The 2014– 2019 airline industry forecast 

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The 2014– 2019 airline industry forecast

The 2015–2020 airline industry forecast by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) shows that international freight volumes across the globe is likely to increase to 4.1 % CAGR (compound annual growth rate) over the next five years. As a result, emerging economies especially in Africa and Middle East will grow.

Air cargo is important to the world’s economic system. This year for example, more than 35 % of total world trade by value that is equivalent to $6.8 trillion worth of goods which has been transported by air around the world. For this reason, an increase in air cargo sector by approximate 4 % in the next five years is welcoming news as it will result in the improvement of the market performance.

However, despite the positive growth in the airline cargo industry, the overall risks to the economic outlook remain high due to trade protectionism. According to World Trade Organization (WTO), 20 governments enacted 112 new trade-restrictive measures only between November 2013 and May 2014. Competition from rail and sea, volatility of oil prices and geopolitical concerns are some of the factors that could affect airline industry forecast.

To enhance air cargo competitiveness within the transport industry, the air cargo industry is looking forward to cutting down the average transit time by 2020 to about 48 hours. To attain this, the air cargo industry is widening the range of services offered, improving quality and reliability and modernizing its processes.

Ex. 16. Make the Summary of the text 'The 2014–2019 airline industry forecast'. Use these discourse markers:

1. The text contains information about …; the text overviews ….

2. It consists of ….

3. The first part deals with …; the second part is devoted to …; the third part gives information about … etc.

4. The text outlines ….

5. It should be noted …; it is important (necessary) to say that …; it is considered that ….

6. However; moreover; but; still; on the one hand; on the other hand; another thing is … etc.

7. In conclusion …; to sum up all mentioned above ….


Библиографический список

1. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (Doc 9835 AN/453). Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements = Руководство по внедрению требований ИКАО к языковой подготовке / Approved by the Secretary General and published under his authority. – First edition. – Montreal: ICAO, 2004.

2. The Aviation Dictionary for Pilots and Aviation Maintenance Technicians. – U.S.A.: Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc., 2006. – 390 p..

3. Марасанов, В. П. Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации: около 24000 терминов / В. П. Марасанов. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Скорпион-Россия, 1996. – 560 с.

4. Девнина, Е. Н. Новый англо-русский и русско-английский авиационный словарь: Свыше 100000 терминов, сочетаний, эквивалентов и значений с транскрипцией / Е. Н. Девнина; под ред. И. И. Павловца; МАИ. – М.: Живой язык, 2008. – 544 с.

5. Thirty Thousand Feet – Aviator Directory. – Режим доступа: – Загл. с экрана.

6. Международная организация гражданской авиации. – Режим доступа: – Загл. с экрана.

7. The International Air Transport Association. – Режим доступа: – Загл. с экрана.

8. History of aviation. – Режим доступа:
History_of_aviation. – Загл. с экрана.

9. How Did We Learn to Fly Like the Birds? – Режим доступа: – Загл. с экрана.

10. History of flight. – Режим доступа:
EBchecked/topic/210191/history-of-flight. – Загл. с экрана.

11. The Imperial Russian Air Service. – Режим доступа: – Загл. с экрана.

12. Russian Aviation History. – Режим доступа:
aroundtheworld/russia/. – Загл. с экрана.

13. SKYbrary. – Режим доступа: – Загл. с экрана.

14. Animated history of aviation. – Режим доступа:
watch?v=GLAreFQ3G5k. – Загл. с экрана.



Учебно-методическое пособие


Авиационный английский язык


Учебная тема «История авиации.
Международная организация гражданской авиации»


Составители:                     Воронянская  

Елена  Львовна

Галина  Степановна


Людмила  Михайловна


р едактор Е. А. Нестерова

Компьютерная верстка И. А. Ерёминой


Подписано в печать 19.01.2015.  Формат 60´90/16.    Бумага офсетная.

Печать трафаретная.   Усл. печ. л. 2,56.    Уч.-изд. л. 2,22.

Тираж  400 экз.       Заказ № 13.

РИО и типография УВАУ ГА(И). 432071, г. Ульяновск, ул. Можайского, 8/8



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