How much English and about English do you know? 

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How much English and about English do you know?


Процесс изучения дисциплины направлен на формирование следующих компетенций:

- способность использовать иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере (ОК-1);

- готовность к активному общению с коллегами в научной, образовательной и социально-общественной сферах деятельности (ОК-3).


В результате освоения дисциплины студент должен:


- знать:

- терминологию на английском языке в изучаемой и смежных областях знаний;

- грамматические конструкции, характерные для профессионально-ориентированных и научных текстов;

- деловую документацию и общенаучную лексику в области инклюзивного образования;

- основные особенности научного функционального стиля как в английском, так и в русском языке;

- основные приемы аналитико-синтетической переработки информации: смысловой анализ текста по абзацам, вычленение единиц информации и составление плана реферируемого документа в сжатой форме;

- особенности профессионального этикета западной и отечественной культур.


- уметь:

- читать в режиме ознакомительного чтения, понимая не менее 70 % содержания текста, 500 печатных знаков в минуту;

- читать в режиме просмотрового чтения - не менее 1000 печ. знаков в минуту;

- бегло читать вслух 600 печ. знаков в минуту;

- подготовить за 45 мин. устный перевод текста по профилю своей специальности объемом не менее 4 - 4,5 тыс. знаков;

- осуществлять письменный перевод профессионально-ориентированных аутентичных текстов 2000 печ. знаков за 45 мин.

- реферировать профессионально-ориентированные тексты и составлять аннотации к ним;

- отбирать, обрабатывать и оформлять литературу по заданной профессиональной тематике для написания реферата;

- составлять и представлять научную информацию, используемую в профессиональной деятельности, в виде презентации;

- воспринимать на слух аутентичные аудио- и видео материалы, связанные с направлением подготовки, профилем;

- представить результаты своей работы в виде выступления, доклада, информационного обзора, статьи, мультимедийной презентации;

- участвовать в дискуссии на темы, связанные с изучаемым направлением и профилем подготовки; задавать вопросы и отвечать на них;

- использовать основные приемы аннотирования, реферирования и перевода литературы по направлению и профилю подготовки.


- владеть:

- основными навыками письменной коммуникации, необходимыми для ведения переписки в профессиональных и научных целях;

- навыками выступления с подготовленным монологическим сообщением по направлению и профилю подготовки, аргументированно излагая свою позицию и используя вспомогательные средства (таблицы, графики, диаграммы и т.п.)

- базовой грамматикой и основными явлениями, характерными для общенаучной и профессиональной речи;

- стратегиями речевого поведения в профессионально-значимых ситуациях иноязычного ПДО;

- умением применять полученные знания в своей будущей профессиональной деятельности.


How much English and about English do you know?


Active and Passive Voice

Early childhood educators

1. Read the words and learn their translation in Russian:

attribute – характерный признак, атрибут

belongto – принадлежать

code – кодекс, законы чести; моральные нормы

educator – педагог, воспитатель

ethics – этика

introduction –введение; нововведение

leadership – руководство

provide – обеспечивать

regulatory – регулирующий

skill – навык, умение

socialize – подготавливать к жизни в коллективе; обществе

vocabulary – словарь, запасслов

Read and translate the text and define its main idea.

Text 1

(by Janet Gonzales-Mena)

The early childhood educator belongs to a group of professional that has strong leadership, a proud history, a code of ethics, regulatory organizations, and other professional attributes. “I’m not a babysitter” is the proud cry of early childhood educators, whether they work in child care programs for young children, public school programs, or other kinds of programs.

To become an early childhood professional, you will need education and training to provide you with the necessary skills, vocabulary, and concepts, but to enter the field of early childhood education, you will also need to know something about its history. Because history is an important part of being socialized into profession.

(from Foundations. Early Childhood Education in a Diverse Society)

The main idea of the text is that:

a) the early childhood educator belongs to a group of professionals.

b) it is very important for the early childhood educator to be socialized into profession.

c) it is necessary to know something about a proud history of early childhood education.

