We go to school at a quarter to eight. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


We go to school at a quarter to eight.

<variant >7.45


<variant >8.10


<variant >8.15


<variant >7.30


<variant >8.45


<question1>Put the right form of the adjective:


Your dog is … than your cat.

<variant >funnier


<variant >many funnier


<variant >funniest


<variant >the funniest


<variant >more funnier



<question1>Choose the right variant:


<variant >time to go to bed

<variant >time to get up

<variant >time to wake up

<variant >time to make your


<variant > -

<question1>Choose the right variant:

How brilliantly … stars shine.

<variant >the


<variant >this


<variant >a


<variant >any


<variant >–



<question1>Put the right pronoun:

Has she ever told … her favorite joke?

<variant >you


<variant >yourselves


<variant >yours


<variant >for you


<variant >to you


<question1>Put the right pronoun:


Ive looked for my pen, but I cant find it…

<variant > anywhere


<variant >somebody


<variant >some


<variant >nothing


<variant >anybody



<question1>Find the sentence in the Passive Voice:


I didnt realize that somebody was recording our conversation.

<variant >I didnt realize that our conversation was being recorded by somebody.


<variant >I didnt realize that our conversation being recorded


<variant >I didnt realize that our conversation is being recorded


<variant >I didnt realize that our conversation has been recorded


<variant >I didnt realize and our conversation has been recorded


<question1>Put the right pronoun:

We must send … a telegram.

<variant >her


<variant >our


<variant >their


<variant >she


<variant >my



<question1>Choose the right form of the verb:

Richard … a letter last week.

<variant >wrote


<variant >to write


<variant >writing


<variant >written


<variant >writes



<question1>Find the right translation of the sentence:

Мама не әкелдi?

<variant >What has the mother brought?


<variant >Ill take your mother here?


<variant >What did their mother bring?


<variant >Can I bring it the mother?


<variant >What shall I bring?



<question1>Find the right translation of the sentence:


I want you to come and dine with me.

<variant >Мен сiздiң келiп, менiмен бiрге түскi тамақ iшкенiңiздi қалаймын.


<variant >Мен сiздiң менен басқалармен де түскi тамақ iшкенiңiздi қалаймын


<variant >Мен сiздiң әрқашан менiмен бiрге түскi тамақ iшкенiңiздi қалаймын


<variant >Менiмен бiрге түскi тамақ iшу үшiн сiздiң келуiңiз керек


<variant >Менiмен бiрге түскi тамақ iшуге келуiңiз – бұл сiздiң қалауыңыз



<question1>Choose the right form of the verb:


I saw the man… down the street.

<variant >walking


<variant >to walk


<variant >walks


<variant >walked


<variant >walk



<question1>Choose the right form of the verb:


The teacher … there was nothing to worry about.

<variant >said


<variant >says


<variant >spoke


<variant >tells


<variant >talked


<question1>Find the synonym of the word:


<variant >intelligent


<variant >busy


<variant >handsome


<variant >humorous


<variant >rich


<question1> Find the synonym of the word:


<variant >energy


<variant >pay


<variant >stick


<variant >sticky


<variant >paper



<question1> Choose the right preposition:

He left… Odessa this morning.


<variant >for


<variant >to


<variant >in


<variant >on


<variant >by

<question1> Choose the right variant:


I’m going home first.

… I’m going out for dinnеr.

<variant >then


<variant >while


<variant >than


<variant >whether


<variant >therefore



<question1> Find the right translation of the sentence:


Сiздiң екiншi шығармаңыз бiрiншiге қарағанда жақсырақ.

<variant >Your second composition is better than the first.


<variant >Your the second composition is better than the first


<variant >Your second composition is better than a first


<variant >Your second composition is better the first one


<variant >Your second composition is better than firs one



<question1> Put the right form of the adjective:


Your friend looked up set yesterday. I`m glad he looks … today

<variant >happier


<variant >a more happy


<variant >the most happier


<variant >the happier


<variant >happy as



<question1> Put the right form of the adjective:

This job is very hard. In fact, it is the … job I`ve ever done.


<variant >hardest


<variant >more hard


<variant >harder


<variant >difficult


<variant >had



<question1> Choose the right variant:



<variant >the day of the birth


<variant >the day your brother was born


<variant >any day


<variant >some day


<variant >vacations



<question1> Choose the right article:

How can you say such … things?


<variant > -


<variant >an


<variant >a


<variant >any


<variant >the


<question1> Put the right pronoun:

I don`t want … to come into this room.

<variant >anybody


<variant >any


<variant >nobody


<variant >some


<variant >every thing



<question1> Put the right pronoun:

Ann gave … her address.


<variant >us


<variant >we


<variant >ours


<variant >our


<variant >yours



<question1> Choose the right form of the verb:

They … television at the moment.

<variant >are watching


<variant >will watch


<variant >having been watching


<variant >watch


<variant >is watching



<question1> Choose the right form of the verb:


Say what you did yesterday when you ….

