Read the following passage carefully: 

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Read the following passage carefully:


Unit 7



2021 - 2020



Unit         7


consultant ЗУКФЗСн/гУКФЗС Someone with a lot of experience ОИСЙ in a subject whose job is to give advice about it
director гхОСцМ someone who gives instructions КЪбнгЗК to actors ЗбггЛбжд and other people in a film
physics ЗбЭнТнЗБ the science that deals with нКЪЗгб гЪ the structure ИднЙ/КСЯнИ of objects and substances ЗбгжЗП
radar СЗПЗС A method ШСнЮЙ of finding the position гЯЗд of things such as planes by sending out radio waves гжМЗК бЗУбЯнЙ
technician Эдн/КЮдн someone who does practical Ъгбн work connected with гСКИШ ИЬ science or technology
emergency ШжЗСнБ Relating to гСКИШ ИЬ an unexpected ЫнС гКжЮЪ and dangerous situation
interrupt нхЮЗШЪ Stop a process ЪгбнЙ or activity for a short time
pressure ЦЫШ The force ЮжЙ that a gas or liquid has when it is inside a container жЪЗБ
horrified ОЗЖЭ/гСЪжИ shocked
threaten нхеПП Tell someone that you will hurt them or cause serious problems for them if they do not do what you want
controls ГМеТЙ ЗбКНЯг Parts of a machine that you use to make it work
be about to Ъбн жФЯ Гд Be ready to start doing something
zero-gravity ЗдЪПЗг ЗбМЗРИнЙ          Without the force that makes objects ЗбГФнЗБ fall to the ground
physicist ЪЗбг ЭнТнЗБ Someone who works in physics

More Vocabulary:

odyssey СНбЙ ШжнбЙ/гбНгЙ science fiction ЗбОнЗб ЗбЪбгн
radio waves гжМЗК бЗУбЯнЙ exploration ЗУКЯФЗЭ
appreciation КЮПнС/ЗгКдЗд/ЗУКНУЗд critical thinking ЗбКЭЯнС ЗбдЮПн
critics ЗбдЮЗП criticize ндЮП
criticism ЗбдЮП space travel ЗбУЭС ббЭЦЗБ
specific гНПП a spaceship УЭндЙ ЭЦЗБ
a space shuttle гЯжЯ ЭЦЗБ satellite ЮгС ХдЗЪн/КЗИЪ
planet ЯжЯИ universe ЗбЯжд
galaxy гМСЙ emergency ШжЗСнБ
interrupt нЮЗШЪ pressure ЗбЦЫШ
astronaut СЗЖП ЭЦЗБ astronomer ЪЗбг ЭбЯ
controls ГМеТЙ ЗбКНЯг horrified гСКЪИ
threaten неПП Sleep disorders ЗЦШСЗИЗК Збджг
Saturn ЯжЯИ ТхНб contact earth нКХб ИЗбГСЦ
fail нЭФб/нЪМТ Ъд / нСУИ partly МТЖнЗр
replace нУКИПб replacement ЗУКИПЗб / ИПнб
check нЭНХ/нСЗМЪ breath ЗбдуЭуУ
breathe нКдЭУ breathing ЗбКдЭхУ
happen = occur нНПЛ science facts НЮЗЖЮ ЗбЪбг
go wrong нНПЛ Ие ЪхШб survive = stay alive нИЮн Ъбн ЮнП ЗбНнЗЙ
electric cars УнЗСЗК ЯеСИЗЖнЙ benefits ЭжЗЖП
space station гНШЙ ЭЦЗЖнЙ structure ИднЙ / КСЯнИ
laboratory гЪгб advertising ЗбПЪЗнЙ жЗбЕЪбЗд
measure нЮнУ equipment (u) ГМеТЙ (бЗ КЪП)
float нШЭж downside МЗдИ УбИн
position жЦЪ/гСЯТ/гЯЗдЙ failure ЭФб / СУжИ
measurement ЮнЗУ space journeys СНбЗК ЭЦЗЖнЙ
electrical goods УбЪ ЯеСИЗЖнЙ the spaceship Discovery УЭндЙ ЗбЭЦЗБ ПнУЯЭСн
artificial intelligence ЗбРЯЗБ ЗбЗХШдЗЪн chess ЗбФШСдМ
social media гжЗЮЪ ЗбКжЗХб ЗбЗМКгЗЪн samples ЪндЗК
beneficial гЭнП chemicals гжЗП ЯнгнЗЖнЙ
direction ЗКМЗе / ЗОСЗМ benefit нЭнП/нУКЭнП/ЭЗЖПЙ
foundation ГУЗУ/гДУУЙ/КГУнУ editor гНСС/СЖнУ КНСнС
promote нФМЪ/нхСжМ бЬ/нЪТТ wheelchair ЯСУн гКНСЯ (ббгЪЗЮнд)


