What kind of people achieve better results in learning: those who have natural abilities or those who work hard? 

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What kind of people achieve better results in learning: those who have natural abilities or those who work hard?


A proverb says “Success is a ladder that can’t be climbed with your hands in pockets”. So, I believe that having natural abilities is not enough to be a success. Working hard is more important. A wise statement says that person’s success consists of only 1% of a person’s talent and 99% of practice and hard work. Let’s remember Horatio Nelson. In his childhood he wanted to become a seaman. But he had poor health. He began to do a lot of physicalexercises. Nelson had a great will and at 14 he joined his first sea expedition. Soon he became a famous British admiral.


Some people think that it is necessary to speak a foreign language well to get a good job. What do you think?


Some people think that it’s necessary to have a good command of a foreign language to get a good job. Do you agree with this?


A modern person has to know where and how to get information and knowledge in order to have a good job and be a success in the society. If you speak a foreign language well you can read foreign books and periodicals in the Internet, watch video and travel around to improve your knowledge. Knowing a foreign language can help you find a good job especially in big cities. With the help of a foreign language you can take part in different international projects and promote yourself on the international arena.


Would you rather take up a challenging but not very well-paid job or a monotonous well-paid job? Why?


In my opinion, the final choice should depend on what you are interested in. For me interesting and creative work is the most important thing. I want to enjoy my work and get satisfaction from it. But at the same time I’d like to have a well-paid job. My parents give me a good example how to combine these 2 things. They say their work is very interesting and they are satisfied with their salaries.


What ideas from Belarusian school can you advise a teacher from GB to use in British school?


People all over the world think that the British system of education is the best, especially when we speak about Grammar schools (which prepare pupils for entering universities), private schools (which give high quality education) and British universities. So I think that we can take a lot of useful things from the British system of education.


Today some young people want to study abroad because they believe that the level of education is higher there. Would you do the same?


I think every person should choose where to study: at home or abroad. But it’s common knowledge that the level of education in Britain is the highest in the world. The most famous universities in Britain are Oxford and Cambridge. They are very prestigious. I would like to study there.

Some people think that it’s necessary to have good communication skills in order to get a good job. Do you agree with this?

Nowadays people want to have a well-paid and interesting job. But it’s necessary to have good communication skills to get a good job. We meet a lot of people every day and we need to be friendly, polite and understanding.


Some people think that it’s necessary to have computer skills to get a good job. Do you agree with this?


More and more people use computers in their work and it’s necessary to have computer skills to get a good job. Computers are important in different spheres of life: politics, culture, business. We should know how to find necessary information in the Internet or how to prepare a video presentation.

Социально - культурная сфера

Hobbies. Free Time



Let’s talk about your hobbies. What do you like doing in your free time?


Let’s talk about your hobbies. What do you do in your free time?


Let’s talk about your free time activities. What are your hobbies?



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