Internet marketing and personalization of business . Electronic distribution 

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Internet marketing and personalization of business . Electronic distribution

Implementation Internet marketing has led to a change in the structure and strategy of enterprises. Transition from simple Web publications for interactive marketing entailed a change in organizational structure, which, in its turn, it required significant material and time costs.

Change in organizational structure is as follows. At the first stage, the company goes online with First-level Web sites that integrate easily with its previous organizational structure. Brochure-type sites can be quickly put into operation by converting existing advertising products into digital form. With the introduction of such sites, a business organization does not undergo changes.

The main tasks of the first level sites were the timeliness of the release of information and a recognizable form of presentation of the material. Unified templates and common styling solutions ensure overall recognition and continuity. Web site.

Second-level sites are used to access databases, track information and place online orders. Their implementation required closer collaboration between the marketing and IT departments. units and some changes in organization structure. The concept of micromarketing has appeared, which implies a focus on meeting the needs of certain groups of consumers.

In order to move to technologies that ensure the release of individual products, adapting the online service to the preferences of each consumer individually, it was necessary to change the structure of the enterprise.

There was a transition from a standard product to a product tailored to the taste and requirements of a particular consumer. There was a service for fitting bulk goods to the wishes of the client, which was made possible by receiving relevant information from the customer and the flexibility of production. In the new scheme Internet marketing moves closer to a specific consumer, due to which the degree of satisfaction of the latter increases.

Assistance in the selection of products and the manufacture of products to order contribute to the personalization of work and, therefore, lead to the emergence of additional relationships with the consumer.

The consumer received from personalization such benefits as simplification of the choice of goods due to the possibility of informal communication, interactive management, demonstration of the functions of the goods.

An example of a well-functioning distribution system supported by online commerce is the direct sales system with the ability to manufacture custom products used by Dell Computer. Internet marketing companies are organized in such a way that through Web, you can receive a unique order to supply a computer of the required configuration, equip it with special software and send it to the customer in four hours. The custom-made assembly process required the restructuring of the entire production process, and the transfer of the center of gravity to online trading required the abandonment of a number of real stores in favor of virtual ones.

For some types of business e-commerce is so profitable that companies started all of their translate operations online. Instead of supporting Unprofitable offline stores on the Web, it turned out to be easier to transfer them online.

The demand for personalization in real time has affected the entire structure of the organization. The new structure required reliable customer feedback for all operational departments of the company so that requests were answered in real time. At this stage, companies began using third-level sites.

Beyond Change Web technologies, companies began to apply new logistics - with faster response times. The transition to the individual consumption market turned out to be quite tough, and many companies were unable to adapt to new technologies.

Using the Internet has dramatically reduced the cost of distributing the so-called soft goods 2 (e-books, analytical reports, software, etc.). However, it is important to note that when applying Internet marketing fundamentally changes the distribution system, regardless of what goods and services are in question.

Let's consider two schemes (Fig. 20.2) - a scheme direct distribution, in which suppliers of services or goods conclude a deal directly with the consumer (Fig. 20.2 a), and a scheme in which each supplier communicates with reseller 3 serving the final consumers (Fig. 20.2 b).

As shown in the figure, in the second diagram (Fig. 20.2 b) the total number of contacts is reduced. When it comes to offline business, fewer contacts mean lower communication costs and increased business value for both suppliers and resellers.

However, the online business changes everything - the cost of each contact is minimal, so the ability to accumulate information about each client is of great value. In conditions Internet marketing companies can afford to have much more contact with consumers who, in their in turn, can visit a larger number of online outlets.

It’s hard and expensive to get the information you need while offline sales, and online information is delivered automatically and creates the basis for personalized marketing. As a result, contacts with consumers move from the sphere of costs to the sphere of studying consumer demand; therefore, companies seek not to reduce, but to increase the number of such contacts.




Fig. 20.2. Models of online and offline marketing




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