The Listening Text:


Today, I’m going to give a talk about one of the most famous writers of science fiction: Arthur C. Clarke. He was born in England in 1917, the son of a farmer. He was always interested in science, but his father died and his family did not have much money, so Clarke had to find work as soon
as he finished school. He got a job with the government, although he wrote for science magazines in his free time. He was able to develop his skills in science during the Second World War, when he worked with radar. This system was being used for he first time, to help planes to land. Many science articles by Clarke had been published in magazines before the war ended. He predicted
satellite television in one article. Later, his science fiction stories were also published in magazines.


Clarke decided to go to university after the war and he graduated in maths and physics. He became the editor of a science magazine and continued to write articles and stories. Many of his stories were about people travelling into space in rockets. Soon he was famous as a writer and also as a scientific consultant. Scientists and technicians knew that Clarke could be asked about spaceships and satellites, and he was happy to talk about his ideas. In 1964, Clarke was asked to work on a film for the famous director Stanley Kubrick. The director wanted to make a film of one of Clarke’s short stories. This became 2001: A Space Odyssey. The film, about travelling far into space, has been watched by many millions of people since it was made in 1968. After a serious illness, Clarke was inawheelchair for many years and he died in 2008, but he is remembered as a great scientist as well as a writer. The Arthur C Clarke Foundation has promoted ФуМуЪ   the use of technology to improve the qualityof life in developing countries ЗбПжб ЗбдЗгнЙ, and there are now parts of space that have been named after him.

A Space Odyssey

Only two men were awake on the spaceship Discovery. Their names were David Bowman and Frank Poole. Their job was to lookafter the spaceship and the three other astronauts, who were sleeping during the long journey to the planet Saturn. Bowman and Poole were helped by Hal, an extremely intelligent computer. One morning, Poole was watching a video message that had been sent to him by his family onearth. It was interrupted by Hal, who said that part AE35 of the spaceship wasaboutto fail. Part AE35 was important because it sent messages to earth.

Poole went outside the spaceship to replace the part. He wasusedto work ing in zero - gravity so he changed the part easily. However, when Bowman checked the old part later, he found nothing wrong. That afternoon, Hal told them that the new part AE35 was also about to fail. The men werenotused to hear ing that there were problems with the spaceship and they thought that this was strange, so they contacted earth. They were told that somethingwaswrongwith Hal and that they should turn the computer off. Suddenly, they lost contact with earth. Part AE35 was not working.

Poole decided to replace the new part AE35, but while he was outside, the spaceship suddenly moved forward and hit him. He was killed. Bowman was horrified and wondered if Poole was killed by Hal. He decided to wake up the other astronauts, but to do this, he needed Hal's help. At first, Hal refused, but when Bowman threatened to cut Hal's wires, the computer finally agreed.

Bowman started to wakeup the other astronauts, but suddenly he felt the inside of the spaceship become very cold. The pressure inside the spaceship was falling fast and all the air was disappearing. Bowman ran to an emergency room so he could breathe some oxygen. He now understood that the computer that had been built to help him was trying to kill him. He had to find Hal's controls so that he could turn off the computer.

Choose the correct answer:

1- Hal was an extremely intelligent (astronaut – spaceship – computer – shuttle).

2- Hal interrupted Poole’s video message to say that the part of the ship that sent messages to earth was about to (fall – leave – come – fail).

3- It was easy for Bowman to change the part in space because he was used to working in (total – zero – partial – full) gravity.

4- Bowman and Poole decided to (connect - contact – communicate – destroy) earth because they thought it was strange that there were problems with the spaceship.


Answer the following questions:

5 -What does the underlined word “ them ” refer to”

6 -Why did Bowman run to an emergency room?