7. Complete the following statements:

1. The early childhood educator belongs _________________________________________.

2. A group of professionals has strong leadership __________________________________.

3. To become an early childhood professional ____________________________________.

4. To enter the field of early childhood education __________________________________.

5. History is an important part _________________________________________________.

8. Answer the questions:

1. What will you need to become early childhood professionals?

2. What kinds of programs do early childhood educators work in?

3. What group does an early childhood educator belong to?

4. DO you agree that an early childhood educator is not a babysitter? Prove it.

5. What does the group of early childhood professionals have?

6. What is a person who is paid to care for a child when the child’s parents are away?

7. What do you need to become a good professional?

8. Is history or psychology an important part of being socialized into profession?

9. What is an important part of being socialized into profession?

10. What do you need to know to enter the field of early childhood education?


Active and Passive Voices: Present Simple (+to be, to have), Past Simple (+to be), Future simple, Present Perfect.

Test 1

Active and Passive Voice

Early childhood educators

I. Join the words to be certain word combinations:

1. professional                                A. leadership

2. to be socialized into                    B. organization

3. public                                          C. profession

4. to have strong                             D. attributes

5. a regulatory                                E. program


1    2    3    4    5        


II. Name with the word.

1. The study / subject of things that happened in the past.


2. All the words you know in a language.


3. Time when you are a child.


4. A person who gives lessons at school.


5. A specialist in education.


6. The rules of behavior.


7. Doing something well.


 III. Open the brackets using the verb in Present or Past Simple Active or Passive.

1. Each babysitter _______________________(to socialize) into profession.

2. This new regulatory program _____________________ (to provide) with comments by professionals last month.

3. Every educator _________________ (to belong) to a group of professionals.

4. Mr. Petrov _____________________ (to educate) future teachers at the workshop at Moscow State University yesterday.

IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Different child care programs are offered in the field of early childhood education. ____________________________________________________________

2. A training program for future teachers is focused on professional skills and a code of ethics.


3. A real language specialist must have a large vocabulary. _____________________________________________________________

4. Professional attributes of any educator are: skills, a code of ethics and leadership. _____________________________________________________________


Правильное выполнение заданий I иIIсоответствует пороговому уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «3»

Правильное выполнение заданий I, II иIII соответствует диффузному уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «4»

Правильное выполнение заданий I, II,III и IV соответствует продвинутому уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «5»



1. Read the words and learn their translation in Russian:

array – ряд

todefine – давать определение

toincrease – увеличивать, поднимать

anissue – вопрос, проблема

to motivate – побуждать

a nap – короткийсон

toobserve – наблюдать, замечать

origin – происхождение

toplease – доставлять удовольствие

topursue – заниматься

toreassure – заверять

aspace – пространство, место

aterm – термин

tovary – разнообразить, различаться

2. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:

health-improvement exercises, to remain unchanged, a regular classroom, to reassure parents, to be created for children, to design lessons, to bring children to school, to introduce children to the world, an array of organized activities, to observe nature, to be greeted with a smile, to pursue music lessons.


Revision of Passive Voice



I. Join the words to be certain word combinations:

1. to design                                     A. children

2. an array of                                  B. unchanged

3. to be greeted with                       C. lessons

4. to be created for                          D. exercises

5. health-improvement                    E. organized activities

6. to remain                                    F. a smile


1    2    3    4    5     6


II. Find the definition for the following types of children’s care institutions:

1. creche A. the term came from German and it means a special school foe developing the intelligence of young children
2. day nursery B. a small group for children under 5 and is organized by parents
3. kindergarten C. a special children’s activity, rather short, especially while the meeting is held for both parents to be able to attend
4. nursery school D. a special all year round institution for children from 2 months to 5 years
5. play ground E. some sort of school established by local education authority for children of 3-5 years old. It is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

1    2    3    4    5        


Types of questions

1. Read the words and learn their translation in Russian:

toinclude – включать в себя

togain – приобретать

toinvolve – вовлекать, привлекать

mothertongue – роднойязык

to learn to dress – учитьсяодеваться

torideabicycle – кататьсянавелосипеде

to make a telephone call – звонитьпотелефону

toobtain – приобретать

ontheirowninitiative – пособственномужеланию, инициативе

to take or pass tests or exams – сдаватьэкзамены

incharge – ответственный, при исполнении

ontime – вовремя

to earn a diploma – получатьдиплом

to offer – предлагать

gifted children – одаренныедети

physically or mentally handicapped children – детисфизическимиилиинтеллектуальныминедостатками

totakeup – взяться, начать ч.-л. новое


Read the text


    Education includes different kinds of learning experiences. In its broaden sense, we consider education to be the ways in which people learn skills, gain knowledge and understanding about the world and themselves. One useful scheme for discussing education is to divide these ways of learning into two types: informal and formal.

