РГП “Республиканский научно-методический центр 

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РГП “Республиканский научно-методический центр

Республики Казахстан

РГП “Республиканский научно-методический центр

развития технического и профессионального образования и присвоения квалификации”


По специальности: «Переводческое дело (по видам)» (0512000)

Квалификации: «Гид-переводчик» (0512023)

Вариант 0001



1. Частная компания с ограниченной ответственностью -это:

E) Private limited company

День который в Великобритании и США отмечается Рождество

B) December 25

День когда в Великобритании отмечают Boxing Day-

C) December 26

Как называется налог, облагаемый на прибыль корпорации и компании с ограниченной ответственностью

D) Corporation tax

5. Письмо которое не относится к письму- предложению...

D) Please, let us know what quantities you are able to deliver till

6. Современное средство передачи информаций служащее для передачи деловой корреспонденций на телефонной сети:

E) advertising materials

В США днем благодарения считается (thanksgiving day)

B) The second Monday in October

При помощи, какого оборудования большинство компаний и бизнесмены заграничных стран получают доступ к Интернету

E) Modem, dial - up, host

9. Какой из данных высказываний не относится к причинам отправки писем-рекомендаций

B) Customs clearance

Какой термин соответствует термину «Private Limited Company»

E) Общество с ограниченной ответственностью

11. Give Russian equivalent to the word "thing" in the sentence "It will make things worse"

E) ситуация

12. Give Russian equivalent to the word "go" in the sentence "How does the poem go"

E) звучать

13. Give appropriate translation to the word in the sentence "At least it is known that a conservative, but realistic value can be obtained "

C) завышенные

14. In the sentence "This building houses a fifty ton crane of the latest American make" the word houses is translated as:

E) вмещает

15. Dressing station is equivalent to:

B) перевязочный пункт

16. Depending on the type of the language units involved regular equivalents can be classified as…

E) lexical, phraseological or grammatical ones.

17. The general theory of translation is concerned with…

E) the basic principles that hold good for each and every translation event.

18. The example "brain-drain - утечка мозгов" illustrates rendering equivalent-lacking language units by …

C) Using loan-words.

19. The way of translation is used in translating "to be armed to the teeth"

D) analogous translation

20. The third type of equivalence includes the level of:

E) the method of description

21. Equivalent - lacking words are…

C) lexical units of SL that have no regular correspondences in TL.

22. The National Chartist Association was founded in...

E) Manchester

23. The climate is more severe in...

E) Scotland

24. The cotton industry is centred …

E) in Manchester

This is the oldest building in London.

D) Westminster Abbey

26. The House of Commons is presided over by:

B) the Speaker

27. The "Tory" is another name of this party.

E) The Conservative Party.

28. The BBC has …TV channels.

E) 2

Under this Queen another cultural and artistic growth was as a result of industrialization.

E) Victoria

30. People dance a Morris dance … years.

D) 800

Choose the right Synonym: Holidays

E) vacation

Choose the right Synonym: Aim

B) purpose

Choose the right Synonym: Evaluate

E) estimate

Choose the right Synonym: Substance

E) matter

Choose the right Synonym: Breathing

E) respiration

36. Give the right English equivalent: давление (қысым)

B) stress

37. Give the right English equivalent: Лошадиная сила (аттың күші)

B) horse power

Give the right English equivalent: Азот

B) nitrogen

39. Give the right English equivalent: Сложный (қиын)

C) complex

Give the right English equivalent: Смазка (майлау)

E) Lubrication

Give the right English equivalent:двигатель внутреннего сгорания (іштен жану двигателі)

E) internal combustion engine

Give the right English equivalent: поршень

B) piston

43. Choose the right form of Personal Pronouns: Where is my book? - … is on the shelf.

C) It

44. Choose the right form of Personal Pronouns: Where are … from?

B) You

45. Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison:The … you get up, the more you can do.

C) Earlier

46. Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison: John knows Russian as … as English.

E) Well

47. Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison: London is one of … cities in the world.

E) the biggest

48. Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison: This mountain is … in Europe.

E) the highest

49. Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison: He was … than I.

C) more careful

Choose the correct plural form of the noun Knowledge

D) Knowledge

Choose the right variant of the Numeral. 943

E) nine hundred and forty three

A Find out the Antonym careless

B) careful

53. Give the right variant of the verb " to have": … your friend a family?

E) has

54. Give the right variant of the verb " to have": John … a good friend.

B) has

Choose the plural form of the noun: A child

B) children

56. Choose the right form of the Perfect Tense: He … his work by next month.

C) will have finished

57. Choose the right form of the Perfect Tense: They just … you pay rise.

C) have given

58. Choose the correct word to fill in: We leave our raincoats in the…

E) cloak - room

Answer the following question: What is the symbol of Democratic party of the USA?

E) Donkey

60. Choose the right form of the Modal verb: He ….. skate well.

E) can

61. Choose the right form of the Passive Voice: St. Petersburg … in 1703

C) was found

Choose the right form of the sentence in the Passive Voice: Ему показали дорогу.

D) He was shown the way.

63. Choose the right variant of the Gerund I have no hope of... him soon.

A) seeing

64. Choose the correct form of the Complex object Please don't make me... coffee.

E) drink

65. Choose the verb in Present Perfect Tense. We have already... a lot of English words.

E) learnt

Find the right translation of the word: «записаться в библиотеку»

A) To join a library

Give the Russian variant of the word: to toboggan

C) Кататься на санях, санках

Give the Russian variant of the word: yachting

B) Парусный спорт

Give the Russian variant of the word: skating

E) Конькобежный спорт

Give the Russian variant of the word: chess

A) Шахматы

71. Fill in preposition: The wide use … natural resources upsets the biological balance.

C) of

72. Choose the correct word to fill in: Teacher's good … made him better.

E) influence

Replace the words in italics by personal pronouns: Kate, read the story to Mary and me, please.

