Выберите правильное соответствие. 

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Выберите правильное соответствие.

1.) Письма были в ящике.     

a) The letters were in the box.

b) The letters are in the box.

c) There were letters in the box.

d) There was a letter in the box.


2.) В ящике есть письма.      

a) There are letters in the box.

b) The letters are in the box.

c) The letters were in the box.

d) The letter was in the box.


3.) В ящике были письма.    

a) The letters are in the box.

b) The letters were in the box.

c) There were letters in the box.

d) There was a letter in the box.


4.) Письма в ящике.              

a) There were letters in the box.

b) The letters are in the box.

c) There are letters in the box.

d) The letter is in the box.


Выберите форму степени сравнения.

1) самое маленькое количество

a) the smallest b) smaller c) small d) the largest

2) более эффективный метод

a) effective b) the most effective c) the least effective d) more effective

3) самый важный предмет

a) the most important b) more important c) less important d) important

4) лучше, чем…

a) worse than b) the best c) better than d) good

5) старше меня

a) the oldest b) old c) elder d) older

6) самая плохая оценка

a) the best b) bad c) the worst d) worse

7) счастливее, чем другие

a) happier than b) the happiest c) happy d) as happy as

8) больше студентов

a) more b) the most c) many d) much

9) Это было сделать легче.

a) easier b) the easiest c) easy d) more difficult

10) самый красивый из всех

a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful d) less beautiful


Заполните предложения неопределёнными местоимениями some, any, no или словом every.

1. … of you must analyse the data.

2. There is … progress in our studies.

3. I don’t have … mistakes in my test.

4. You may take … book that yon like.

5. There are … subjects (испытуемые) in the laboratory. We can’t begin the experiment.

6. You must know … aspect of this subject.

7. Have you got … books on psychology?

8. There are … changes in his behaviour.

9. Sorry, but I have … time to talk to yon.

10. Yon can take … bus from here.

11. Are there … questions to me?

12. … psychology student has a course in Basic psychology.


Замените местоимения в скобках на нужное английское местоимение.

1. (её) clients

a) his b) her c) your d) our

2. I see (его).

a) his b) him c) her d) them

3. (наш) university

a) your b) his c) our d) my

4. (его) work 

a) our b) her c) his d) their

5. Give (им) a task!

a) them b) us c) you d) him

6. Do it for (неё)!

a) me b) him c) us d) her

7. Let (мне) do it!

a) me b) her c) you d) us

8. He couldn’t see (нас).

a) our b) us c) them d) me

9. (мой) child

a) our b) your c) her d) my

10. (их) children

a) their b) them c) our d) my



Вставьте модальный глагол can, may, must/should.

1. I … not carry out (проводить, выполнять) the experiment because I’m tired.

2. We … attend (посещать) lectures.

3. You … take any book.

4. Students … work hard.

5. I … do it for you.

6. We … attention to these subjects.

7. … ask you a question?

8. He … take part in the interview. It is very important.

9. Everything is ready. You … begin the experiment.

10. … the child read and write?


Расположите предложения по указанным функциям it.

a) местоимение

b) безличное

c) вводное

d) выделяющее (усилительная конструкция)


1. It was early morning.

2. It was Principles of Psychology that William James published in 1890.

3. The spinal cord is important because it acts like a cable connecting the brain to other parts of the body.

4. It is clear that he is wrong.

5. It was Wilhelm Wundt who created the first psychological laboratory in 1879.

6. It is late.

7. It will be useful to look at the problem.

8. The brain is in the skull. It weighs about 3 pounds.

9. It is important to review (повторять материал) before an exam.

10. It was Interpretation of Dreams that Freud published in 1900.


Выберите сказуемое.

1. The new methods (to discuss) at the conference last year.

a) are discussed b) were discussed c) is discussed d) will be discussed


2. Hearts, kidneys, and livers (to transplant) from dead people to the living ones if required (если это необходимо).

a) were transplanted b) are transplanted c) is transplanted d) will be transplanted


3. Vision, hearing and reflexes usually (to test) during experiments.

a) is tested b) were tested c) are tested d) will be tested


4. The results (to process) tomorrow.

a) will be processed b) are processed c) is processed d) were processed


5. This procedure often (to use).

a) was used b) will be used c) are used d) is used



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