What questions will you ask a British teenager about the latest trends in British art? 

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What questions will you ask a British teenager about the latest trends in British art?

1. What are the latest trends in British art?

2. What exhibitions of modern British art are held in your country?

3. I know graffiti is very popular in Britain. Am I right?



Give me some advice on what exhibition (film) to visit (to see).

Your choice should depend on your interests and tastes. If you are a romantic person you should visit an art exhibition (you should watch a romantic comedy). If you want to see something unusual or exotic you should visit abstract art exhibition or tropical fauna exhibition (you should watch a fantasy film or a thriller).


My niece is very good at drawing. Can you give her a piece of advice on what career to choose?

There are a lot of jobs connected with art: make up artists, fine artists and many others. But I think that thejob of a designer is very demanded nowadays. You can be a fashion designer because they influence everything we wear. You can be a graphic designer and have a well-paid job working on your computer. Or you can be an interior designer, who decorates houses and flats. But whatever you choose I wish you good luck.


Your friend wants to visit a museum. What museum would you recommend her/him to go to?

Your choice should depend on your interests and tastes. If you are interested in the history of your country you should go to the History Museum. If you are interested in art, go to the Art Museum. But if you want to see something unusual or strange you should visit the Toilet Seats Museum or the Banana Museum. But whatever you choose I wish you good luck.


Give some advice on how to use creative skills in everyday life.

It’s very easy to be creative in everyday life. You can decorate your house or room according to your taste and mood. You can cook exotic dishes, for example sushi or kebab. Or you can organize a cool party.



A lot of people don’t understand modern art. Do you?


Do you want to see more graffiti around town? Why (not)?

Different works of art reflect life, people’s ideas and emotions. They please the eye and excite emotions. Art always says something. But there are a lot of people who don’t understand modern art, especially graffiti. Graffiti is illegal but it can be seen everywhere. Such companies as “Coca Cola”, “McDonald’s” or “Microsoft” use graffiti and other forms of modern art to promote their products among young people. As for me, I like interesting and beautiful graffiti. I think if people like graffiti, let it be.


1. Are you proud of any photos (pictures) you have taken (painted)? What makes a good picture?

I have taken photos only with the help of my cell phone. And I should say that they can’t be called works of art. But sometimes I draw pictures. And they are really good. A good picture appeals to your heart, it reflects your views and ideas. A good picture can please the eye and excite emotions. It makes you think about something serious or global. I think I can be proud of my pictures. I just hope I will show you some of them one day.


Have you ever been to any cultural event (an exhibition, a concert or something)? If yes, tell us about your impressions. If no, tell about the cultural event you’d like to visit.

I should say I have been to many concerts and exhibitions. Last year I visited an Art exhibition of Pinsk students. It was very interesting. I understood that there were a lot of talented young people in our town. Their works were understandable and beautiful. They showed me the views and ideas of modern teenagers.

But I would like to take part in street art exhibitions to show my own views and ideas. And I would use graffiti to do this. Wish me good luck.

Mass Media



Let`s talk about mass media. What types of mass media do you know and which of them are the most popular among teenagers?


Let`s talk about mass media: TV, newspapers, radio. Which of these does (do) your family like (prefer, use). Why?

Mass media are basically TV, radio, newspapers and magazines- means of communication which are a vital part of our daily lives. They inform and educate, question and entertain. They also influence the way we see the world.

Every day millions of newspapers and magazines are published all over the world. There are different national and local papers, dailies, weeklies and monthlies. They satisfy different interests and tastes. The press informs the readers of the news at home and abroad. There are also articles on sports, art, music, culinary.

Radio and TV inform people, give wonderful possibilities for education and broaden our horizons. We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programs and discussions.

TV is a favourite mass medium in my family. It gives my family the opportunity to see the best actors, sport matches, to meet famous people. We learn about different countries, people and their customs, traditions, jobs and problems. TV helps us to relax after a hard day. We watch different talk- shows, TV games, concerts, feature films and serials.

But I should also mention the disadvantages of TV. It takes a lot of time and makes us lazy. TV can be harmful for our health, especially for our eyes. Some programs and films are violent. And there are a lot of advertisements which make us buy things we don`t need.

I think TV is the most popular mass medium but we should choose only useful programs.

We have come into a digital age. Nowadays the most popular mass medium is the Internet. You can find computers, laptops, iPads and mobiles in every house. A lot of people can’t live without the Internet. We chat, find useful information and the latest news in the Internet.

In conclusion I should say that nowadays you can be informed even if you live in the Sahara desert.



Do you agree that we can`t live without communication? Why?


Is there any means of communication you can`t live without? Why (not)?



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