7 -What do you think would happen if intelligent computers controlled the world?

8 -Find words in the passage which mean:

a) quickly and unexpectedly

b) to say that you will not do something

Word Study & Language Notes:

§ Consult (v) нУКФнС/нКФЗжС § consult with нКФЗжС гЪ

Past Passive Forms


۩ ЗбгЗЦн ЗбИУнШ Past Simple Эн ЗбгИдн ббгМежб:

Was/were (not) + PP.

• The government built new hospitals in the countryside last year.                                            

• New hospitals were built in the countryside last year.


۩ ЗбгЗЦн ЗбгУКгС Past continuous Эн ЗбгИдн ббгМежб:

Was/were (not) + being + PP.


• My mother was cleaning the house when I arrived.                                                

• The house was being cleaned when I arrived.

۩ ЗбгЦЗСЪ ЗбКЗг Present Perfect Эн ЗбгИдн ббгМежб:

Have/has (not) been + PP.

• Actors have used the hotel in many famous films.                                        

• The hotel has been used in many famous films.

۩ ЗбгЗЦн ЗбКЗг Past Perfect Эн ЗбгИдн ббгМежб:

Had (not) been + PP.

• Mother had not made the bread when we went to bed.                                        

• The bread had not been made when we went to bed.

Ё Эн НЗбЙ жМжП гЭЪжбнд нгЯд Гд дИПГ ИГн гдегЗ Эн ЗбгИдм ббгМежб ж бЯд бЗНЩ ЗУКОПЗг НСЭ МС ЪдПгЗ дИПГ ИЗбгЭЪжб ЗбгИЗФС.

• She made me a cup of coffee.   

• I was made a cup of coffee.       

• A cup of coffee was made for me.

Ё нУКОПг НСЭ ЗбМС for  гЪ ГЭЪЗб гЪндЙ гЛб:

Test 1 on unit 7

A- Vocabulary and Structure

Choose the correct answer:

1. Our car (is being repaired – is repairing – has repaired – will repair) this week.

2. They (were built – will be built – have been built – built) these flats in 1965.

3. The car (drives – was driving – was being driven – will drive) too fast.

4. We (have invited – will invite – has invited – have been invited) to a party at the weekend.

5. The headmaster (had been warned – had warned – is warned – will be warned) the students about being late for school.

6. I expect we (will be told – will tell – have told – had told) where to go.

7. Charles Dickens (writes – is written – was written – wrote) Oliver Twist a long time ago.

8. Nuclear weapons pose a serious (benefit - threat – advantage – merit) to world peace.

9. I'm sorry to (interrupt – adopt – attempt – consult), but there's a telephone call for you.

10. Insulin is used to (extract - control – divide – blend) the rise of glucose levels in the blood.

11. He is a professional and energetic film (anchor – captor – director – factor).

12. The president held an (efficiency – accuracy - emergency – insulting) meeting to discuss military strategy with his defence commanders yesterday.

13. She works as a/an (applicant – arrogant – disinfectant – consultant) for a design company.

14. All of them were (purified - horrified – clarified – classified) at the news of Cindy's death.

15. How he escaped from a maximum security prison (was never known – never knew – has never known – had never known).

16. She was believed (to commit – to have been committed - to have committed – committing) the crime with the help of her husband last week.


B- Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

There are new findings that not enough sleep may cause people to gain weight. Researchers say a lack of sleep can produce hormonal changes that increase feelings of hunger.


In one study, researchers in the United States examined information on more than one thousand people. The people had taken part in a long-term study of sleep disorders.


Some people slept less than five hours a night. They had fifteen percent higher blood levels of a hormone called ghrelin than people who slept eight hours. And they had fifteen percent less of the hormone leptin. Experts say ghrelin helps make people feel hungry; leptin makes you feel full.


The scientists say these hormonal changes may be a cause of obesity in Western societies. The results were not affected by how much people exercised. People who are awake longer have more time to burn energy. But the researchers say loss of sleep may increase hunger especially for high-calorie foods, so people gain weight.


Researchers from Stanford University in California and the University of Wisconsin did the study. They found that the best amount of sleep for weight control is seven-point-seven hours a night.


Another study found that people who slept just four hours a night for two nights had an eighteen percent reduction in leptin. And they had a twenty-eight percent increase in ghrelin. The young men in that study also appeared to want more sweet and starchy foods.

