Agreement of Subjects and Verbs 

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Agreement of Subjects and Verbs

singular anybody, anyone, each, either, everybody, everyone, neither, nobody, no one, one, somebody, someone.
e.g. Everyone in this room is my friend.
plural both, few, many, several.
e.g. Many of the students want longer holidays.
singular/plural all, any, most, none, some.
Most of the money has been spent. Most of the students are hand-working.

Agreement of Pronoun with Antecedent

Note: Every day brings its charm (day – antecedent of its).

Ann visited her (Ann – antecedent of her).

1. If two or more singular antecedents are joined by or, not, either/or, or neither/nor, use a singular pronoun to refer to them.

e.g. Either Tom or Rosa should read her story.

Either the girls or the boys should read their books.

2. If two or more singular antecedents are joined by and or both/and, use a plural pronoum to refer to them.

e.g. Both Tom and Rosa volunteered their help.

3. If you don’t know the gender then use his or his or her.

e.g. Each winner received his prize.

or Each winner received his or her prize.

or just use the plural form

e.g. All winners received their prizes.

5. a) Singular Indefinite Pronouns
anybody either neither one anyone everybody nobody somebody each everyone no one someone

e.g One of the girls left her book on the desk.

Neither of the men can loan you his car.

If gender is not indicated use his or his or her.

e.g. Everybody must bring his own tennis racket.

or Everybody must bring his or her own tennis racket


Plural Indefinite Pronouns
both few many several

e.g. Few of my acquaintances have their own cars.

Several of the tourists lost their way.


Singular or Plural Indefinite Pronouns
all any most none some

Compare and remember!

a number – означає декілька, якась (велика чи мала) кількість; синонім до слів several, a few. e.g. There are a number of pages missing in the book. – В книжці не вистачає декілька сторінок.   the number – означає загальну кількість. e.g. The number of students attending concerts is increasing. – Кількість студентів, які відвідують концерти зростає.

Adjectives and Adverbs

Compare: adjective(adj)adverb(adv)
1. beautiful slow 1. beaautifu ly slow ly
  a) before noun e.g. She is a beautiful woman. beatufily. 2. is used a) after verb e.g. She dresses
b) after the verbs: be, look, appear, seem, feel, taste, smell, sound. e.g. She seems confident.  
  a) good e.g. He is a good swimmer. 3. exeption a) well e.g. He swims well.
4. exeption b) fast e.g. It’s a fast car. fast hard e.g. It’s a hard work. e.g. He worked hard. early/late e.g. I was late. e.g. I came late.   b) fast e.g The car goes    
5.exeption c) friendly, lovely, lonely, silly, ugly c)in a e.g. He is a friendly guy. friendly, lovely, lonely, silly, etc way/manner/fashion e.g. He smiled in a friendly way (or manner, or fashion).
6.exeption d) adjective can be used after the to refer to a group of people in general e.g. the rich, the poor, the young, the elderly, the strong etc. e.g.We should have more respect for the elderly.

Adverbs which have different meanings

deep = a long way down e.g. He dived deep into the lake. deeply = greatly e.g. He is deeply respected.
free = without payment e.g. Pensioners travel free on trains. free = willingly e.g. He freely admitted to being a good swimmer.
hard = with a lot of effort e.g. He worked hard. hardly = scarcely (ледве) e.g. He hardly played at all.
late = after the arranged time e.g. He arrived late. lately = recently e.g. I haven’t seen him lately.
high = to/at a high level e.g The plane flew high in the sky. highly = very much e.g. She is a highly respected woman.


Position of Adverbs

1. verb + adverb

e.g. He drives carefully.

2. verb + direct object what? + adverb

e.g. I read the letter attentively.


4. adverb of manner How? + adverb of place Where? + adverb of time When?(Обставина, що вказує більш точний час, стоїть перед обставиною, що вказує час у загальному плані e.g. at 5 o’clock yesterday.)

e.g. He worked hard at school yesterday.

But: When there is a verb of movement then:

place + manner + time

e.g. She goes to work on foot every day.

5. a) no longer + verb

e.g. He no longer lives here.

But: to be auxiliary verb + no longer

e.g. My father is no longer a pilot.

b) beginning of the sentence + any more any longer

e.g. He does not live here any more/any longer.

6. beginning of the sentence + daily, weekly, monthly, early

e.g. The mail is delivered here daily.

7. Probably, certainly, obviously, possibly + not

e.g. I probably won’t go to Poltava.

e.g. I’ii probably not go to Poltava.

Order of Frequency Adverbs

Hardly ever occasionally often nearly always

Not ever/never seldom/rarely sometimes very often/ frequently always

Generally usually/normally

1. Subject + adverb + verb

e.g. I often go on a business trip.

We never see them nowadays.

He hardly ever eats ice cream.

2. To be first auxiliary verb modal verb + adverb

e.g. I have sometimes seen them in here.

I can often see them.

The room has never been cleaned.

Still, yet, already

1. Still already + verb

e.g. He still behaves like a child.

I already know that.

2. To be auxiliary verb modal verb + still already

e.g. He is still asleep.

She is already here.

3. The beginning of sentence + alreadyfor special emphasis

e.g. I’ve seen the film already.

Have you done that already?

4. Subject + still + not for special emphasis

e.g.They still haven’t paid it.

I still don’t understand him.

5. A) the beginning of question + yet (вже)

e.g. Have you done that yet?

b) The beginning of negative sentence + yet (ще)

e.g. He has n’t answered my letter yet.


Such, so

Such so
1. such + (adjective)+ noun e.g. She is such a (nice) woman.   1. so + adjective e.g. She is so nice. He was so great a success.
2. such + a lot (of) e.g. I’ve got such a lot to do today. But: To talk about similarity use like this/that e.g. I'd love to have a car like that (Not: such a car). 2. so + many/much e.g. I've got so much to do to­day.  
  3. so + adverb e.g. He works so slowly.

Very much, very

very much + Past Participle + by

e.g. She was very much + admired + by her students.

very + Participial Adjective to say how people feel

e.g. I wasn't very + amused when he told that joke.

But: She is very much mistaken (to be mistaken).

Only, even

Only, even are used:

1. before the subject they focus on

e.g. I think only John really understand the point.

2. before the verb

e.g. I even think that the red ones are beautiful.

We can change the focus and the meaning when we change the position o

e.g. He is only an athlete.

Only he is an athlete.

Like, as

likeis used:   as is used:
1. to say what somebody or something looks like e.g. She looks like Kim Basinger. 1. to say what somebody or something really is e.g. He works as a journalist.
2. after feel, look, smell, sound. e.g. It sounds like a bird singing.   2. after accept, be known, class, de­scribe, refer to, use e.g. Could you describe him as an intelligent person.
3. like + noun/pronoun /-ing to press similarity e.g. It was like diving into a sea. She treats him like a servant. ex- 3. in certain expressions as usual, as... as, as much, such as, the e.g. He speaks English as well as his uncle.

Too, enough


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