What is the oldest University in Britain? 

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What is the oldest University in Britain?

< variant >Oxford

< variant >Lugano

< variant >Scottish

< variant >Alabama

< variant >Cambridge

<question1 >Choose the correct answer:

«Yesterday it was the ____ day we have had this summer.»

< variant >hottest

< variant >more hot

< variant >most hottest

< variant >hot

< variant >hotter

< question 1 >Find the appropriate vessel to the word:


< variant >a tin of

< variant >a cartoon of

< variant >a bowl of

< variant >a jar of

< variant >a tub of

< question 1 > Find the same vowel sound:

«t y pe» [ai]

< variant >mind

< variant >tourist

< variant >concert

< variant >strawberry

< variant >wardrobe

< question 1 > Choose the right variant:

«You ____ help your mother about the house. You are duty today.»

< variant >have to

< variant >don’t have to

< variant >might

< variant >can’t

< variant >did

< question 1 >Choose the correct answer:

«____ a graphic designer. I enjoy it.

< variant >I want to be

< variant >I want be

< variant >I like be

< variant >I would to be

< variant >I had like

< question 1 >Choose the correct answer:

«I can’t choose ____ documentary and soap opera.»

< variant >between

< variant >by

< variant >at

< variant >next to

< variant >on

< question 1 >Find the right variant:

«____ head of our country is the President.»

< variant >the

< variant >it.

< variant >on.

< variant >that.

< variant >of.

< question 1 >Choose the right variant:

«It's the ____ job he's ever had to do.»

< variant >worst

< variant >bad

< variant >as bad as

< variant >worse

< variant >badly

< question 1 >Find the correct answer:

«Saken always ____ at work early.»

< variant >arrives

< variant >arrive

< variant >is arriving

< variant >arrived

< variant >likes

< question 1 >Complete the sentence:

«I ____ sorry, I ____ late. It’s all ____ fault.»

< variant >am\am\my

< variant >my\am\am

< variant >am\are\my

< variant >is\am\my

< variant >are\am\my

< question 1 >Choose the right variant:

«Look at ____ nice pictures!»

< variant >those

< variant >this

< variant >that

< variant >them

< variant >they

< question 1 >Choose the right variant:

«Is that my key, or is it ____?»

< variant >yours

< variant >your

< variant >are you

< variant >the yours

< variant >the your's



<question1>Choose the right word:

If a marriage finishes, you get……:

<variant >divorced

<variant >children


<variant >a ticket


<variant >alone


<variant >a family



<question1> Put the right preposition:

Do you really believe… ghosts?

<variant >in


<variant >by


<variant >for


<variant >to


<variant >on



<question1> Put the right preposition:

They’re listening … the news.

<variant >to


<variant >on


<variant >at


<variant >under


<variant >By



<question1>Put the right pronoun:

I’d like … eggs, please.

<variant > some


<variant >something


<variant >Anything


<variant >any


<variant > much


<question1>Put the right form of the adjective:


My car is… than yours.

<variant > faster


<variant > not fastest


<variant >very fast


<variant> most fastest


<variant >. fastest


<question1>Choose the right article:

We often go … forest in summer.

<variant >tо


<variant >-


<variant >an


<variant >the


<variant >a


<question1>Put the right pronoun:

… knows what is this?

<variant >Who


<variant >Some


<variant >Somebody


<variant >Which


<variant >What

<question1>Find the sentence in the Passive Voice.

<variant > These jeans are made in the USA


<variant >I enjoyed your home - made cake


<variant > He made his bed and went to school


<variant >She made many mistakes in the dictation


<variant >He has made his housework



<question1>Choose the right form of the verb:

If the letter … in English he will easily translate it without a dictionary.

<variant > is written


<variant > wrote


<variant >writes


<variant >will be written


<variant >will write

<question1>Choose the right form of the verb.

What did you do last Tuesday? We … a dictation.

<variant >wrote


<variant >write


<variant >have written


<variant >had written


<variant >were writing



<question1>Find the imperative sentence:

<variant > Don’ t answer the question!


<variant >What a wonderful day!


<variant >Happy Birthday!


<variant >Oh, how interesting!


<variant > I want to help you!



<question1> Find the right translation of the sentence.



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