A business VIsit. The Simplest business Deal 

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A business VIsit. The Simplest business Deal







Business travels1 form a rather important aspect of the commercial activity. Naturally, this is reflected in correspondence. However, the reader of this book will not find in it any specific details connected with booking airplane tickets2 or hotel accommodations3. This is usually not the matter of correspondence, but of a day-to-day business routine4. Given below are the expressions most frequently used in arranging5 a business visit, and then some examples of letters.


1. business travel                      — деловая поездка, команди-


2. to book v                                — заказывать booking airplane tickets           — заказ авиабилетов

3. accommodation n                  — место проживания, размеще-

hotel accommodations          — места (номера) в гостинице

4. routine n                               — повседневная практика day-to-day business routine       — зд. повседневная деловая прак­тика

5. to arrange v                            — организовывать, устраивать


He is (we are, our representatives are) prepared to travel to...

to examine this matter in detail

to have personal discussions with your representatives

to come with the purpose of conducting negotiations

... a list of points which we would like to discuss

... shall be very pleased to meet...

We regret that our manager will be away at that time

We suggest that you should visit... if this time is convenient for you

We greatly appreciate your invitation

The time suggested by you, viz.... is quite convenient for us

We propose flying to... about... (time)

We will advise you of the exact date after the flight has been arranged

Please inform us if the time

between 10th and 12th of July is convenient

The exact date and time of the visit to your office will be set upon arrival

We would like to thank you and your associates for the hospitality and kindness

Он готов (мы, наши представители готовы) приехать в...

обсудить (исследовать) проблему в деталях

иметь личные беседы с Вашими представителями

приехать с целью ведения переговоров

... список пунктов, которые мы бы хотели обсудить

... будем очень рады встретить...

Сожалеем, что наш руководитель в это время будет отсутствовать

Предлагаем Вам приехать..., если это время Вам удобно

Мы очень благодарны Вам за приглашение

Время, предложенное Вами, т.е...., вполне нас устраивает

Мы собираемся вылететь в... приблизительно... (время)

Мы сообщим Вам точное

время вылета после заказа билетов

Пожалуйста, сообщите, удобно ли Вам время между 10-м и 12-м июля

Точный день и время посещения Вашего офиса будут определе­ны по прибытии

Хотим поблагодарить Вас и Ваших коллег за гостеприимство и радушие


you next week or the week after11. Please advise us suitable dates for him to inspect your organization with a view to appointing you12 as agents13.

Before flying back to Russia Mr. Petrov will draw up14 an agreement, which he is authorized15 to sign on our behalf.

Yours faithfully,



The Simplest Business Deal

A series1 of business letters leading to the conclusion of a transaction2 usually includes the following sorts of letters:

The problem of accommodation will Проблемой размещения займется be attended toby...

I trust that I can be of similar           Надеюсь, я смогу оказать сходные

assistance                                     услуги


1. Proposing a business visit from England to Russia.

London, November 27, 2... J.V. "Piterpribor", St. Petersburg

Dear Sirs,

We refer to the recent discussion1 we had with your repre­sentative Mr. P.N. Maksimov in London on the possibility of our supplying your company with the office equipment2 manufactured3 by our company and distributing the appliances4 produced by you in Great Britain.

To examine this matter in detail, our Managing Director Mr. Peter Smith is prepared to travel to St. Petersburg at the beginning of December,..., and have personal discussions with the manage­ment of J.V. "Piterpribor".

At the suggestion of5 Mr. Maksimov we enclose a list of points which we would like to discuss in St. Petersburg.

We look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully, Enclosure

2. Proposing a business visit from Russia to Western Europe.

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your letter of 13th July, when you offered us representation6 in Belgium and Holland.

We are interested in your proposal7, and would like to discuss terms8.

Our Sales Manager, B.V. Petrov, has a supervisory interest in9 our European agencies10, and we have asked him to fly over to see

recent discussion

to supply... with


to manufacture v

4. distributing the appliances

5. at the suggestion of

6. to offer representation

7. to be interested in your proposal

8. to discuss terms

9. to have a supervisory interest in...

