Complete the chart with different parts of speech. Use the dictionary to help you. Make up the sentences of your own using the following verbs. 

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Complete the chart with different parts of speech. Use the dictionary to help you. Make up the sentences of your own using the following verbs.

Verb Adjective Noun
to establish    


4. Use the verbs m ake or do to complete the fixed phrases. Learn the phrases.

1) a good impression 2) business 3) arrangements 4) profit/a loss 5) a good job 6) one’s best 7) an effort 8) somebody a favour 9) a decision 10) a difference 11) something clear 12) suggestion 13) for a living 14) washing up 15) a course 16) friends 17) progress 18) money 19) research 20) coffee/tea/breakfast/dinner

5. Insert the preposition (by, for, in, with) and than.

1. At last I can afford a new cell phone but to buy it I had to save ___ ages.

2. David really wanted to buy an Amstrad, so he got ___ touch with a computer seller.

3. David helps companies ___ suggesting what computer it is better to buy.

4. He is successful because he can work more quickly ___ many older professionals.

5. He managed to cope ___ that problem in 5 days.

Complete the sentences with some of the following expressions.

did business made a lot of money make a profit
make a good impression makes no difference research done
make it clear do my best do a favour do a correspondence course

1. When you go for a job interview, it’s important to _____.

2. A lot of ___ has been ___ into the causes of cancer.

3. I’d like to ____ right now that I am totally opposed to this idea.

4. I don’t mind if we go now or later. It ___ to me.

5. Could you ____ me ____ and lend me some money till tomorrow?

6. After only six months of part-time work he ____.

7. She was not so good at computing so she had to go to the night school and ____.

8. I had to ____ to pass that exam in English, otherwise I won’t be able to live in England.

9. They founded the company only a year ago but they ____ so well that they managed to ____.


Match a line in A with a line in B.

1. What does she do for a living? 2. Can you do me a favour? 3. Who did washing up yesterday? 4. You’ve made a right decision! 5. I didn’t manage to talk him out of going to the mountains. a) But you did your best! b) It was Mary who did that. c) She’s a banker. d) It depends. e) Do you really think so?

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Якщо він зробить все можливе, він зможе справитися з тим важким завданням.

2. Вона щойно прийняла рішення, яке змінить все її життя.

3. Я робила каву, а моя мама готувала смачний пиріг.

4. Він не прогресує у вивченні німецької мови.

5. Я не думаю, що ти зможеш потоваришувати із своїми колегами.

6. Він не заробить багато грошей, консультуючи комп’ютерні компанії, які комп’ютери краще купувати.

7. Вона була добре підготовлена і тому справила гарне враження під час співбесіди.

8. Коли вони прибули, ми вже все організували.

9. Я зможу дозволити собі купити новий мобільний телефон, якщо впораюся з тим завданням.

10. Вона зв’яжеться з вами, як тільки ви отримаєте прибуток.


1.What qualities should a person possess to be a successful businessman?

2. Would you like to start your own business?

3. What are advantages and disadvantages of running a partnership? Explain your answer.

4. Who would you like to have as a partner in business? Why?

5. How would you like to make money in future?

Unit 14

Business and Environment.

Grammar: The Passive Voice; the Infinitive of purpose

Learn the active vocabulary of the unit

man-made waste treatment plant to launch to cause damage
destruction to contribute to substitute biodegradable
dump /landfill in spite of troublеsome widespread
community to tend recycling to litter
to accuse of to remain circulation to preserve
convenient solution issue to promote
leak consumer to accept to add to
to buy sth loose raw material trash/garbage brick
to prosper to take leave    

Pre- reading task

Work in pairs. Make brief notes on two environmental problems the world is facing at the moment (e.g. The world is getting warmer).

In some countries there is a political party called the 'Green Party' or 'The Greens'. What is its purpose? Discuss with your partner.

Read the text about Business and Environment. Think about the main idea of the text.

Text A

For many years and in many countries the problems of the business community have often seemed to be very different from the problems of the environment. To be successful in business often means exploiting the environment in various ways. The more a business makes and sells, the more destructive to the earth it can be.


The examples of this conflict are numerous. The lumber industry cuts down trees for construction and for material. The automobile industry, one of the symbols of strong industrialized economies, uses many resources to produce its vehicles which then add greatly to the tire dumps and to air pollution all over the world. The oil and chemical industries have made life in the modern world much more convenient for people, and yet the damage caused because of leaks, accidents, storage, and pollution is becoming increasingly troublesome. Some industries focusing on the modern technologies tend to use and pollute big amounts of water. The list goes on and on. The business cycle never ends.


The conflict, then, between economic issues and environmental issues is a very real one. Can businesses become more environmentally responsible and still prosper financially? If the growth of certain types of business is slowed or stopped, what will happen to the workers affected? Will consumers buy products that are better for the environment? Will consumers pay higher prices for products that are better for the environment? Will national governments support free trade with other nations which use lower environmental standards for business?


Can ways be found to solve the conflicting needs of economy and environment so that businesses prosper, workers work, and the earth’s ecological system remains healthy? Many solutions have been known for a long time, e.g., solar and wind power for energy needs and electric cars for transportation. But they have never been accepted on a mass basis. Other solutions, such as recycling of aluminum, plastics and paper have become widespread in certain areas of the world. Still others have made the business community change the way it runs business, e.g., McDonald's is reducing its use of thick containers. And some businesses have developed new processes to deal with trash. One example is Thomas Ceramic, in Japan, which turns garbage into superhard ceramic bricks for construction.

Notes: lumber industry – деревообробна промисловість

free-range eggs - домашні яйця


Translate the sentences of the text containing the highlighted models. Use them in some sentences of your own.



3. Look through the text again and make the lists of nouns with suffixes -tion(-ion, -ation), -ment, -age, -y, -er. Translate them and think of more nouns (using the active vocabulary of the text) to make the lists longer.

4. Explain the words as in the example.

Example: Tire - an upper rubber part of a wheel.

1) tire 2) garbage 3) community 4) construction 5) vehicle 6) dump 7) troublesome 8) issue 9) container 10) trash

5.Match the synonyms.

1) to exploit 2) to protect 3) destructive 4) to provide 5) troublesome 6) various 7) issue 8) vehicles a) ruining b) to supply c) worrying d) to safeguard e) to use f) transport means g) problem h) different

Complete the sentences using the appropriate word from the text.

1. The more a business makes and sells, the more … to the earth it can be.

2. To be successful in business often means … the environment in various ways.

3. The automobile industry adds greatly to the tire … and air ….

4. The oil and chemical industries are … industries.

5. The conflict between economic … and environmental … is a very real one.

6. … of aluminum, plastics and paper have become widespread in certain areas of the world.

7. Thomas Ceramic, in Japan turns … into superhard ceramic bricks for construction.


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