The International Civil Aviation Organization 

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The International Civil Aviation Organization

In 1944 delegates from 54 nations gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Stevens Hotel in Chicago at the invitation of the United States of America. For seven weeks, the delegates of fifty-two nations considered the problems of international civil aviation. The participants signed the international agreement – the Convention on International Civil Aviation, also known more popularly as the Chicago Convention. The states, that adopted the Chicago Convention, are called since then the ICAO Contracting States. The most important work accomplished by the Chicago Conference was in the technical field because the Conference laid the foundation for a set of rules and regulations regarding air navigation as a whole which brought safety in flying a great step forward and paved the way for the application of a common air navigation system throughout the world. Anticipating that a considerable time was certain to pass before the governments ratified the Convention, the Conference provided for a provisional body to function in the interim period. This was the Provisional ICAO (PICAO), which began to function in August 1945. PICAO was to remain in existence until the permanent organization with its headquarters in Montreal, Canada, was created in April 1947.

The main goal of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is to ensure safe, regular, efficient, and economical operation of international airliners. ICAO works with the 191 Member States and global aviation organizations to develop international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).

According to the terms of the Convention, the Organization is made up of an Assembly, a Council of limited membership with various subordinate bodies and a Secretariat. The chief officers are the President of the Council and the Secretary General. Renate Costa Pereira is nowadays Secretary General of ICAO.

The Assembly, composed of representatives from all Contracting States, is the sovereign body of ICAO. It meets every three years, reviewing in detail the work of the Organization and setting policy for the coming years. It also votes a triennial budget.

The Council, the governing body which is elected by the Assembly for a three-year term, is composed of 36 States. The Assembly chooses the Council Member States under three headings: States of chief importance in air transport, States which make the largest contribution to the provision of facilities for air navigation, and States whose designation will ensure that all major areas of the world are represented. As the governing body, the Council gives continuing direction to the work of ICAO. It is in the Council that Standards and Recommended Practices are adopted and incorporated as Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

There are currently over 10,000 SARPs reflected in the 19 Annexes to the Chicago Convention which ICAO oversees, and it is through these provisions – as well as ICAO’s complementary policy, auditing and capacity-building efforts – that today’s global air transport network is able to operate close to 100,000 daily flights, safely, efficiently and securely in every region of the world. Standards and recommended practices are periodically reviewed and revised. The Council is assisted by the Air Navigation Commission (technical matters), the Air Transport Committee (economic matters), the Committee on Joint Support of Air Navigation Services and the Finance Committee.

The Secretariat, headed by a Secretary General, is divided into five main divisions: the Air Navigation Bureau, the Air Transport Bureau, the Technical Co-operation Bureau, the Legal Bureau and the Bureau of Administration and Services. In order that the work of the Secretariat reflects a truly international perspective, professional-level personnel are recruited.

The ICAO works in close cooperation with other members of the United Nations family such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Non-governmental organizations which also participate in the ICAO's work include the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airports Council International (ACI), the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA) and the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA).

В: Read the text again and answer these questions.

1. When and where was the Chicago Conference held? What were the results of this Conference?

2. Where is the headquarters of ICAO located?

3. What is the main goal of ICAO?

4. Who is nowadays the Secretary General of ICAO?

5. List the elements of ICAO structure.

6. What are the functions of the Assembly, the Council, the Secretariat?

7. What Strategic Objectives for the 2014–2016 trienniums were established byICAO?

8. Give examples of the organizations which cooperate with ICAO.

Ex. 4. Match the abbreviations with their definitions.

1. PICAO 2. GASP 3. WMO 4. ICAO   5. IATA 6. IFALPA 7. CANSO 8. SARPs 9. ACI 10. UPU a. the World Meteorological Organization b. the Universal Postal Union c. Standards and Recommended Practices d. the International Civil Aviation Organization e. the Provisional Civil Aviation Organization f. the International Air Transport Association (IATA) g. Airports Council International h. the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization i. the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations j. the Global Aviation Safety Plan

Ex. 5. Scan the text again. Find synonyms to these words and word combinations.

Delegates, to discuss, to finish, to rule, to expect, to ratify, for three years, the main activity, to take part, to work together, to consist of, the basis, to provide.

Ex. 6. These words and word combinations are taken from the text. Match them with their definitions given below. Use them in the sentences of your own.


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