In pairs, discuss the answers to the following questions. Use infinitive of purpose in your answers. 

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In pairs, discuss the answers to the following questions. Use infinitive of purpose in your answers.

1. Why do people cut down trees?

2. Why do farmers use insecticides?

3. Why do people kill elephants?

4. Why do people drive cars?

5. Why do people go on diets?

8. Translate the sentences paying attention to passive constructions (to be + P.II) and their Ukrainian equivalents. Use the example and try to avoid, if possible, the last equivalent. Be careful! The Passive is used in different tense forms (Simple, Continuous, Perfect).

Example: is converted перетворюють

- перетворено



1. A lot of trees are cut down for different uses.

2. The damage is caused because of leaks and accidents.

3.Big amounts of water are polluted and used by chemical industry.

4. Business communities have been made to change the way they run their businesses.

5. Aluminum, plastics and paper are being recycled nowadays.

6. New processes have been developed since then.

Look through Text А once again, find the sentences with the passive forms and translate them.


Pre-reading task

Translate the following phrases from text B into Ukrainian.

1) substitute for man-made substances; 2) it has none of the narcotic effect of…; 3) to stimulate interest in the plant; 4) hemp is no longer used in…; 5) it provides the basis for…; 6) does not contribute to the planet’s waste problem; 7) unlike some of the materials; 8) in contrast to man-made fibre; 9) to produce arguments in favour of hemp; 10) promising alternative crop

Text B.

Body Shop

Anita Roddick, the founder of the Body Shop, has recently added her voice to the campaign to promote the use of hemp as a substitute for various man-made substances. Although hemp in fact belongs to the same plant group as marijuana, it has none of the narcotic effects of its close relative. However, in spite of the efforts by hemp supporters to stimulate interest in the plant and to persuade the farming community to grow it commercially, it is still illegal under British law to plant hemp seeds.

While hemp is no longer used in Western Europe, it is still a common and valuable raw material in many other regions of the world where it provides the basis for a whole variety of products ranging from clothing to medication. In contrast to man-made fibre, hemp is entirely biodegradable and therefore does not contribute to the planet’s waste problem. Unlike some of the materials that it could replace, like nylon, hemp requires no energy-intensive production process to turn it into something you can use or wear.

Nevertheless, the hemp campaigners have sometimes run into some rather unexpected opposition in spite of all the arguments that they have produced in its favour. Even Anita Roddick herself has been accused of behaving irresponsibly and of being insensitive to the issues involved in drug abuse.

Even though some members of the farming community would be happy to grow hemp as a promising alternative crop, the majority of people remain firmly opposed to its reintroduction because of its association with marijuana.

Notes: hemp - коноплі

energy-intensive - енергомісткий

in its favour – на його користь

man-made fibre –штучне волокно

drug abuse – зловживання наркотиками

Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What are the arguments of hemp supporters?

2. What is the alternative point of view? What are the arguments of the opposition?

3. What party do you support? Give your reasons.

4. Is hemp grown in this country? What do you know about growing hemp in Ukraine?


Complete the sentences using the word in capitals on the right to form a word that fits the space.

1. Some businesses behave ____ causing RESPOND

damage to the environment.

2. You should be____ to the issues concerning rainSENSE


3. Hemp is still considered to be a ____ raw VALUE


4. Is there any ____point of view? ALTER

5. Is cultivation of hemp still ____ in Britain? LEGAL

6. ____ cars do not pollute our atmosphere. ELECTRICITY

7. There are a lot of _____in favour of recycling ARGUE

plastic bottles.

Read the article. Fill the spaces with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use either the past simple or the present perfect tense.

B o d y s h o p

· The first branch of the Body Shop 1 opened (open) in 1976 in Brighton, England. We 2 have now grown (now grow) into a worldwide organisation with more than 1000 stores. Since the very beginning, we 3 ____(be) committed to activities that benefit communities on both a local and global scale.

· Employees of the Body Shop are encouraged to take a half day’s paid leave each month to participate in activities that benefit their local community. In 1991, we 4 _________(win) the UK Award for Employee Volunteering.

