Pedagogical style of teacher 

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Pedagogical style of teacher

Teaching style is a set of stable and repetitive components and properties of the teacher training activities, giving her uniqueness and originality.

Characteristic features of positive teaching style: integrity, saturation of content own subject; high "density" of the lesson; agitation and maintaining the interest and attention of students to educational activity; stimulating the activity of the students throughout the class; maintaining emotional tone, the business environment, coupled with the ease and naturalness.

Some features of the pedagogical style of an experienced teacher:

Ø begins the lesson on time, without too much "swing" and bustle; saves own work time and students; and requires this from the students;

Ø constantly directs students to the conscious perception of training material and implementation of educational tasks;

Ø importantly, what wants to teach students - independent judgment and reasoning by yourself;

Ø tries to convert the solution to every problem, the analysis of the problem situation in a small study;

Ø in the first place puts the awakening of interest and motivation of students;

Ø constantly systematically taught to work with the book;

Ø always striving to every student in the classroom working with full use of their capabilities;

Ø support a calm, business, work environment in the classroom;

Ø often uses lectures, seminars, workshops, Q & A(question and answer) lessons, business and other educational games, interviews, analysis of problem situations, as well as other forms and methods of training to encourage independence of thought and activity of students;

Ø Regular checks of students’ knowledge and skills, while controlling not only the execution of the next homework, but also knowledge of the material covered.

Педагогическая техника

Pedagogical technic - a set of skills with which the teacher is involved in the learning process - involves the ability to govern themselves and to interact effectively with the students in the class.

Indicators of effective teaching techniques:

1. ability to communicate clearly, interesting, intelligently, emotionally express teaching material; "Purity" of the speech, the possession of voice, facial expressions and gestures moderate;

2. skillful possession of the blackboard, visual aids, educational technology, other educational facilities;

3. educational care, the ability to efficiently monitor the reaction of the students to their actions; if necessary to react quickly to them;

4. skillful management of the conversation with the students; possession of the effective ways of problem statement, and statement of educational problems, as well as other "active" forms and methods of training;

5. rich pedagogical imagination, ability to improvise, always be 'new' for the pupils;

6. ability to deal with the whole group when dealing with individual students;

7. calm restraint, polite rigor, punctuality, modesty and simplicity of communication with students; ability to persuade, not coerce;

8. sense of humor, the ability to surprise the students new interest unusual;

9. self-control, the ability to not get involved in interesting only for themselves, as well as details expounded;

10. the ability to "control yourself" - their mood and status, manner of speaking, emotions, behavior in front of the students;

11. attractive appearance, smartness, sense of proportion in the color and style of clothing;

12. A reasonable combination of the element of automaticity "educational activities with pedagogical creativity.


Педагогический такт

Teaching stroke is a sense of proportion appropriateness of teaching, a harmonious combination of rigor and strictness with kindness calmness and patience.

Main features (rules) of pedagogical tact:

 naturalness, ease of communication that does not allow familiarity;

 sincerity of tone, devoid of all hypocrisy;

 confidence in the student without the connivance;

 expression of the requests without entreaties;

 advice and tips without compulsion;

 impact in the form of the proposal;

 suggestions and requirements without suppressing the individual student;

 seriousness of the tone of communication, but without having to create "tension" of the situation;

 irony, humor, without irony, degrading the individual student;

 demands without petty fault-finding;

 goodwill without flattery;

 perseverance without stubbornness;

 businesslike tone without irritation, dryness and coldness;

 consistency in the application of educational influences without hesitation and cancel unreasonable requirements;

 development of independence without too much care;

 speed of orientation, timely educational influence without haste and hasty decisions;

 attentiveness to student without emphasizing observation of his behavior;

 quiet concentration and balance, eliminating unnecessary anxiety and indifference;

 ability to conduct a conversation with the students, not surface moralizing.




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