General Conditions of the Order 

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General Conditions of the Order

1. Only the following conditions of the order together with those contained in the order shall be binding upon27 the parties.

2. Any amendment28 and/or alteration29 to this order shall be issued in writing only and in order to be binding must be duly signed by the parties.

3. Price: The prices for the goods specified in this order are fixed and not subject to any alterations.

The prices are understood to include packing for overseas shipment and delivery f.o.b. any British port, i.e. the Suppliers are to place the goods on board steamer at their expense including quay porterage30, port and dock dues31 on the cargo, attendance to customs formalities, cranage32, stevedoring33, etc.

4. Terms of payment: Payment will be effected in cash in London
through the Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd. within forty-five (45) days




of the date of dispatch to V/O "Russoimport" 32/34, Smolenskaja-Sennaja, Moscow, of the original and one copy of Bills of Lading provided that34 all other documents such as:

Invoices (one original and one copy);

Release Note for Shipment35 — one copy;

Certificates of Works' Test for the goods — two copies;

Packing Lists — three copies,

etc. have already been delivered to the Buyers in due time.

Payment will be effected only after complete shipment of the


5. Delivery date: The delivery date is understood to be the date on which the Suppliers apply to the Buyers' Shipping Agents36 notifying them that the goods have been inspected and passed for shipment by the Buyers' Inspectors and are packed ready for


The Suppliers shall dispatch the goods by the date indicated by the Shipping Agents; any delay in doing so shall be counted as delay in delivery on the part of37 the Suppliers.

Should the Suppliers fail to deliver the goods or part thereof38 by the delivery date specified in the order, they shall pay the Buyers agreed and liquidated damages39 for delay in delivery at the rate of... per cent per week of the value of the undelivered goods.

In addition Russoimport reserves the right to reject any goods delayed over... weeks, and such rejection of the goods shall not free the Suppliers from their liability40 to pay the Buyers agreed and liquidated damages calculated up to the date of rejection but not more than... per cent, of the value of the rejected goods.

Russoimport has the right to deduct41 the amount of agreed and liquidated damages, calculated on the basis stipulated42 in this contract, from the amounts due to the Suppliers.

6. Inspection and test: The Suppliers must notify43 the Buyers' Representatives at the Trade Delegation of Russia in the UK, 32 Highgate West Hill, London, N 6, at least ten (10) days in advance of the readiness of the manufactured goods for inspection and/or test.

The Suppliers are to accord44 the Buyers' Inspectors all assistance in obtaining information concerning the goods ordered


and supply them with all necessary testing equipment, labour, services, etc., free of charge. If the Buyers' Representatives inform the Suppliers that they will not participate in the test, the tests are to be carried out in the absence of the Buyers' Representatives.

The Buyers shall have the right to inspect and test the goods at any time during their manufacture.

Besides the Buyers' inspection, the Suppliers shall make the usual inspection and/or test at their works during and at the completion of manufacture and shall supply the Buyers' Representatives with the certificates of such tests immediately after the completion of the said45 tests.

The inspection and/or tests shall not free the Suppliers from their liabilities and shall not prejudice46 the rights of the Buyers under the conditions contained in clause 9 "Guarantee".

The final inspection and test of the goods shall take place in Russia at the works of Russoimport's Clients after erection and/or installation. Such inspection and test shall not free the Suppliers from any of their guarantees and undertaking under their Letter of Guarantee or from any other guarantees given by the Sellers in this contract.

7. Release note for shipment: If the goods are passed by the Buyers' Inspector for shipment, the Inspector will furnish the Suppliers with 4 copies of a Release Note for Shipment stating that the goods are passed for shipment. The Release Note for Shipment is to be signed by the Suppliers and by the Buyers' Inspector. If the Buyers' Representatives do not participate in the test, the Release Note for Shipment will be marked "Buyers' Inspector not present".

The 4 copies of the Release Note for Shipment are to be used by the Suppliers in the following way:

a) the pink copy to be sent to the Buyers' Shipping Agents, Messrs....;

b) the blue copy to be retained by the Sellers;

c) the white copy together with the documents enumerated in clause 12 item "b" to be sent to V/O "Russoimport";

d) the yellow copy to be returned to the Trade Delegation of Russia in the UK.


11. Arbitration: All disputes and differences arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be settled in Moscow by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the Russian Chamber of Commerce in accordance with the Rules for procedure of this Commission and by the law of Russia.

12. Should the order not be confirmed by the Suppliers within... days of receipt, Russoimport reserves the right to cancel it.