Choose the correct answer:

1-Hormonal changes may be a cause of ------------- in people who get little sleep.

a) good health                             b) overweight              

c) mental illness                                d) vitamin deficiency


2-The best title to this passage is:

a) how to lose weight                                           b) how to gain more weight

c) the link between lack of sleep and obesity         d) starvation


3-According to the passage, hunger may result from ----------------.

a) loss of sleep                                   b) oversleeping            

c) starchy food                                   d) too much sleep


4-The underlined word 'they' refers to ----------------.

a) people who slept 8 hours           b) people who slept less than 5 hours

c) researchers who did the study      d) Western societies


Answer the following questions:

5-What is the best amount of sleep for weight control?

6-Find words in the passage which mean:

a) having had enough to eat

b) a chemical, usually occurring naturally in your body

7-How many people took part in the first study?

8-How does hunger for high-calorie foods influence people?

C- Writing

8- Write a paragraph of about 180 words about:

"Imagine what would happen if intelligent computers and robots controlled humans"

E- Translation

A) Translate into Arabic:

1- Some scientists believe that if machines became smarter than humans, they would be able to create unimaginable weapons and destroy humanity.


2- Today, technology is very important because it is used for almost everything and like everything, technology has advantages and disadvantages.


B) Translate into English:

Test 2 on unit 7

A- Vocabulary and Structure

Choose the correct answer:

1. He would like (to be examined – to examine – to have examined – to be examining) by the doctor.

2. Someone was thought to (break – be breaking - have broken – breaks) into our house last night.

3. It is thought that waste that (is put – puts – is putting – has put) into the river by factories is often so poisonous that it kills the fish.

4. It (says – is saying - is said – has said) that, in Egypt, about 38 million people drink polluted water.

5. You must never wash food using water that (may fill - may be filled – may be filling – will fill) with toxic chemicals.

6. We should all (teaching – to teach - be taught – being taught) about the dangers that exist today.

7. It is believed that about 4 million tons of waste (goes – to go – will be gone – to be gone) into the Nile every year.

8. Houses (design – have designed – are designed – are designing) to be warm in winter and cool in summer.

9. She likes Biology, but she's not keen on (Physics – physicist – physical – physician).

10. If the machine breaks down at any time, there's always a (technician – musician – comedian – dietician) on call.

11. The plane suddenly just disappeared from the (television – radio - radar – microwave) screen.

12. Illegal hunting is (threatening – increasing – boosting – helping) the survival of many species.

13. She spoke for 20 minutes without (injection – interruption – infection – deception).

14. He's known to be an outstanding (physics – physicist – physical – biology).

15. There is a (direction - direct – director – directed) link between the unemployment rate гЪПб ЗбИШЗбЙ and crime.

16. We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and (error – mirror – horror – emperor).


B- Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Even though there have been truly significant advances in modern medicine, health problems still abound and cause untold misery. Although heart disease and cancer were rare at the beginning of the 20th century, today these two diseases strike with increasing frequency, in spite of billions of dollars in research to combat them, and in spite of tremendous advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques. In America, one person in three suffers from allergies, one in ten has ulcers and one in five is mentally ill. Every year, a quarter of a million infants are born with a birth defect and undergo expensive surgery, or are hidden away in institutions. Other degenerative diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and chronic fatigue afflict a significant majority of Americans. Further learning disabilities make life miserable for seven million young people and their parents. These diseases were extremely rare only a generation or two ago. Today, chronic illness afflicts nearly half of all Americans and causes three out of four deaths in the United States.

Choose the correct answer:

C- Writing


Write an essay of about 180 words about:

"Why everybody should read books"


E- Translation

A) Translate into Arabic:

1-digitizing governmental departments can enhance services, save money, and improve citizens’ quality of life.

2-Science fiction movies can tell stories that make us think about the sort of world we want to pass on to our children and grandchildren in the future.