    Informal education involves people in learning during their daily life. For instance, children learn their mother tongue simply by listening and by trying to speak themselves. In the same informationalmanner they learn to dress themselves, to eat with good manners, to ride a bicycle, or to make a telephone call. Education is also informal when people try to obtain information or to learn skills on their own initiative without a teacher. They may visit a bookshop, library or museum. They may watch a TV show, watch a cassette or a DVD, or listen to the radio programme. They do not have to take or pass tests or exams.

    We consider formal education to be the instruction given at different kinds of schools, colleges, universities. In most countries, people enter a system of formal education during their early childhood. In this type of education, the people who are in charge decide what to teach. Then learners study those things with the teacher at the head. Teachers expect learners to come to school regularly and on time, to work at about the same speed as their classmates, and to pass tests and exams. Learners have to pass the exams to show how well they have progressed in their learning. At the end of their studies learners may earn a diploma, a certificate or a degree as a mark of their success over the years.

    The school system of all modern nations provides both general and vocational education. Most countries also offer special education programmes for gifted or for physically or mentally handicapped children. Adult education programmes are provided for people who wish to take up their education after leaving school. Most countries spend a large amount of time and money on formal education of their citizens

3. Answerthequestions:

1) What are the two main types of education in Russia?

2) Which of them is the most popular ones? Effective? Influential?

3) What are the general characteristics of each of the educational types?


 2. Say whether the following statements are true or false: TRUEFALSE

1 ) Education includes several kinds of learning experiences.

2) Education is not the way in which people learn skills, gain

knowledge and understanding about the world and themselves.

3) Informal education involves people in learning during their daily life.

4) Education is informal when people try to obtain information or to

learn skills on their own initiative without a teacher.

5) Formal education is not the instruction given at different kinds of

schools, colleges, universities.

6) In most countries, people enter a system of informal education

during their adulthood.

7) In formal education, the people who are in charge decide what to

teach. Then learners study those things with the teacher at the head.

8) The school system of some modern nations provides both general

and vocational education.

9) Most countries also offer special education programs for

gifted or for physically or mentally handicapped children.

10) Adult education programs are provided for people who wish to

take up their education after leaving school.

4. Give synonyms from the text to the following words:

    - to contain ____________________________________________________

    - to believe ____________________________________________________

    - to study ______________________________________________________

    - to get _______________________________________________________

    - to be responsible for smth or smb_________________________________

    - to continue education ___________________________________________

5. Fill the blanks with the words from the text:

We … formal education to be the … given at different kinds of schools, colleges, universities. In most countries, people … a system of formal … during their early childhood. In this type of education, the people who are … decide what to teach. Then learners study those things with the teacher…. Teachers expect learners to come to school regularly and…, to work at about the same speed as their…, and to pass tests and…. Learners have to pass the exams to show how well they have progressed in their learning. At the end of their studies learners may … a diploma, a certificate or a … as a mark of their success over the years.

The … system of all modern nations provides both general and vocational education. Most countries also … special education programmes for gifted or for physically or mentally … children. Adult education programmes are provided for people who wish to … their education after leaving school. Most countries spend a large … of time and money on formal education of their citizens.

General questions

7. Put general questions to the following sentences:

1. The early childhood educator belongs to a group of professionals.


2. The early childhood educators belong to a group of professionals.


3. You will need education and training to become an early childhood professional.


4. History is an important part of being socialized into profession.


5. There are spaces created just for children in the kindergarten.


Special questions

8. Put special questions to the underlined words in the following sentences:

1. The children take a napafter lunch.


2. A lot of specialists work in the kindergarten.


3. The games activities include drawing pictures.


4. Strong leadership and a code of ethics are professional attributes of a good educator.


    Alternative questions

    9. Put alternative questions to the following sentences:

1. Miss Smith works in a care program for young children. (adults)


2. Education provides teachers with necessary skills, vocabulary and concepts. (training)


3. Nursery schools normally operate from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (crèche).


4. Nursery schools are state institutions provided by the local education authority. (volunteer parents)




Test 3

Types of questions

I. Join the words to be certain word combinations:

mother                                            adiploma

ontheirown                                     children

tolearn                                            tongue

toearn                                             todress

gifted                                               initiative


1    2    3    4    5        

II. Paraphrase the following sentences using synonyms:

1. Education is the ways in which people obtain (_______________) skills, gain knowledge and understanding about the world and themselves.

