I. Найдите в следующих предложениях герундий, инфинитив, причастие и выпишите их, указав часть речи. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


I. Найдите в следующих предложениях герундий, инфинитив, причастие и выпишите их, указав часть речи.

1. Usually my mother does cooking in our family and she does it very well.

2. Many people will be pleased not to spend hours peeling potatoes and scrubbing pans.

3. Food freezing is the easiest, safest and most natural way of preserving food.

4. A good example is the traditional British breakfast consisting of cornflakes with milk, eggs and bacon, toast with honey or marmalade.



II. Определите форму, функцию, залог герундия, причастия и инфинитива.

1. Nick is said to live on potatoes and vinegar.

2. Alcohol may be drunk with dinner, especially at weekends or on special occasions.

3. Asked about that dinner party, he replied nothing.

4. Having collected all the necessary ingredients, he began cooking delicious dishes.



III. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму сослагательного наклонения.

1. If you (want) to eat out in Britain, there is an enormous variety of both British and foreign restaurants to choose from.

2. If he rang me up, I (go) to the restaurant with him.

3. If she (live) in Spain, she would cook national Spanish dishes.

4. I wish I (pass) my English exam.



IV. Проанализируйте предложения. Определите вид подчиненного предложения и способ его соединения с главным предложением. Переведите на русский язык.

1. She looks as if she enjoyed the party.

2. She went into the kitchen to do the washing up which she always did before going to bed.

3. When Rose got home, she found that her daughter was cooking dinner.

4. People often complain that the vegetables are always too soggy and either tasteless or with too much salt in that restaurant.


V. Прочтите текст. Письменно переведите 1-3 абзацы, ответьте на следующие вопросы, а ответы письменно расположите так, чтобы они могли быть планом к тексту.



Restaurants in the US are plentiful and of wide variety. They range from inexpensive «fast food» places to very expensive restaurants. Some restaurants feature specialties of the region or from foreign countries.

Restaurants in the US are inspected regularly for cleanliness and for compliance with health code. It is safe to eat in any restaurant. However, for the best meals or the best bargains, it is good idea to follow the recommendations of acquaintances and friends. It is safe to drink water in all parts of the US. Usually water is served with ice. If you prefer water without ice, or hot water, ask the waiter or waitress for it.

If you plan to eat dinner at a formal restaurant, you should call a day or two in advance to make a reservation. Not all restaurants require reservation, but it is a good idea to check, just in case they are necessary. This is especially true on weekends and holidays.

In general the wording of an invitation to dine with someone in a restaurant offers a clue as to who will pay the bill. If you are not sure how the bill will be paid, assume that you will pay your share. If you are meant to be guest, your host or hostess will say so. Usually, when a man invites a woman out to dinner, he pays the bill. However, modern US dating arrangements sometimes are «Dutch», which means that each person pays for the food and drink he or she has ordered and contributes towards the tip for the waiter or waitress.

In a cafeteria or fast food restaurant, the bill is paid when food is ordered. In a cafeteria, the cashier determines the bill and collects the money at the end of the food line, after you have chosen what you want to eat.



1. What does “Dutch” dating arrangement mean?

2. What are restaurants in the USA regularly inspected for?

3. When do people pay the bill in a cafeteria or fast food restaurant?

4. Are restaurant in the USA of wide variety?

5. What is necessary to do if you want to eat dinner at a formal restaurant?



Вариант 2



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