Which word in the list is odd? 

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Which word in the list is odd?

1) instruction; formal education; informal education; learning experiences; education;

2) a book shop; library; museum; a TV show; a cassette or a DVD; radio programme; to take or pass tests or exams;

3) general and vocational education; education programmes; formal education; to learn skills without a teacher;

4) to study things with the teacher at the head; informal education; to learn to dress oneself; to eat with good manners; to ride a bicycle; to make a telephone call; to obtain information or to learn skills on one`s initiative;

5) teachers; learners; school; classmates; daily life.


Revision of Types of questions

General questions

7. Put general questions to the following sentences:

1. The early childhood educator belongs to a group of professionals.


2. The early childhood educators belong to a group of professionals.


3. You will need education and training to become an early childhood professional.


4. History is an important part of being socialized into profession.


5. There are spaces created just for children in the kindergarten.


Special questions

8. Put special questions to the underlined words in the following sentences:

1. The children take a napafter lunch.


2. A lot of specialists work in the kindergarten.


3. The games activities include drawing pictures.


4. Strong leadership and a code of ethics are professional attributes of a good educator.


    Alternative questions

    9. Put alternative questions to the following sentences:

1. Miss Smith works in a care program for young children. (adults)


2. Education provides teachers with necessary skills, vocabulary and concepts. (training)


3. Nursery schools normally operate from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (crèche).


4. Nursery schools are state institutions provided by the local education authority. (volunteer parents)




Test 3

Formal and informal education

Types of questions

I. Join the words to be certain word combinations:

mother                                            adiploma

ontheirown                                     children

tolearn                                            tongue

toearn                                             todress

gifted                                               initiative


1    2    3    4    5        

II. Paraphrase the following sentences using synonyms:

1. Education is the ways in which people obtain (_______________) skills, gain knowledge and understanding about the world and themselves.

2. We believe (_______________) formal education to be the instruction given at different kinds of schools, colleges, universities.

3. Then learners learn (_____________) those things with the teacher at the head.

4. Education is also informal when people try to obtain information or to learn skills on their own initiative without a teacher.

5. The people who are responsible for (_____________________) to decide what to teach.

6. Adult education programs are provided for people who wish to continue (_____________) their education after leaving school.

III. Ask all possible questions:

Many specialists work in the kindergarten every day.

1. Do___________________________________________________________

2. Where _____________________________________________________________

3. When _____________________________________________________________

4. (or at school)


5. Who _____________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________, don’t they?

IV. Render the text in English:

Пассивное обучение касается всех людей в их повседневной жизни. Например, маленькие дети учатся говорить на родном языке, не прикладывая к этому никаких усилий. Точно также они учатся одеваться, кушать, кататься на велосипеде, звонить по телефону. Что касается взрослых, то термин «пассивное обучение» также применителен и к ним. Например, просматривая книги или журналы, смотря новости по телевизору, посещая музеи и библиотеки, слушая радио, люди получают знания по собственной воле без вмешательства руководителя или учителя. К тому же им не надо сдавать экзамены!

Выделяют также активное обучение. Оно представлено в различных типах школ, колледжей, институтов и университетов. В большинстве стран люди «вливаются» в систему активного образования в раннем детстве.


Правильное выполнение заданий I иIIсоответствует пороговому уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «3»

Правильное выполнение заданий I, II иIII соответствует диффузному уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «4»

Правильное выполнение заданий I, II,III и IV соответствует продвинутому уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «5»


Our genes and diseases

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