10. agency n

11. next week or the week after

12. with a view to appointing you

13. agent n

14. to draw up v

15. authorized

— недавнее обсуждение

— снабжать, поставлять... кон­торское оборудование

— изготовлять (промышленным способом)

— распространяя (продавая) при­способления (изделия)

— по просьбе

— предложить представитель­ство

— заинтересоваться Вашим предложением

— обсуждать условия

зд. отвечать за...

— агентские услуги

— на следующей неделе или че­рез неделю

— с целью (намерением) назна­чить Вас

— агент, представитель

— составлять (соглашение)

— уполномочен




enquiries3, replies to enquiries4, offers5, orders, order confirma­tions, advice of shipment6, complaints and adjustment letters7, and agency letters8.

All these types of letters will be discussed in details below, but to give a schematic idea of a business transaction, the following simple transaction with short letters has been selected.


series n sg — серия, ряд
transaction n — сделка
enquiry n — запрос
reply to enquiry — ответ на запрос
offer n — предложение
advice of shipment — сообщение об отгрузке
adjustment letter — письмо по исправлению пре-
agency letter — письмо об агентских услугах


1. Enquiry.

St. Petersburg, May 30th, 2... Transportmaschinen Export-Import G.m.b.H., 64, Mohrenstrasse, Berlin W 8, BRD

Dear Sirs,

We have seen your advertisement in "General Export" and should be glad to receive your bicycle catalogues with price lists. The prices should be given CIF1 St. Petersburg. If they are competitive2 we may be able to place larger orders3 subsequently4.

We trust to receive an early reply.

Yours faithfully,

The Modern Cycle Co. Ltd.,

(Sergey Ivanov)


2. Reply to Enquiry.

Berlin, June 15th, 2... The Modern Cycle Co. Ltd., 114 Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, Russia

Dear Sirs,

Re.: Your Enquiry of May 30th.

We thank you for your above5 letter and are pleased to send you our latest catalogue and the current price list. All our bicycles are of a very good quality6. The enamelling7 can be done in any colour you want.

We shall send you a specified offer8 as soon as we have your exact requirements.

Yours faithfully,

Transportmaschinen Export-Import G.m.b.H.

(Schulze)                                              (Gebhard)

3. Detailed Enquiry.

St Petersburg, July 1st, 2... Transportmaschinen Export-Import G.m.b.H., 64, Mohrenstrasse, Berlin W 8, BRD

Dear Sirs,

Offer for Trial Order9

With pleasure we received your catalogue and have studied it with interest. We should like to have an offer for one piece of your gent's cycle10 MIFA "Mowe" for a trial order.

If its quality proves to be satisfactory11 we shall place a big order. The enamelling should be red and green.

We look forward to your offer with interest.

Yours faithfully,

The Modern Cycle Co. Ltd.,

(Sergey Ivanov)


4. Offer.

Berlin, July 14th, 2... The Modern Cycle Co. Ltd., 114 Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, Russia

Dear Sirs,


We thank you for your letter of July 1st and are pleased to offer as follows:

One piece gent's cycle MIFA "Mo we", green and red enamelling, tyres12 28 x 1.75, with bell, saddle, and pump13, without lighting set14, at

USD 95.00 Terms of delivery: Price is quoted CIF St. Petersburg cycle packed

in seaworthy case, wheels removed15.
Delivery:            Can be effected ex works16 two weeks after the

receipt17 of your order. Terms of payment: Establishment of an irrevocable letter of credit18 with the Deutsche Notenbank, Berlin, in favour of Transportmaschinen Export-Import G.m.b.H., Berlin W 8, Mohrenstrasse 64. This offer is valid19 until September 30,...

Yours faithfully,

Transportmaschinen Export-Import G.m.b.H.

(Schulze)                                              (Gebhard)

5. Order.

St. Petersburg, July 28, 2... Transportmaschinen Export-Import G.m.b.H., 64, Mohrenstrasse, Berlin W 8, BRD

Dear Sirs,

Order No. 279/57 We received your offer of July 14th and order: 1 gent's cycle "Mowe" as specified, at

USD 95.00CIF St. Petersburg

We are established the L/C20 in your favour immediately and ask you to inform us when you can ship the bicycle.

