are called …

C) Relevant

100. The place of articulation of nasals in the word "seventh"

E) [n] dental




1. Письменная сводка личных образовательных и профессиональных данных качеств называется…

E) Resume

2. Государственное учреждение утверждает, устав и выдает:

A) Merchant wholesalers

B каком случае компания посылает письмо запрос.

B) Availability of goods, terms and discounts, method of transportation

4. Merchant wholesalers- это:

A) оптовые торговцы

5. Документ, который, необходимо подтвердить в письменной форме:

D) Withdrawal of the order

Преимуществом организации является - преемственность

E) Individual Entrepreneurs

7. Отвечая на вопросы письма-предложения, при определении цены, необходимо учитывать:

C) Samples

8. Give appropriate translate to the word in the sentence "The unit can be adopted as a permanent component in the final product"

C) использовать

9. Give Russian equivalent to the word "content" in the sentence "The interviewer immediately would start having doubts about the content of the resume and you do not want that to happen"

E) достоверность

10. Give Russian equivalent to the word "image" in the sentence "Formation of a positive external image of the country is a major aim of the authorities"

E) имидж

11. Give Russian equivalent to the word "pattern" in the sentence "As he said events are following the usual pattern"

C) путь

12. Give appropriate translation to the word in the sentence "The synthesis activity generates a design at the next lower level of representation"

B) этап

13. Give Russian equivalent to the word "object" in the sentence "Negotiations will be held on two levels, for the object is to sign an agreement acceptable for both sides"

E) цель

14. Give Russian equivalent to the word "mode" in the sentence "A new mode of political thinking preserves the supreme value of life peace for the people"

E) стиль

15. Give appropriate translation to the word in the sentence "quality history"

E) данные

16. The choice of grammatical units in TT depends on the:

E) semantics and combinability of its lexical elements

17. The way of translation is used in translating "Can the leopard change his spots"

E) analogous translation

18. Target text is…

E) the language into which translation or interpreting is carried out

19. Interlingua communication is…

A) an exchange of between two users of different languages

20. The way of translation of the phraseological unit is used "The game is not worth the candle - игра не стоит свеч"

E) equivalent

21. The way of translation is used in translating "to throw cards on the table"

E) analogous translation

Britain gained the major part of the former German colonies

B) after World War I

23. This town is the capital of Scotland:

E) Edinburgh

24. The Old Town of Edinburgh is situated on the …

B) Castle Rock

25. Cardiff is situated near the mouth of the river:

E) Taff

Name the Head of the State in Great Britain.

E) the Queen

27. Parliamentary elections must be held:

C) every 5 years

28. The word "Tory" means:

D) an Irish Highwayman

29. The most modern universities are...

A) open

They were along the front in I. Jones's buildings.

E) columns

Choose the right Antonym: Wild

C) domestic

Give the right English equivalent: Изобретение

E) invention

33. Give the right English equivalent: Расщеплять (бөлу)

E) to split

34. Give the right English equivalent: предлагать (ұсыну)

E) to suggest

Choose the correct plural form of the noun Baby

B) Babies

Choose the correct plural form of the noun Tooth

E) Teeth

Choose the right variant of the Numeral. 9743

E) nine thousand seven hundred forty three

38. Put the verb into Simple Tenses: We … a letter to my cousin next week.

E) will write

39. Give the right variant of the verb " to have": … this student a nice room in the hostel?

E) has

Choose the plural form of the noun: A sheep

E) sheep

41. Choose the right form of the Perfect Tense: … you …. to plant carrots and tomatoes this year?

E) have … gone

42. Put the following statement into Reported Speech: The writer said: "I have just finished my new novel."

E) The writer said that he had just finished his new novel.

43. Insert the right verb in the proper form: He… us a very interesting story.

E) tells

Replace the word in italic by personal pronoun: Jane, buy a magazine for Grandmother.

A) her


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