Teachers - teacher and educator youth, the components of professionalism. 

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Teachers - teacher and educator youth, the components of professionalism.

Teachers - teacher and educator youth, the components of professionalism.

"The teacher has to be good, but without weakness, a demanding, but not picky, tender, but not cloying, tolerate a humor, but not to turn a serious matter into a joke"



1. Basic requirements for high school teachers  
      High moral qualities, strong-willed equation-being revisited, sincerity, sociability, optimism
      Reasonable love for young people, learners, a willingness to creative, business contacts with them, pedagogical charisma, empathy
      The high level of competence in the subject taught; Polytechnic wide horizons; possession of the basics of labor and skills, specific to the industry
      A high level of general culture, the breadth of interests and independence of opinions and judgments
      Deep knowledge of the basics of educational psychology, pedagogy, methodology and organization of subject teaching
      Teaching skills


Pedagogical skills (Педагогическое мастерство)

Pedagogical skills 1 - high and constantly improving art education and training available to each teacher who works on a calling and loving children, to achieve with the help of the system of pedagogical means best results in training, development and education of students

3. The main criteria - pedagogical skill performance

• Good knowledge of modern methods, forms and means of education and upbringing

• The ability to persuade by word and deed

• Own style of pedagogical activity

• Insistence, justice, benevolence

• Ability to establish and maintain good relationships with pupils

• A high level of educational technology

• Teaching tact

• Developed a new feeling, a constant creative activity

Basic ways of improvement of pedagogical skills

1. Education in various forms improves pedagogical qualifications: central, regional, educational institutions.

2. Teacher self - study of psycho - pedagogical literature and educational periodicals, private practices, manuals and guidelines for the teaching of the subject; participate in the work of problem groups and experimental laboratories "of pedagogical workshops," etc. in the school and the region.

3. The study and use of the advanced pedagogical experience - studying the system of pedagogical activity, "creative laboratory" experienced colleagues-teachers (when visiting their lessons); participate in the "School of the advanced pedagogical experience"; attendance and participation in the analysis of open lessons of experienced teachers of the institution; study of scientific and educational information, materials, etc.

4. Analysis and generalization of their own pedagogical experience - keeping the "Notebooks for pedagogical observations" and "Pedagogical diary"; preparation of teaching materials, texts of reports and articles, writing of individual techniques taught subject; generalization of experimental work and the training of scientific theses, etc.

5. Active participation in the teaching activities carried out at school and regional teaching institutions, - the pedagogical council, subject (cyclic) methodical commissions, pedagogical readings, workshops and seminars, methodical meetings; and the methodical teaching office of the institution and other public and private forms of methodical work.

6. Teacher mentoring.

Педагогическая техника

Pedagogical technic - a set of skills with which the teacher is involved in the learning process - involves the ability to govern themselves and to interact effectively with the students in the class.

Indicators of effective teaching techniques:

1. ability to communicate clearly, interesting, intelligently, emotionally express teaching material; "Purity" of the speech, the possession of voice, facial expressions and gestures moderate;

2. skillful possession of the blackboard, visual aids, educational technology, other educational facilities;

3. educational care, the ability to efficiently monitor the reaction of the students to their actions; if necessary to react quickly to them;

4. skillful management of the conversation with the students; possession of the effective ways of problem statement, and statement of educational problems, as well as other "active" forms and methods of training;

5. rich pedagogical imagination, ability to improvise, always be 'new' for the pupils;

6. ability to deal with the whole group when dealing with individual students;

7. calm restraint, polite rigor, punctuality, modesty and simplicity of communication with students; ability to persuade, not coerce;

8. sense of humor, the ability to surprise the students new interest unusual;

9. self-control, the ability to not get involved in interesting only for themselves, as well as details expounded;

10. the ability to "control yourself" - their mood and status, manner of speaking, emotions, behavior in front of the students;

11. attractive appearance, smartness, sense of proportion in the color and style of clothing;

12. A reasonable combination of the element of automaticity "educational activities with pedagogical creativity.


Педагогический такт

Teaching stroke is a sense of proportion appropriateness of teaching, a harmonious combination of rigor and strictness with kindness calmness and patience.

Main features (rules) of pedagogical tact:

 naturalness, ease of communication that does not allow familiarity;

 sincerity of tone, devoid of all hypocrisy;

 confidence in the student without the connivance;

 expression of the requests without entreaties;

 advice and tips without compulsion;

 impact in the form of the proposal;

 suggestions and requirements without suppressing the individual student;

 seriousness of the tone of communication, but without having to create "tension" of the situation;

 irony, humor, without irony, degrading the individual student;

 demands without petty fault-finding;

 goodwill without flattery;

 perseverance without stubbornness;

 businesslike tone without irritation, dryness and coldness;

 consistency in the application of educational influences without hesitation and cancel unreasonable requirements;

 development of independence without too much care;

 speed of orientation, timely educational influence without haste and hasty decisions;

 attentiveness to student without emphasizing observation of his behavior;

 quiet concentration and balance, eliminating unnecessary anxiety and indifference;

 ability to conduct a conversation with the students, not surface moralizing.





• Knowledge of the goals and tasks of teaching the subject at the present stage of development of the school,

• A deep and comprehensive knowledge of school curricula, textbooks and basic teaching aids,

• Knowledge of techniques to overcome the difficulties in the process of school development program material,

• Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of teaching methodology,

• The ability to choose the best option of training in certain conditions,

• Possession of a technique of formation of concepts in students, laws, skills,

• The ability to awaken and develop the interest of students' to subject,

• Ability to organize all forms of educational work,

• Knowledge of handling skills with the audio-visual teaching aids and methods of their use,

• Leadership skills of extracurricular work in the specialty.

Teachers - teacher and educator youth, the components of professionalism.

"The teacher has to be good, but without weakness, a demanding, but not picky, tender, but not cloying, tolerate a humor, but not to turn a serious matter into a joke"



1. Basic requirements for high school teachers  
      High moral qualities, strong-willed equation-being revisited, sincerity, sociability, optimism
      Reasonable love for young people, learners, a willingness to creative, business contacts with them, pedagogical charisma, empathy
      The high level of competence in the subject taught; Polytechnic wide horizons; possession of the basics of labor and skills, specific to the industry
      A high level of general culture, the breadth of interests and independence of opinions and judgments
      Deep knowledge of the basics of educational psychology, pedagogy, methodology and organization of subject teaching
      Teaching skills



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