Yours faithfully,

The Modern Cycle Co. Ltd.,

(Sergey Ivanov)

6. Order Confirmation Accompanied by this Letter.

Berlin, Aug. 15th, 2... The Modern Cycle Co. Ltd., 114 Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, Russia

Dear Sirs,

Re: Your Order No. 279/57

We thank you for your order of July 28th and enclose our Order Confirmation. We have instructed our manufacturers to send the bicycle to Rostock as soon as possible. It can be dispatched21 immediately after we have received word that your L/C has been opened.

Yours faithfully,

Transportmaschinen Export-Import G.m.b.H.

(Schulze)                                              (Gebhard)


7. Advice of Shipment.

Berlin, Aug. 23rd, 2... The Modern Cycle Co. Ltd., 114 Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, Russia

Dear Sirs,

Re: Your Order No. 279/57 We have been informed by the Deutsche Notenbank that you have established a letter of credit in our favour, amounting to22 USD 95.00. Thank you very much.




Today we instructed our Rostock forwarding agents23, Messrs. Finder & Co., to ship the bicycle to St. Petersburg by next available steamer24. As far as we know, the "Nautilus" will be the next ship to sail there. We hope that our bicycle will meet your approval and look forward to your future orders. You may be assured they will command our best attention25.

Yours faithfully,

Transportmaschinen Export-Import G.m.b.H.

(Schulze)                                                (Gebhard)


1. CIF = Cost, Insurance, Freight — «СИФ» («стоимость, страхов-

ка, фрахт») (разновидность условий доставки)

4. subsequently adv

5. above adj

6. quality n

7. enamelling n

8. a specified offer


2. competitive adj                         — конкурентоспособный

3. to place larger orders  — размещать более крупные за­казы


9. trial order

10. cycle (=bicycle) n

11. satisfactory adj

12. tyre n

13. pump n

14. lighting set

15. wheels removed

16. can be effected ex


— впоследствии, потом, позже

— упомянутый выше

— качество

зд. цвет, окраска

— специфицированное предло­жение

— пробный заказ

— велосипед

— удовлетворительный

— шина

— насос

— устройство для освещения

—                            со снятыми колесами
works          — может быть осуществлен с за­

17. after the receipt of                     — по получении


18. an irrevocable letter of credit

19. valid adj

20. L/C=letter of credit

21. to dispatch v

22. to amount to v

23. forwarding agents

24. by next available steamer

25. to command our best attention


— безотзывный аккредитив

— действительньш, имеющий силу

— аккредитив

— посылать, отправлять по на­значению

— составлять (сумму), равняться

— экспедитор

— ближайшим пароходом

— получать достойное внимание




1. Enquiry for cameras.

Dear Sirs,

In the "German Export" magazine1 No. 3, 2... we noticed an advertisement describing your CONTAX and EXACTA cameras.




A good many1 business transactions are opened with an enquiry. A general item of information2, a price list, a catalogue may be asked for. Detailed enquiries may express requests for the prices of specified articles3, terms of delivery, delivery dates, etc. They are mostly short and to the point4. The size of the future order may be referred to5 because large-scale6 selling tends to reduce7 prices. In such cases the seller usually grants8 the buyer a rebate9 or quantity discount from the list prices10. If made by e-mail, telephone or in a personal interview, enquiries should be confirmed by a letter.


1. a good many                           — многие

2. a general item of information     — сведения общего характера

3. articles n pi                               — товары

4. to the point                              — по существу

5. be referred to                           — зд. оговорен

6. large-scale adj                           — широкомасштабный

7. to reduce v                               — сокращать

8. to grant v                                 — предоставлять

9. rebate n                                   — скидка

to grant a rebate                       — предоставлять скидку

10. list prices                                 — прейскурантные цены


we noticed an advertisement            мы увидели рекламу (объявление),

describing...                                   где говорится...

we are very interested in...

We suggest that you send us your catalogues and price lists in triplicate and preferably in English

We would like you to advise us of discounts that you provide and delivery time

we should be glad to receive...

We may be able to place large orders with your company

the catalogue is of considerable interest to us

we are particularly interested in...

we shall appreciate it if you will send us a more detailed description of...

we are regular buyers of...

we are in the market for...

please send us samples of...

Your offer should be accompanied with specifications and blueprints

We would ask you to send us your offer (tender, quotation) for...

мы очень заинтересованы в...

