Complete the sentences with one way these people use multimedia applications. 

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Complete the sentences with one way these people use multimedia applications.

1 Advertisers_________________________________

2 Managers_____________________________________

3 Pilots________________________________________

4 Scientists_____________________________________

5 Publishers_________________________________

6 Students______________________________________

7 Teenagers_________________________________


3. Match the first part of the sentence (1-5) with the second part (a-e).

1 People like using multimedia

2 Multimedia combines

3 Most educational CD-ROMs

4 Prices of multimedia hardware

5 Students like learning about new topics


a started falling around 1995.

b using interactive multimedia,

c many different ways of learning,

d integrate audio, video and text,

e because it is interactive.


Complete the sentences (1-6) with the words in the box.

application ■ integrated ■ related ■ simulation ■ 3-D ■ virtual

1 The image is in ____________________ so you can look at it from all sides.

2 All the links in this e-zine are ____________________ to football.

3 This_________________ makes you think you really are flying to the moon.

4 Some shopping websites use _________ reality to advertise their products online.

5 The application is ____________________ because it combines many features.

6 Any program that carries out a specific task for a user is an _________________


Work in pairs. Describe your favourite CD-ROM (or other method of studying). What can you learn from it? Describe how it integrates text, images, and other features such as animations, video, audio and Internet links.


Get real

Find an e-zine on the WWW on a topic you are interested in. Note how it is different to reading a paper magazine. Report back to the class.



Before you start

1 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1 Have you ever heard of e-shopping? What do you know about it?

2 Do you know anyone who has bought anything online? What did they buy?

3 What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of e-shopping? Make a list.


2.Read part of an interview about e-commerce. Match the questions (a-e) with the correct paragraphs (1-5).

a How does e-commerce work? □

b What’s the future for e-commerce? □

c Do customers like shopping online? □

d What kind of business do you run? □

e What do e-tail stores need to succeed? □

1 We sell mobile phones and accessories, and we only operate online. We're a B2C business. That means 'business to customer', so we don't sell to other businesses - that's B2B. We're obviously not C2C either, which is individual people selling to each other online.

2 Yes, it's becoming very popular and successful. It's world-wide shopping, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It's so convenient - people can browse through online catalogues, compare prices easily, and there's less paperwork, so it's cheaper for the retailer. We can pass these savings onto the consumer.

3 Well, the best sites, or e-tail stores, have an electronic storefront giving categories that are easy to understand. You can read reviews about the products, go to chat rooms to talk about them, and when you've made your choice, simply click your mouse and add it to your electronic shopping cart.

4 The retailer needs to build consumer confidence. You need a website that is easy to navigate and it must download quickly. You need customer support services, things like FAQs (frequently asked questions), information about the order, and guarantees about delivery. A secure server for transactions using credit cards and a privacy policy are also very important.

5 I think everyone will shop online soon. All e- tail stores will use virtual reality to sell their goods - it's going to generate billions of euros.


3.Tick (√) the features of the best e-tail stores.

1 have slow downloads □

2 have an electronic shop window □

3 have somewhere to put to your goods □

4 inform the customer about the order □

5 need a lot of paperwork □

6 have a place for people to talk □

7 give product reviews □

8 use a safe Web server for payment □

9 cannot say when goods will arrive □

10 let people ask questions □



4.Find the words in the text that mean:

1 extra, additional products (paragraph 1)___________________________

2 work, do business (1)_____________________________

3 matches someone’s needs (2)_________________________________

4 someone who sells (2)______________________________

5 customer (2)_________________________

6 help (4)_______________________

7 promises (4)_________________________

8 buying and selling (4)_____________________________


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