B) Translate into English:

Essam Wahba


Unit 7



2021 - 2020



Unit         7


consultant ЗУКФЗСн/гУКФЗС Someone with a lot of experience ОИСЙ in a subject whose job is to give advice about it
director гхОСцМ someone who gives instructions КЪбнгЗК to actors ЗбггЛбжд and other people in a film
physics ЗбЭнТнЗБ the science that deals with нКЪЗгб гЪ the structure ИднЙ/КСЯнИ of objects and substances ЗбгжЗП
radar СЗПЗС A method ШСнЮЙ of finding the position гЯЗд of things such as planes by sending out radio waves гжМЗК бЗУбЯнЙ
technician Эдн/КЮдн someone who does practical Ъгбн work connected with гСКИШ ИЬ science or technology
emergency ШжЗСнБ Relating to гСКИШ ИЬ an unexpected ЫнС гКжЮЪ and dangerous situation
interrupt нхЮЗШЪ Stop a process ЪгбнЙ or activity for a short time
pressure ЦЫШ The force ЮжЙ that a gas or liquid has when it is inside a container жЪЗБ
horrified ОЗЖЭ/гСЪжИ shocked
threaten нхеПП Tell someone that you will hurt them or cause serious problems for them if they do not do what you want
controls ГМеТЙ ЗбКНЯг Parts of a machine that you use to make it work
be about to Ъбн жФЯ Гд Be ready to start doing something
zero-gravity ЗдЪПЗг ЗбМЗРИнЙ          Without the force that makes objects ЗбГФнЗБ fall to the ground
physicist ЪЗбг ЭнТнЗБ Someone who works in physics

More Vocabulary:

odyssey СНбЙ ШжнбЙ/гбНгЙ science fiction ЗбОнЗб ЗбЪбгн
radio waves гжМЗК бЗУбЯнЙ exploration ЗУКЯФЗЭ
appreciation КЮПнС/ЗгКдЗд/ЗУКНУЗд critical thinking ЗбКЭЯнС ЗбдЮПн
critics ЗбдЮЗП criticize ндЮП
criticism ЗбдЮП space travel ЗбУЭС ббЭЦЗБ
specific гНПП a spaceship УЭндЙ ЭЦЗБ
a space shuttle гЯжЯ ЭЦЗБ satellite ЮгС ХдЗЪн/КЗИЪ
planet ЯжЯИ universe ЗбЯжд
galaxy гМСЙ emergency ШжЗСнБ
interrupt нЮЗШЪ pressure ЗбЦЫШ
astronaut СЗЖП ЭЦЗБ astronomer ЪЗбг ЭбЯ
controls ГМеТЙ ЗбКНЯг horrified гСКЪИ
threaten неПП Sleep disorders ЗЦШСЗИЗК Збджг
Saturn ЯжЯИ ТхНб contact earth нКХб ИЗбГСЦ
fail нЭФб/нЪМТ Ъд / нСУИ partly МТЖнЗр
replace нУКИПб replacement ЗУКИПЗб / ИПнб
check нЭНХ/нСЗМЪ breath ЗбдуЭуУ
breathe нКдЭУ breathing ЗбКдЭхУ
happen = occur нНПЛ science facts НЮЗЖЮ ЗбЪбг
go wrong нНПЛ Ие ЪхШб survive = stay alive нИЮн Ъбн ЮнП ЗбНнЗЙ
electric cars УнЗСЗК ЯеСИЗЖнЙ benefits ЭжЗЖП
space station гНШЙ ЭЦЗЖнЙ structure ИднЙ / КСЯнИ
laboratory гЪгб advertising ЗбПЪЗнЙ жЗбЕЪбЗд
measure нЮнУ equipment (u) ГМеТЙ (бЗ КЪП)
float нШЭж downside МЗдИ УбИн
position жЦЪ/гСЯТ/гЯЗдЙ failure ЭФб / СУжИ
measurement ЮнЗУ space journeys СНбЗК ЭЦЗЖнЙ
electrical goods УбЪ ЯеСИЗЖнЙ the spaceship Discovery УЭндЙ ЗбЭЦЗБ ПнУЯЭСн
artificial intelligence ЗбРЯЗБ ЗбЗХШдЗЪн chess ЗбФШСдМ
social media гжЗЮЪ ЗбКжЗХб ЗбЗМКгЗЪн samples ЪндЗК
beneficial гЭнП chemicals гжЗП ЯнгнЗЖнЙ
direction ЗКМЗе / ЗОСЗМ benefit нЭнП/нУКЭнП/ЭЗЖПЙ
foundation ГУЗУ/гДУУЙ/КГУнУ editor гНСС/СЖнУ КНСнС
promote нФМЪ/нхСжМ бЬ/нЪТТ wheelchair ЯСУн гКНСЯ (ббгЪЗЮнд)