2. We believe (_______________) formal education to be the instruction given at different kinds of schools, colleges, universities.

3. Then learners learn (_____________) those things with the teacher at the head.

4. Education is also informal when people try to obtain information or to learn skills on their own initiative without a teacher.

5. The people who are responsible for (_____________________) to decide what to teach.

6. Adult education programs are provided for people who wish to continue (_____________) their education after leaving school.

III. Ask all possible questions:

Many specialists work in the kindergarten every day.

1. Do___________________________________________________________

2. Where _____________________________________________________________

3. When _____________________________________________________________

4. (or at school)


5. Who _____________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________, don’t they?

IV. Render the text in English:

Пассивное обучение касается всех людей в их повседневной жизни. Например, маленькие дети учатся говорить на родном языке, не прикладывая к этому никаких усилий. Точно также они учатся одеваться, кушать, кататься на велосипеде, звонить по телефону. Что касается взрослых, то термин «пассивное обучение» также применителен и к ним. Например, просматривая книги или журналы, смотря новости по телевизору, посещая музеи и библиотеки, слушая радио, люди получают знания по собственной воле без вмешательства руководителя или учителя. К тому же им не надо сдавать экзамены!

Выделяют также активное обучение. Оно представлено в различных типах школ, колледжей, институтов и университетов. В большинстве стран люди «вливаются» в систему активного образования в раннем детстве.


Правильное выполнение заданий I иIIсоответствует пороговому уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «3»

Правильное выполнение заданий I, II иIII соответствует диффузному уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «4»

Правильное выполнение заданий I, II,III и IV соответствует продвинутому уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «5»


Our genes and diseases

Complex Object


Whether we have brown or blue eyes is determined by genes passed on to us from our parents. Other traits, such as height and weight, are affected by genes and by our environment both before and after birth. In a similar manner, genes alone or in combination with environmental factors can place children at increased risk for many developmental disorders, includ­ing birth defects such as meningomyelocoele or spina bifida. The spectrum of disorders that leads to developmental disabili­ties has a range of genetic and environmental causes. Some disorders are purely genetic, such as Rett syndrome and certain forms of muscular dystrophy, which result from a single-gene defect, and Down syndrome, which results from an extra chromosome (aneuploidy). At the other end of the spectrum are disorders that are almost purely environmentally induced, including infectious diseases such as cytomegalovirus and those caused by teratogens like alcohol. Then there are conditions in which genes are affected by their environment lead­ing to epigenetic disorders such as fragile X and Angelman syndrome.

The human body is composed of approximately 100 trillion cells. There are many cell types, including nerve cells, muscles cells, white blood cells, and skin cells, to name a few. All cells except for the red blood cells are divided into two compartments: 1) a central, enclosed core – the nucleus; and 2) an outer area – cytoplasm. The red blood cell differs insofar as it does not have a nucleus. The nucleus houses chromosomes, structures that contain the genetic code (deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA), which is organized into hundreds of units of heredity (genes) in each chromosome. These genes are responsible for physical attributes and biological functioning. Under the direction of the genes, the products that are needed for the organism’s development and functions, such as waste disposal and the release of energy; are made in the cytoplasm. The nucleus, then, contains the blueprint for the organism’s growth and development, and the cytoplasm manufactures the products needed to complete the task.

When there is the defect within this system, the result maybe a genetic disorder. These disorders take many forms.