8. Drawings47 and technical documents: The Suppliers are to
furnish for each machine two (2) sets of drawings, technical materials
and documents as listed below:

Foundation drawings48.

General arrangement drawings49 with list of parts.

Detailed working drawings of parts subject to rapid wear.

Packing Lists.

Certificates of Works' Test of the goods.

Letter of Guarantee.

Complete instructions for the erection, operation, maintenance and repair of the machines50.

The listed drawings and technical documents are to be marked with the serial number of the machine, order number and transport number. They are to be wrapped in waterproof paper and packed together with the machine in case No. 1.

9. Guarantee: The Suppliers guarantee that the goods are in all
respects in accordance with the description, technical conditions
and specifications of the order, that they are free from defect in
material, design and workmanship and that they conform to the
Suppliers' highest standards. Should the goods prove defective
during the period of 12 months from the date of putting the machine,
equipment or instruments into operation but no more than 18 months
from the date of shipment, the Suppliers undertake to remedy the
defects or to replace the faulty goods delivering them c.i.f. Baltic or
Black Sea port at Buyers' option, free of charge, or to refund51 the
value of the goods paid by the Buyers.

10. Packing: The Suppliers shall take all measures to have the
goods securely and properly packed to withstand overseas and
overland transport to and in Russia. The Suppliers shall be held
responsible for all losses and/or damage to the goods owing to
inadequate or unsuitable packing or greasing52 the goods that are
liable to rust53.

All goods must have marks showing the two parts of the case under which the slings54 may be inserted in order to keep the balance in lifting.

A detailed packing note is to be inserted in each case.


1. deviation n

2. bill case

3. writing pad

4. music case

5. prompt adj

6. carton n

7. packet n

8. £ stg. 185- = 185.00 Pound Sterling

9. to draw on smb

10. to take out (insurance)

11. customs n

12. non-negotiable copy

13. to be steelbanded crosswise

14. flow-meter n

15. consignment n

16. collective Bill of Lading

17. at sight

draw on us at sight


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пакет, пачка

185 фунтов стерлингов

выставить (выписать) вексель (тратту) на кого-либо выплачивать (страховые рас­ходы) таможня

копия коносамента, не являю­щаяся товарораспорядитель­ным (финансовым) документом должны быть оплетены сталь­ными лентами крест-накрест

жидкостный расходомер

партия груза

сборный коносамент

по предъявлении

выставите тратту на наше имя по предъявлении




18 draft n

19. policy n insurance policy

20. transhipment n

21. the customs requirements

22. finance clause


23. floats, springs, gaskets

24. total amount

25. consignee n

26. price per unit

27.... shall be binding upon the parties

28. amendment n

29. alteration n

30. quay porterage

31. port and dock dues

32. cranage n

33. stevedoring n

34. provided that... conj

35. release note for shipment

36. the Buyers'Shipping Agents (= Forwarding Agents)

37. on the part of...

38. part thereof = part of them


— тратта, переводной вексель

— полис

— страховой полис

— перевалка (грузов)

— таможенные требования (в Ав­стралии отличаются особой жесткостью)

— финансовая статья {статья на лицевой стороне коноса­мента, регулирующая финан­совые вопросы)

— поплавки, пружины, про­кладки

— общий объем (в стоимостном или ином выражении)

— получатель

— цена за единицу (штуку) то­вара

—... являются обязательными для сторон

— поправка

— изменение

— переноска на пристани; плата за переноску на пристани

— портовые и доковые сборы

— пользование краном; плата за пользование краном

— стивидорные работы {работы по погрузке и выгрузке)

— в том случае, если...

— разрешение на отгрузку

— экспедитор (покупателя), экс­педирующая организация

— со стороны

— часть из них

39. damages n

agreed and liquidated damages

40. liability n

41. to deduct v

42. to stipulate v

43. to notify v (=to advise)

44. to accord v

are to accord assistance

45. the said tests

46. to prejudice v

47. drawing n

48. foundation drawing

49. general arrangement drawing

50. erection, operation, maintenance and repair of the machines

51. to refund v

52. greasing n

53. to be liable to rust

54. sling n


— убытки, возмещение убытков

— согласованные и заранее оце­ненные убытки

— ответственность

— вычитать

— оговаривать

— извещать {письменно)

— оказывать

— должны оказать помощь

— (выше) упомянутых испытаний

зд. наносить ущерб (чьим-либо правам)

— чертеж

— чертеж фундамента (станины)

— чертеж общего расположения

— монтаж, эксплуатация, про­филактика и ремонт оборудо­вания

— возместить (стоимость)

— смазка

— быть подверженным ржа-вению

мор. строп






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