The Listening Text:


Today, I’m going to give a talk about one of the most famous writers of science fiction: Arthur C. Clarke. He was born in England in 1917, the son of a farmer. He was always interested in science, but his father died and his family did not have much money, so Clarke had to find work as soon
as he finished school. He got a job with the government, although he wrote for science magazines in his free time. He was able to develop his skills in science during the Second World War, when he worked with radar. This system was being used for he first time, to help planes to land. Many science articles by Clarke had been published in magazines before the war ended. He predicted
satellite television in one article. Later, his science fiction stories were also published in magazines.


Clarke decided to go to university after the war and he graduated in maths and physics. He became the editor of a science magazine and continued to write articles and stories. Many of his stories were about people travelling into space in rockets. Soon he was famous as a writer and also as a scientific consultant. Scientists and technicians knew that Clarke could be asked about spaceships and satellites, and he was happy to talk about his ideas. In 1964, Clarke was asked to work on a film for the famous director Stanley Kubrick. The director wanted to make a film of one of Clarke’s short stories. This became 2001: A Space Odyssey. The film, about travelling far into space, has been watched by many millions of people since it was made in 1968. After a serious illness, Clarke was inawheelchair for many years and he died in 2008, but he is remembered as a great scientist as well as a writer. The Arthur C Clarke Foundation has promoted ФуМуЪ   the use of technology to improve the qualityof life in developing countries ЗбПжб ЗбдЗгнЙ, and there are now parts of space that have been named after him.

Read the following passage carefully:


A Space Odyssey

Only two men were awake on the spaceship Discovery. Their names were David Bowman and Frank Poole. Their job was to lookafter the spaceship and the three other astronauts, who were sleeping during the long journey to the planet Saturn. Bowman and Poole were helped by Hal, an extremely intelligent computer. One morning, Poole was watching a video message that had been sent to him by his family onearth. It was interrupted by Hal, who said that part AE35 of the spaceship wasaboutto fail. Part AE35 was important because it sent messages to earth.

Poole went outside the spaceship to replace the part. He wasusedto work ing in zero - gravity so he changed the part easily. However, when Bowman checked the old part later, he found nothing wrong. That afternoon, Hal told them that the new part AE35 was also about to fail. The men werenotused to hear ing that there were problems with the spaceship and they thought that this was strange, so they contacted earth. They were told that somethingwaswrongwith Hal and that they should turn the computer off. Suddenly, they lost contact with earth. Part AE35 was not working.

Poole decided to replace the new part AE35, but while he was outside, the spaceship suddenly moved forward and hit him. He was killed. Bowman was horrified and wondered if Poole was killed by Hal. He decided to wake up the other astronauts, but to do this, he needed Hal's help. At first, Hal refused, but when Bowman threatened to cut Hal's wires, the computer finally agreed.

Bowman started to wakeup the other astronauts, but suddenly he felt the inside of the spaceship become very cold. The pressure inside the spaceship was falling fast and all the air was disappearing. Bowman ran to an emergency room so he could breathe some oxygen. He now understood that the computer that had been built to help him was trying to kill him. He had to find Hal's controls so that he could turn off the computer.

Choose the correct answer:

1- Hal was an extremely intelligent (astronaut – spaceship – computer – shuttle).

2- Hal interrupted Poole’s video message to say that the part of the ship that sent messages to earth was about to (fall – leave – come – fail).

3- It was easy for Bowman to change the part in space because he was used to working in (total – zero – partial – full) gravity.

4- Bowman and Poole decided to (connect - contact – communicate – destroy) earth because they thought it was strange that there were problems with the spaceship.


Answer the following questions:

5 -What does the underlined word “ them ” refer to”

6 -Why did Bowman run to an emergency room?

7 -What do you think would happen if intelligent computers controlled the world?

8 -Find words in the passage which mean:

a) quickly and unexpectedly

b) to say that you will not do something

Word Study & Language Notes:

§ Consult (v) нУКФнС/нКФЗжС § consult with нКФЗжС гЪ


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