5. The main idea of the text is:

1. Our genes play important role in child’s natal development

2. Our genes and the environment

3. Genetic diseases

Complex Object

Test 4

Our genes and diseases

Complex Object

I. Join the words to be certain word combinations:

1. environmental                A. chro­mosome

2. birth                               B. defect

3. Rett                                C. factors

4. muscular                        D. defects

5. a single-gene                  E. syndrome

6. anextra                           F. dystrophy

1    2    3    4    5    6


II. Give it a name

disease cell   heredity   gen    environment

1. A unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring is called _______________________________________________________________

2. Thestructural, functionalandbiological unit of all organisms. is called _______________________________________________________________

3. The complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival is called _______________________________________________________________

4. An abnormal bodily condition of a human being or animal that interferes with functioning and can usually be recognized by signs and symptoms is called _______________________________________________________________

5. The transmission of such qualities from ancestor to descendant through the genes is called





The Infinitive

1. Прочитайтепредложенныесловаиознакомьтесьсихпереводомнарусскийязык:

toimpose – налагать (обязательства, правила)

toinvolve – включать в себя, повлечь за собой

toacquire – приобретать, овладевать (навыком и т. д.)

attitude – отношение

responsibility – ответственность

toremain – оставаться

toencourage – поощрять, поддерживать

toinvent – изобретать, придумывать

turn – очередь

advantage – преимущество

value – ценность

to achieve – достигать

tocheat – обманывать

meek – кроткий, мягкий

feedback – обратная связь

judge – судья, судить

2. Прочитайте и догадайтесь о значении следующих интернациональ­ных слов. Переведитеихнарусскийязык:

to cooperate, to motivate, a context, cognitive, opposite, sanction, modify, version, potential

3. Прочитайтетекст.



(Kamii C., DeVries R)

Children develop not only socially, morally, and cognitively but also politically, emotionally through games involving rules. A game cannot be­gin unless the players agree on the rules. Once it begins, it cannot continueunless the players agree on how to interpret the rules. Because young children usually want to play group games, games constitute a natural context in which children are motivated to cooperate to make rules and live by them.

If the teacher proposes rules rather than imposing them, children have the possibility of making rules. Making rules is a political activity, involving making decisions. The coordination of points of view is a cognitive process that contributes to the development of logical thinking. In this cooperation, children use previously acquired knowledge to contrast new rules. The chil­dren may argue a great deal, but finally they may accept each other’s ideas and invent one game after another, together.

Let us go on to the enforcement of rules. Once while playing the card game of War with to 6-year-olds the teacher observed the following inci­dent: she noticed that one of the children was getting away with taking the cards, even though he knew that he had the smaller of the two numbers. The teacher turned to the other child and asked, “Are YOU going to let so-and-so cheat you like That?” The child sat there looking at her as if to say, “Of course, because YOU are the adult, and YOU are in charge.” The teacher understood this attitude as the result of an education that hadn’t made him autonomous. The child showed no initiative and no sense of re­sponsibility. He was passive and waited for the teacher to take care of the situation. He was probably quite tough outside the classroom, but inside, in the teacher’s presence he remained meek and inactive. This passivity is the opposite of what we would like children to learn by playing group games.

The responsibility of enforcing rules encourages the development of ini­tiative, alertness, and confidence to say what one honestly thinks. The re­sponsibility of enforcing rules also leads to the invention of sanctions, chil­dren become more inventive.

Sometimes children decide to modify a rule rather than enforce it. In a room of 5-year-olds, for example, the teacher introduced Pick-Up Sticks in the usual way, demonstrating how each player was to pick up one stick after another, trying not to make any other stick move. If а player made another stick move, that ended his turn. The person who picked up more sticks than anybody else would be the winner. After playing this game for a while, the teacher left the room for a few minutes, and when she returned, she found the children playing by different rules.

They were taking short turns, each child picking up only one stick each time. When a player made another stick move, he put that one down and picked up another one.

This example contrasts sharply with the previous one. Instead of blindly obeying the teacher, the 5-year-olds initiated a modification of the game. They had cooperated among themselves because otherwise there would not have been such agreement about this modification. Their version maximized the potential of the game for their development. Short turns permitted each player to be more active, and the token penalty made better sense to the chil­dren, for whom winning was irrelevant.

Aside from the advantage of involving rules, group games also have the advantage of involving physical actions that encourage children to be men­tally active. Young children can often learn more in group games than in les­sons and worksheets. Furthermore, in a game, the players are mentally more active than when they are working on worksheets. They are motivated to supervise what others are doing from one moment to the next. With work­sheets, the child works alone, and the feedback comes from the teacher much later. For example, when a child is missing his action or doing it incorrectly, and the others are aware of the right variant they can hardly keep quiet, they often yell, “We can do it!”