Просим Вас выслать нам Ваши каталоги и прейскуранты в трех экземплярах и желательно на английском языке

Просим сообщить нам о скидках, которые Вы предоставляете, и о сроках поставок

будем рады получить...

Возможно, мы сможем дать Вашей компании большие заказы

каталог нас очень заинтересовал

мы особенно заинтересованы в...

мы будем Вам благодарны, если Вы вышлете нам более деталь­ное описание...

мы специализируемся на покупке (чего-либо)

мы имеем намерение купить (что-либо)

пожалуйста, вышлите нам образцы...

Ваше предложение должно

сопровождаться спецификаци­ями и чертежами

Просим Вас выслать нам Ваше предложение (официальное предложение, котировку) на...


We are very interested in these and, for that matter2, in any other cameras you may manufacture.

We suggest, therefore, that you send us your catalogue and price lists in triplicate and preferably in English, together with an indication of discounts and delivery time.

For your information we may add that our company was established3 ten years ago and has sales outlets4 in all main cities of Russia.

We look forward to an early reply.

Yours faithfully,

2. Enquiry for office equipment.

Dear Sirs,

We are interested in importing your office equipment to Russia. If you can supply, we would appreciate catalogues and prices by return of mail.

Yours faithfully,

3. Enquiry concerning motor scooters.

Dear Sirs,

We understand that your firm manufactures and sells motor scooters5. We are a wholesale importing house6 having many customers throughout Great Britain, both in the wholesale and retail7 trades.

Motor scooters are becoming very popular in this country, but we have to point out that the competition8 is very strong.

We should be glad to receive your illustrated catalogues and price lists. Please quote your keenest9 export prices.

For your information: our bankers are: The England and Scotland Bank Ltd., High Street, London.

Yours faithfully,

4. Enquiry concerning motor cycles.
Dear Sirs,

We are indebted to10 "Kelly's Directory" for your name and address and take the liberty to11 introduce ourselves as motor cycle importers in Moscow.

We should be very pleased if you would kindly let us have by return of mail your prices for the various types of motor cycles you can offer, together with the delivery dates.

We thank you in anticipation of a prompt reply12.

Yours faithfully,

5. Enquiry concerning a machine tool.

Dear Sirs,

We should be grateful if you send us by return of mail a detailed quotation covering the model PKE1250 x 1000 Vertical Boring and Turning Mill13.

Your price should be calculated on the basis F.O.B.14 British Ocean Port and the machine should be complete with15 electrical equipment for operation on a 400/440 volts, 3-phase, 50 cycle16 AC17 supply. When quoting, please indicate the commission18 included.

Yours faithfully,

6. Enquiry concerning biscuit products.
Dear Sirs,

We are interested in Albert Kuntz Biscuit19 Products and understand that you are their agent.

We should be very pleased if you could inform us whether you are in a position to supply. If so, your current price list together with your discount terms will be much appreciated.

If your prices are competitive we may be able to place larger orders.

Yours faithfully,




7. Request to forward enquiry to supplier.


In one of the issues of "German Export" we saw an advertisement about an Oxygen Meter20.

However, we have not been able to find the advertiser21, and therefore we request you kindly to send the enclosed enquiry to him.

We would like to mention that we have sent a similar enquiry to Messrs. JUNKALOR who also advertised an Oxygen Recorder22. Nevertheless we are very sure that there was another manufacturer in "German Export" offering such a meter.

Yours truly, 1 encl.

8. Enquiry concerning an oxygen meter.


We are in the market for an Indicating Oxygen Meter. As we are particularly interested in maintaining an atmosphere below 0,5 percent oxygen, this instrument should be furnished23 with a contact at the 0,5 % position.

Please quote on the following: One Oxygen Meter without contact; one Oxygen Meter with contact (if available).

The same instrument in lots of ten24. Also quote your best delivery ex warehouse25.

Very truly yours,

9. Enquiry concerning a machine tool.

Dear Sirs,

Re: Vertical Milling Machine26 FS 400x1650.

Referring to your letter of the 26th May, 2... we inform you that now we have a customer for the above-mentioned machine. As you know we also hold an import licence.

