Pop-up windows: pros and cons 

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Pop-up windows: pros and cons

Pop-up windows 4 , as well as spam, were notorious, but this happened mainly due to the abuse of this technology. Pop-up windows become annoying if they interfere with reading the main text, and if a small window opens when the visitor leaves the site, the risk of causing irritation is not so great. As a rule, on a site where a visitor has received the necessary information and wants to know about service updates, a pop-up window with an offer to subscribe to the newsletter will not cause negative emotions at all. Some web-developers claim that the competent addition of pop-up-windows leads to the fact that the number of subscribers increases sharply in the absence of complaints from users.

Good e- mail newsletter style

You should not be verbose - it is better to reduce the introductory part. Many subscribers believe that the length of the message is optimal for mailing, at which the recipient does not even need to go to the scroll bar.

The letter should look like an individual: it is desirable to indicate the name of the recipient and build it in the form of a personal appeal.

Frank advertising and uninformative boastful remarks can be perceived as spam. Non-binding phrases such as “the best in the world, total customer satisfaction”, “unprecedented exceptional accuracy”, “recognized leader in the field of information technology” should be excluded. It is better to indicate the data in percent, and determine the degree of leadership by an indicator in the market (preferably confirming it with a link to a marketing agency). Users lose confidence in texts in which the authors are clearly exaggerating.

The form of the message matters. Ease of use of e-mail facilitates communication and simplifies the style of communication in private correspondence, however, in advertising letters the quality of the text should be ideal, since it will judge the company and its products.

The Internet allows you to reach the widest possible audience, so you should take into account cultural differences and choose a universal form of appeal and presentation of the material. You should choose a style that does not offend the recipient with a violation of subordination, formal treatment, etc.

Some Secrets to Mailing Efficiency

The success of the marketing impact largely depends on the regularity of the newsletter. Do not send letters too often - once a month is enough to inform customers about company news. Even if the client himself filled out the questionnaire and subscribed to the news, it is necessary to leave customers the opportunity to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

When dealing with e-mail newsletters, you should remember that subscribers can have spam filters that block the newsletter.

If subscribers are informed that the newsletter will be on a specific topic, advertising on another topic should not be abused.

Try not to send attachments without asking permission from the recipient. Firstly, this will cause unnecessary suspicion of the filters, and secondly, some users have restrictions on the size of the letter and mailbox or slow communication speed. If you are sending out issues not from your own domain, but using a special service, then select reputable services.

Types of Newsletters

First of all, it should be said about automatic mailings. They can make life easier for site owners. This purpose is served by e- mail -avtootvetchiki. The main resource on the Internet is trust. The person sending the request by e-mail actually expresses his trust to you. If you cannot answer letters, use answering machines and autoresponders.

An e-mail answering machine promptly issues an automatic e-mail response.

A feature of the answering machine is that the addresses and texts of letters of those who made the request are saved and, therefore, a database can be formed from them.

Subsequently, it can be used for mailing.

Some users, before making a decision on the purchase of a product, must definitely talk about it several times. In order to ease the problem of choice for such buyers and not to cause unnecessary trouble to the seller, autoresponders were created, which in many ways resemble answering machines. They differ from the latter in that they can produce automatic mailings to the request address several times with a change in the information sent.

The most common newsletters are news about services, products, or the site. The ability to find a reason for the news is a special art of the marketer. Interesting news is a good reason to notify subscribers, partners, friends and once again attract visitors to the site.

Special mention should be sending press releases. According to the definition, a press release is a factual presentation of objects and events that serves as a raw material or one of the sources for preparing a publication. The purpose of a press release is to draw media attention to a company, product, service, or Web site.

When compiling a press release, try to look from the perspective of a journalist: he needs to attract the reader, the main thing for him is an interesting topic, but the form and structure also matter.

So what should be the form of the press release?

1.                     Urgency will quickly filter out unnecessary news. For daily, weekly and monthly editions, the relevance of the news is different. Let the editor immediately figure out if the news is relevant to him or not.

2.                     The headline should impress the reader, making him interested in the text.

3.                     Annotation. A concise presentation will help the editor decide whether he needs this material or not.

4.                     Location and time. It is advisable to start the text with a message from which region the information came from and when, for example: Moscow, Russia, 1.02.2005.

5.                     Main part.

The content of the main part should attract the attention of the editor and future audience to the event. As for the form, non-standard fonts and excessive decoration should be avoided. The press release should be short - usually no more than one page.

Instead of long texts, it is advisable to give a link to a more complete text on the Web. Avoid quoting management statements that do not contain specific information. Extensive reasoning, even from the lips of big bosses, is not of particular interest to the reader. Avoid using professional terms in a press release. If the writing is not clear to the journalist to whom you are sending the release, then this information will most likely never reach the readers. The author of the release is always well versed in the subject, but he must make sure that the text is accessible to the circle of potential readers.  

Obviously, the closer your presentation style is to the norms of the literary language, the easier it is for the editor to use it in the article and the sooner he will do it.

6.                     Information about the companies participating in the press release

The last paragraph of the press release is usually used to represent the companies mentioned in the press release.

7.                     Contact details

You must provide your name, phone, fax, e-mail and Web site address, i.e. data that will help the journalist ask for more information.

In principle, marketers practice sending out not only press releases, but also finished articles that can be sent to both online and offline magazines.

There are many print publications whose editors are concerned with filling out various sections, and not only news ones; tens of thousands of thematic newsletters are read daily by millions of readers.

Separately, it should be said about the services of automatic placement of press releases.

A typical example is the oldest and largest Runet news channel Subscribe.Ru. This is a platform where press releases are received from one source and transferred to another.

The resource is presented to subscribers as an opportunity to receive information directly in the mailbox, and to authors as an opportunity to post their press release, begin to conduct their newsletter or discussion list.

The authors are provided with a convenient mailing mechanism.

The site has about 3 million subscribers. The resource takes care of all the technical aspects of mailing: organizes sending letters to subscribers in various formats and encodings, creating an archive http://subscribe.ru/archive/, maintaining detailed statistics (http://subscribe.ru/stat/), provides a tool for automatically converting distribution formats (HTML "-" Text) and encodings (KOI-8, CP-1251, Latin). Newsletters can be published in any language.  

Subscribers will be able to subscribe to the newsletter both directly from the site and from the mailing list of the resource http://subscribe.ru/catalog and in the future fully control all aspects of their subscription. 

You can also recommend other resources of a similar profile:

· http://www.pressroom.ru/

· http://www.osp.ru/releases/

· http://pr.cnews.ru/

· http://pr.b2bsbn.ru/

A release or article in English can be posted on http://www.ezinearticles.com/ (or other English-language resources (www.ideamarketers.com, http://www.isyndicate.com/, http: // www. mediapeak.com/, http://www.MakingProfit.com/articles/, http://www.web-source.net/articlesub.htm/).     


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