In lessons and exercises, the teacher knows everything and is the only judge of right and wrong. In games, by contrast, truth comes from the children. Piaget’s theory shows that in logico-mathematical knowledge truth does not to come out of the teacher’s head. Lessons and worksheets give to children the message that truth can come only out of the teacher’s head and that the learner’s task is to give the “right” answer the teacher wants. This message undermines children’s confidence in their own ability to figure thing out.

So, if a game is taught to teach children how to play it “correctly,” its value will disappear completely. If, in contrast, the game is used to achieve three broad objectives of early education discussed earlier, it can contribute to children’s social, political, moral, cognitive, and emotional development.

(from Group Games in Early Education. Implications of Piaget's Theory.

National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington D.C., 1996)

4. На основе текста подтвердите или опровергните приведенные ниже высказывания:

1. A game can easily begin if the players do not agree on the rules.

2. To play group games it is necessary for children to cooperate, to make rules and interpret them the same way.

3. If the teacher imposes rules rather than proposing them, children have the possibility of making rules.

4. Arguing is a cognitive process that contributes to the development of logi­cal thinking.

5. Passivity is what we would like children to learn by playing group games.

6. Autonomy, initiative, and responsibility encourage the development of initiative, alertness, mid confidence to say what one honestly thinks.

7. In the example in the text 5-year-old children were playing Pick-up sticks. The teacher left the room for a few minutes, and when she returned, she found that the children had modified the rules.

8. These children (in the example) hadn’t cooperated among themselves and decided to obey the teacher blindly.

9. Involving rules and physical actions group games encourage children to be mentally active and learn more than in lessons.

10. The message that truth can come only out of the teacher’s head and that the learner’s task is to give the “right” answer the teacher wants develops children’s confidence in their ability to figure thing out.

5. Составьте предложения: подберите к началу подходящее по смыс­лу окончание предложения:

1. Children develop socially,          a) encourages the development

cognitively and emotionally            of initiative     

2. Games constitute a natural         b) through games involving rules
context in which                             c) for the teacher to take care of  

3. In this cooperation, children use the situation             

4. Making rules is an activity          d) children to be mentally active         

5. The child was passive and          e) its value will disappear
waited for                                       completely

6. The responsibility of enforcing rules f) to become more inventive

7. Enforcing rules helps children    g) children are motivated to

8. Involving physical actions          cooperate
encourage                                        h) involving making decisions

9. Children are motivated to supervise i) previously acquired knowledge

10.If a game is taught to teach children k) what others are doing

how to play it “correctly”               from one moment to the next

6. Обоснуйте следующие утверждения, опираясь на содержание про­читанного текста:

1. Games constitute a natural context in which children are motivated to cooperate to make rules.

2. Making rules contributes to the development of logical thinking.

3. Inside, in the teacher’s presence the child remained meek and inactive.

4. Group games also have the advantage of involving physical actions that encourage children to be mentally active.

5. In lessons and exercises, the teacher knows everything and is the only judge of right and wrong.

7. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский

1. Piaget makes a fundamental distinction between physical knowledge and logico-mathematical knowledge.


2. The source of physical knowledge is mainly in objects.


3. The source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in each child.


4. Неproved that reason is not innate in man but the result of his creation. ______________________________________________________________