E) us

74. … you … a holiday this year?

A) have, had

75. The house was dirty. They … not … it for weeks.

E) had, cleaned

76. We didn't buy … flowers.

B) any

Choose the correct synonym to «Little»

D) small

Choose the word to «Long»

E) letter

There is a table in the middle of the room.

D) Стол находится в середине комнаты

80. Put question to the word "manager":The manager speaks fluently.

A) Who

They are writing a test now

E) Они пишут тест сейчас

82. I…just…my breakfast.

D) have/eaten

83. All women… beautiful.

E) are

84. Tom would love to ask her out but unfortunately he doesn't have her telephone number. If Tom …

D) had her telephone number he would ask her out

85. I________my train yesterday and had to wait three hours for another one.

E) missed

86. Bronze ………………..

E) tools

87. Mary doesn't care about anybody - she seems completely ………………. to other people.

E) indifferent

88. I will never forget ………………. San Francisco for the first time.

A) visiting

Define the number: 5.550

D) five thousand five hundred and fifty

90. В коммуникативной модели перевода участники двуязычной коммуникации называются:

D) коммуникаторами

Основную трудность при переводе имен существительных с русского языка на английский представляет вопрос

B) об употреблении артиклей.

92. Понятие «прагматика перевода» в современном переводоведении рассматривается …

C) как влияние на ход и результат переводческого процесса необходимости осуществить определенное воздействие на рецептора перевода с целью вызвать определенное отношение к информации текста

It's a lovely day.

E) a statement

99. Translate into Russian the word "solemn"

D) Торжественный

100. Some sound alternations are traced to the phonetic changes in earlier periods of the language development and are known as...

C) historical




Choose the general word

E) Clothes

81. Have you … been to Astana?

E) ever

82. It's so good to meet you here! We ________(not see) each other for months.

C) haven't seen



1. Данные клеше относится к письму...: - Please, confirm that you can supply -We are pleased to enclose our Order No

E) offer

Remembrance Day - это

E) День ветеранов

3. Продажа товаров и услуг конечного потребления - это:

C) Wholesaling

Find out the Antonym far

E) near

44. Give the right variant of the verb " to be": History … the first lesson tomorrow

E) will be

45. Give the right variant of the verb " to be": Mathematics … an exact science.

E) is

46. Give the right variant of the verb " to be": There … a lot of sheep in the field.

E) are

47. Give the right variant of the verb " to have": They … English lesson yesterday. They had biology.

C) had not

48. Give the right variant of the verb " to have": His parents … a nice house in a village.

E) have

49. Give the right variant of the verb " to have": She … some interesting books last week.

B) had

50. Give the right variant of the verb " to have": Her daughter … much work now. She is free.

A) has not

51. Give the right variant of the verb " to have": These students … five examinations.

E) have

52. Choose the necessary article: Saturday is … sixth day of the week.

E) the

53. Put the following statement into Reported Speech: Mother says, "The table is laid"

B) Mother informs us that the table is laid.

She is writing a letter

E) Она пишет письмо

77. She is going …a letter

E) to write

Choose cardinal numerals

E) Fourth



1. Письмо которое не относится к письму- запросу это...

E) We would like (have) to remind you that

В такой организации предусмотрен ограниченный срок и неограниченная ответственность, по крайней мере, одного из партнеров: -потенциальные дополнительные источники капитала -каждый из основных партнеров может действовать от имени товарищества

E) Company

13. Основные партнеры - это:

D) General or full partners

14. Партнеры с ограниченной ответственностью:

C) Limited partners

15. The translating process is…

C) a form of speech communication establishing contact between communicants who speak different languages.

16. Give appropriate translation to the word in the sentence "We shall discuss three basic scheduling strategies commonly used by stored program controlled systems"

E) способ

Find out the Synonym Famous

D) Outstanding



1. Письменная сводка личных образовательных и профессиональных данных качеств называется…

E) Resume

2. Государственное учреждение утверждает, устав и выдает:

A) Merchant wholesalers

Мы были в парке вчера.

C) We were in the park yesterday

71. … more we learn English, … more we speak it fluently.

E) the… the

72. They… in the garden every day.

E) work

73. We arrived at the station late. The train ______ (leave) five minutes before.

E) had left

74. I'm sorry I couldn't talk when you called yesterday. I ______________ (have) a big argument with my sister

A) was having

75. I think it's a good idea to work during holidays. If I _____

E) were you I would work during holidays

76. 'Don't look at people like that!' She told me

E) not to look at people like that

77. 'Read the instructions carefully before beginning the test.' The teacher……………….

E) told the class to read the instructions carefully before beginning the test.

78. Joe looks tired because he____________ all night.

C) has been dancing

79. Fasten your seat belt before the plane_____________

B) takes off

80. …………. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

E) -

81. Sue has visited Belgium many times but she has never been to …………….. Netherlands.

C) the

82. Tom is a very ………….. child. If he decides to do something, he won't change his mind.

A) stubborn

83. "How long is the flight?" asked Miriam. Miriam asked me ……………….

C) how long the flight was.

84. Local shop owners complain that too many supermarkets …………. up in their area.

E) grow

85. Coach...and bus are all types of transport.

E) ferry

86. As far as I remember there is __ path to the forest.

C) a

87. The more you study __ ___ you pass your exams

E) the better

88. It's good to write down an....................of how the word is used

C) example

89. When I got home I found that somebody … into my flat.

A) had broken

Республики Казахстан

РГП “Республиканский научно-методический центр

развития технического и профессионального образования и присвоения квалификации”



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