We should be glad if you would let us have the basic price for the machine if it has altered27 in any way since your letter of the 26th

May. We should also like to know the extra cost for28 equipping the machine with an electrical supply of 400/440 volts. Perhaps you will be good enough to send us a detailed quotation. We presume29 it will include the time of delivery which we should like to be as short as possible.

Yours faithfully,

10. Continuationmore detailed enquiry concerning the same
machine tool.

Dear Sirs,

Re: Vertical Milling Machine FS 400x1650.

We thank you for your letter of the 24th January and would like to tell you that we are definitely interested in getting the above machine during the first half of the year 2...

We should, however, like to have details of the price and the specifications as soon as possible, as we shall have to get our present import licence extended30 to cover this extra delivery period.

Furthermore31 we ask you to send us an up-to-date32 catalogue of the machine, which will be used in connection with a 400/440 volt, three-phase, 50 cycle supply.

Yours faithfully,

11. Enquiry concerning a test lathe.

Dear Sirs,

We have a general interest in buying various items of machine tools33 from you, and we should be glad to receive brief details34 of the range of equipment35 which you can export.

In particular we are contemplating36 the purchase of a test lathe37 for hard metal and ceramic tools38. We believe that you call this type of machine a "Versuchsdrehmaschine". The machine we require should have roughly the following main characteristics:

Min. top spindle speed39 — 4,000 r.p.m.40

Power of main motor — 30 h.p.




We should be glad to receive your detailed offer for this lathe in quintuplicate41 together with three sets of specification sheets. If possible, the letter should be in German, but failing this42 English would be satisfactory.

Yours faithfully,


1. magazine n

2. for that matter

3. to establish v

4. sales outlet n

5. motor scooter n

6. a wholesale importing house

7. retail trade

8. competition n

9. keen adj

the keenest prices

10. to be indebted to

11. to take the liberty to (introduce ourselves)

12. We thank you in anticipation of a prompt reply

13. vertical boring and turning mill

14. F.O.B., FOB = Free on Board


15. to be complete with

16. cycle n

17. AC = Alternating Current

18. commission n

19. biscuit n


— (иллюстрированный) журнал

— в сущности, вообще говоря

— основывать

— торговый филиал

— мотороллер

— оптовые импортеры

— розничная торговля

— конкуренция

— острый, сильный

зд. самые подходящие цены

— быть благодарными

— взять на себя смелость (пред­ставиться)

— Мы будем признательны за скорый ответ

— вертикальный карусельный станок

— «ФОБ» («франко-борт судна», разновидность условий дос­тавки)

— быть снабженным, укомплек­тованным

— цикл, период переменного тока

— переменный ток

— комиссионное вознаграждение

— печенье



20. meter n oxygen meter

21. advertiser n

22. recorder n oxygen recorder

23. to furnish v

should be furnished with

24. in lots of ten lotn

25. ex warehouse

26. vertical milling machine


27. to alter г?

28. extra cost

29. to presume v

30. to extend v

we shall have to get our present import licence extended

31. furthermore adv

32. up-to-date adj

33. machine tool

34. to receive brief details

35. the range of equipment

36. to contemplate v

37. test lathe

38. ceramic tools

39. spindle speed

40. r.p.m. = rounds per minute

41. in quintuplicate

42. failing this


счетчик кислорода

лицо, поместившее рекламу


кислородный счетчик


должен быть укомплектован

партиями по десять

партия, серия (товара)

со склада

вертикальный фрезерный станок


дополнительные затраты предполагать продлевать

нам придется продлить дейст­вие нашей импортной лицензии более того

современный, последний станок

получить детали ассортимент оборудования рассматривать, предполагать экспериментальный токарный станок

керамические инструменты скорость вращения шпинделя оборотов в минуту в пяти экземплярах если нет, то...




If one is able to do so, one should immediately send the customer the solicited offer1 which is sometimes made out2 in the form of a proforma invoice and may be valid for a period only.

The offers generally fall into3 two categories: the firm (binding)4 offer and the offer without engagement5. A firm offer is made by the seller to one potential buyer only. Usually the time during which it remains valid is indicated. If the buyer accepts the offer in full6 during the stipulated time, the goods are considered to have been sold to him at the price and on the terms stated in the offer.

An offer without engagement may be made to several7 potential buyers and the goods are considered to have been sold only when the seller, after receipt of the buyer's acceptance8, confirms having


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