5. Each Russian kindergarten has its own unique features and differences, and each day differs from the previous one.



Test 5


The Infinitive

I. Join the words to be certain word combinations:

1. develop through             A. involving rules

2. possibility of                  B. figure out

3. accept                            C. games

4. advantage of                  D. making rules

5. ability to                        E. other’s ideas

1    2    3    4    5       



Tenses in Active Voice


PRESENT Регулярноедействие в рамках настоящего. V (Vs дляЗл.ед.ч. - he, s he,it) вспом.гл. - do (does) I write letters to my mother every day. He writes_ letters to his mother every day. usually, seldom, often, sometimes, always, every day, week. Действие происходит в данный мо­мент времени, непрерывный процесс, запланированное действие в будущем. am (is, are) + V-ing I am writing a letter now. We are going to spend this summer in Spain. now, at this moment, at present Действие уже совершено к дан­ному моменту. have (has -3 л.ед.ч.)+ V-ed/V3 I have already written 5 letters. She has just called me. just, already, yet, ever, never, lately     Действие началось в прошлом и длилось до настоящего времени. have (has - Зл.ед.ч.) been +V-ing I have been writing letters since 2 o'clock and there are still 5 letters left. He has been reading this book for 2 weeks but hasn't read it yet. for, since.
PAST Обычные действия в прошлом (последовательные или повторяющиеся) V-ed/V(2) вспом.гл. - did I wrote. 2 letters yesterday. I called him yesterday. yesterday, last year, last month, week  Действие совершалось в определенный момент в прошлом. was (were — мн.ч.) + V-ing I was writing a letter when you called. We were writing a test at 5 yesterday. At..., from... till, at that time, the whole...   Действие совершено к определен ному моменту в прошлом. had + V-еd/V(3) I had written 5 letters by the time you came. He had finished his work by 6 о'clock yesterday. By7yesterday..when...   Действие началось в прошлом и длилось до определенного мо­мента в прошлом. had been + V-ing I had been writing letters for 2 hours when you came. He had been working since early morning when I called him. for, since    
FUTURE Действиебудетсовершенокогда-товбудущем. will (shall- 1л.) + V I shall (will) write it tomorrow. He will call me next week. tomorrow, next year, month, soon, in a week  Действие будет совершаться в опре­деленный моментв будущем.will (s hall - 1л.) be + V-ing Don't call me after dinner. I shall (will) be writing letters then. Tomorrow at this time, from... till..., the whole next year...        Действие будет закончено к определенному моменту в будущем. will (s hall - 1л.) have + V-еd/V3 I am busy with the letters now but I think I shall (will) have written them by noon. by... when... Действие будет длиться неко­торое время до определенного момента в будущем. will (shall - 1л.) have been + V- ing I shall (will) have been writing letters for 2 hours by the time you come. for..., since all..., during...

Tenses in Passive Voice

Время Схема пассивного залога Пример
PresentSimple am/ is/ aredone The articles are written every day.
PastSimple was/ weredone The article was written the other day.
FutureSimple willbedone The article will be written next Monday.
PresentContinuous am/ is/ are being done The article is still being written.
PastContinuous was/ werebeingdone The article was being written yesterday all day long.
PresentPerfect have/ hasbeendone The article has already been written.
PastPerfect hadbeenwritten The article had been written by midday.
FuturePerfect willhavebeenwritten The article will have been written by midday.



Types of questions

В английском языке существует 4 типа вопросительных предложений:

1. Общий вопрос (GeneralQuestion / Yes / NoQuestion) – вопрос, на который можно ответить утвердительно («Да») или отрицательно («Нет»).

Общий вопрос строиться по следующей схеме:

Вспомогательный глагол
Смысловой глагол в нужной форме
Второстепенные члены




Mary is reading. – Is Mary reading? – Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Mary lives in Leeds. – Does Mary live in Leeds? – Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t.

Mary lived in Leeds. – Did Mary live in Leeds? – Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.

Mary will live in Leeds. – Will Mary live in Leeds? – Yes, she will./No, she won’t.

Mary has lived in Leeds. – Has Mary lived in Leeds? – Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t.

2. Альтернативный вопрос (AlternativeQuestion) – вопрос, содержащий альтернативу к любому члену предложения при помощи союза or. Альтернативный вопрос строиться так же, как и общий вопрос.


Is he a doctor or a teacher? – He is a doctor.

Do they live in London or in Liverpool? – They live in London.

Does Jack or Kate learn Spanish? – Jack does.

Would you like tea or coffee? – Tea, please.

3. Специальный вопрос (SpecialQuestion / Wh - Question) – вопрос, который начинается с вопросительного местоимения и требует полного ответа на вопрос.

Вопросительные местоимения:

Who? – Кто?

What? – Что? (Кто по профессии о 3л.)

What + сущ. без артикля? – Какой? Какая? Какое? Какие?

Whose + сущ. без артикля? – Чей? Чья? Чье?

When? – Когда?

Where? – Где? Куда?

Why? – Зачем? Почему?

How? – Как? Каким образом?

Howmuch / many + сущ. без артикля? – Сколько?

Whom? – Кого? Кому? Кем?


Специальный вопрос строиться по следующей схеме:


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