· We 5_____(run) 21 campaigns to date, ranging from Stop the Burning, to protest about the destruction of Brazilian Rainforests, to human rights campaigns, run in association with Amnesty International. In 1990, 2.6 million people 6_____(sign) our petitions against animal testing. In our Refill Recycle campaign in 1992, our customers 7____(bring) over560,000 bottles back to our shops in the UK for refilling.

· In 1991, we 8___(fund) the launch of a newspaper, sold by homeless people. On the first day it 9_____(sell) 10, 000 copies. It 10____ now (progress) from a monthly to a weekly newspaper, with a circulation of 135,000 copies per week.

· We 11____(start) a Romanian Relief Drive in 1990 to help abandoned children. So far, our project team 12_____(renovate and refurbish) three orphanages and 13____ (begin) care programs to improve the quality of the children’s lives. Since the start we 14_____(take care) to involve local people in our effort and teams of volunteers 15______(work) alongside Romanian staff. In 1993, we 16 _____(expand) our efforts with another hospital project in Albania.

Notes: to date – until now

orphanage - сиротинець

to refurbish – робити дрібний ремонт

Discuss the questions with your colleagues.

1. The article mentions four different sorts of activities that have helped communities. What are they?

2. The Body Shop’s social action program is highly unusual. What sort of corporate image do you think these activities create? Do you find it attractive?

3. The Body Shop prefers to invest in its social action program rather than expensive advertising and promotion campaigns for its products. The program benefits communities, but are there any commercial advantages?

4. Would you like your company to contribute to your local community or society in any way? If so, how?

5. Body Shop employees have taken part in a wide range of activities on their afternoons off, ranging from helping in local hospitals to cleaning up river banks. Would you like to be given time off to work in your local community? What sort of work would you do?

6.Complete the following passage with the appropriate passive forms of the verbs in brackets.

A new campaign 1 was launched (launch) earlier this year by the UK government which aims to reduce the amount of domestic waste. Households 2___(encourage) to recycle certain waste products and to sort and prepare others for collection at specific sites. From there they 3___(take) to special waste treatment plants where special machinery will process them for reuse as recycled material.

The average household dustbin in Britain 4 ____(compose) of paper and cardboard (35%), kitchen waste (22%), plastics with glass (12%), dust and ashes (10% each). There are in fact only a few items of domestic waste that cannot 5____(recycle). A lot of progress could 6____(make) to reduce the amount of kitchen waste most of which can 7___ (transform) into a useful garden fertilizer. In terms of glass products, the situation is more encouraging as nearly 20% of all the glass that 8 ___(use) every year in the country 9____(take) back for recycling.

It is clear that the mountains of domestic waste will decrease if efforts 10____(make) both by individual households and local government authorities. Special equipment such as collection trucks must 11____(purchase) and people must 12 _____(make) aware of how they can contribute to improving the situation.

Notes: fertilizer – мінеральне добриво

Translate into English.

1. Для того щоб бути успішним у бізнесі, не обов’язково експлуатувати природу.

2. У сучасному світі переробляють багато пластику і паперу.

3. Нафтова та хімічна промисловість зробили життя людей набагато комфортнішим (People’s life …)

4. У Японії сміття часто перетворюють на надтверду керамічну плитку для будівництва.

5. Зараз усе більше і більше використовують штучні матеріали.

6. Чи якість життя дітей поліпшилася завдяки цій програмі?

7. Що потрібно (вимагається) щоб перетворити коноплі в одяг?

8. В Україні не вирощують коноплі.

9. Я би хотіла, щоб мені дали час для допомоги місцевій громаді.


1. What is more important to you: to live in the safe environment or to make your life as comfortable as possible?

2. What environmental cause, do you think, is the most important today?

3. What environmental problems are troublesome to the people in your area?

4. Are you environment friendly?

5. Speak on the environmental problem you are most concerned about.


You and the environment

Governments and industries can spend billions of dollars trying to clean up and restore the environment, but it won’t be enough unless people, like you, join in the effort to minimize the effects of water, air, and noise pollution. The number of new departments, agencies, and environmental groups has greatly increased at both the state and local levels since 1970. Much of what is being done has happened because citizens have lobbied their officials for actions.


Unfortunately, many kids and adults have little respect for their own immediate environment as they continue to litter the school grounds, the streets, the parks, the beaches, and the public places in the community. Why do people litter, and what can be done to change their “litterbug” behavior?


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