<variant >got up


<variant >usually get up


<variant >first gets up


<variant >were getting up


<variant >has got up



<question1> Find the right translation of the sentence:

He turned right.


<variant> Ол оңға бұрылды


<variant> жол солға бұрылды


<variant> бұрылыстан кейiн оңға


<variant> ол бұрылып қарады


<variant >ол солға бұрды


<question1> Choose the right variant:

1 2 3 4 5 6

wants / electrical / study / to / Martin / engineering /

<variant >5 / 1 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 6


<variant >2 / 6 / 5 / 1 / 4 / 3


<variant >5 / 1 / 2 / 6 / 4 / 3


<variant >2 / 6 / 1 / 4 / 3 / 5


<variant >4 / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1 / 5



<question1> Choose the right variant:


Today / beautiful / how / are / you!

1 2 3 4 5

<variant >3 / 2 / 5 / 4 / 1


<variant >3 / 2 / 5 / 1 / 4


<variant >4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 5


<variant >1 / 5 / 3 / 4 / 2


<variant >4 / 5 / 2 / 1 / 3



<question1> Choose the right word:


<variant >to forget


<variant >forgot


<variant >foget


<variant >forged


<variant >foreget


<question1>Choose the right variant:

Why did you decide to go to South Africa? Because we ______there before.

<variant >hadn't been

<variant >didn't go

<variant >hadn't go

<variant >have

<variant >has

<question1>Choose the right variant:

Did anybody recognize the man who hit you? Yes, Liz was sure ____ him before.

<variant >she'd seen

<variant >she hadn't seen.

<variant >she'd saw

<variant >see

<variant >sees

<question1>Choose the right variant:

When we got to the station, the train ______.

<variant >had already left

<variant >has already left

<variant >had left already

<variant >left

<variant >leave

<question1>Choose the right variant:

Did you have a good holiday? Yes, but when we got back home, someone _____our car.

<variant >had stolen

<variant >had steal

<variant >has stolen

<variant >steals

<variant >stole

<question1>Choose the right variant:

When they ______to the party, all the food had gone.

<variant >got

<variant >have got

<variant >had got

<variant >get

<variant >gets

<question1>Choose the right variant:

There was no mineral water in the fridge. Someone _____ it all.

<variant >had drunk

<variant >has drunk

<variant >was drinking

<variant >drank

<variant >drink

<question1>Choose the right variant:

Why didn't Pete come swimming? Because _____ his towel.

<variant >he'd forgotten

<variant >he'd forgot

<variant >he'd forget

<variant >forget

<variant >forgets

<question1>Choose the right variant:

When I got to work, I remembered that ______my phone at home.

<variant >I'd left

<variant >l'd leave

<variant >I left

<variant >leaves

<variant >leaved

<question1>Choose the right variant:

We _____late and the film had already started.

<variant >arrived

<variant >had arrived

<variant >didn't arrive

<variant >arrives

<variant >arrive

<question1>Choose the right variant:

I ________your house because I hadn't brought a map.

<variant >couldn't find

<variant >can't find

<variant >hadn't found

<variant >found

<variant >finds

<question1>Choose the right variant:

Is Helen coming out with us tonight? Yes, she said she_______.

<variant >wanted to come

<variant >wanting

<variant >wanted coming

<variant >wants

<variant >want

<question1>Choose the right variant:

Andrew _______me that he was ill. He looked OK when I saw him.

<variant >told

<variant >said

<variant >told to

<variant >tell

<variant >says

<question1>Choose the right variant:

What did that beautiful woman say to you, Paulo? She asked me ______to dance.

<variant >if I wanted

<variant >if I want

<variant >if I did want

<variant >if want I

<variant >if I wants

<question1>Choose the right variant:

Sorry, what did you say? I asked you what……….to drink!

<variant >you wanted

<variant >you did want

<variant >did you want

<variant >does want

<variant >want

<question1>Choose the right variant:

Peter ______you wanted to borrow my dictionary. Oh, yes, would that be OK?

<variant >said

<variant >told

<variant >told to

<variant >tells

<variant >says

<question1>Choose the right variant:

Sheila works for IBM now. Really? She told us she ______for Microsoft.

<variant >worked

<variant >has worked

<variant >work

<variant >is working

<variant >works

<question1>Choose the right variant:

What did Tom's mum want when she called? She wanted to know if ______his homework.

<variant >he'd done

<variant >he done

<variant >he was done

<variant >he does

<variant >he did

<question1>Choose the right variant:

I don't really like seafood. But you _______that you liked it when I asked you

<variant >told

<variant >said me

<variant >said

<variant >tells

<variant >says

<question1>Choose the right variant:

What did you tell Maria? I said that _____her on Tuesday.

<variant >I should see

<variant >I'll see

<variant >I see

<variant >I saw

<variant >I have seen

<question1>Choose the right variant:

He told me _______name, but I've forgotten it.

<variant >her

<variant >my

<variant > his

<variant >your

<variant >his

<question1>Choose the right variant:

A What time does the film ______ tonight?


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