Заполните правильными словами. Розыграйте разговор. 

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Заполните правильными словами. Розыграйте разговор.

give (borrow) take out (lend) give take out

7. Сила слова:

Как много слов вы сможете составить?

bookcase, book-mark, bookseller, bookshop, bookstall, bookworm, booklet

Подберите подходящее слово к каждому определению

a bookmark a bookworm a bookcase a bookseller a bookshop a bookstall a booklet



1) Прочитайт е как британцы почитают своих известных авторов.
Найдите глагола и определите их.

b) Simple Present, Active; Simple Present, Passive; Simple Past, Passive

c) Simple Present, Active; Simple Present, Passive; Simple Past, Passive

d) Simple Present, Active; Simple Present, Passive

e) Simple Present, Passive; Simple Present, Passive.

2) Прошлым летом Вильям и некоторые его друзья путешествовали на ве­
лосипедах. Репортер из их школы опрашивает одного из них.
какими были ответы.

were discussed

were held

were bought

were suggested

were helped

were spent

places were visited, friends were made

yes, maps and guide-books were used.

3) Прочитайте правила в отеле и напишите как должны вести себя

Правила отеля.

Оплатите по счету до 12 часов дня отъезда.

Оставляйте ключи в холле, когда уходите.

Не привозите животных в отель.

Не паркуйте машину перед дверью.

Родители должны сопровождать детей в пределах бассейна.

Не входите в ресторан в плавательной одежде.

Не стирайте вещи в номерах.

b) Keys must be left when you go out.

c) Animals can not be bringed into the hotel.

d) Cars can not be parked in front of the door.

e) Children must be accompaned by parents in the pool area.

f) Clothes can not be washed in the room.

4) В ВАШЕЙ КУЛЬТУРЕ На протяжении веков много людей много
сделали для российской культуры.
Составьте пары людей и поступков.
Напишите предложения используя нужные глаголы в правильной

a) was organized by Natalia Sats.

b) was writed by Tchaikovsky.

c) was opened by Peter the Great.

d) were translated by S. Marshak.

e) was performed by Yuri Gagarin.


10. В каждой библиотеке свои правила. Прочитайте прави­ла библиотеки Британского музея. Поставте глагола в правиль­ную форму.

1) are not allowed

2) are sold

3) are located

4) are not admitted

5) are invited

6) be collected

7) permit

UNIT 2. Let the music begin


1. Люди часто сравнивают и обсуждают свои мнения о му­зыке. Ответьте на вопросы о музыке. Используйте правильную форму глаголов а рамке.

1) Как сложна эта музыка?

Rock music is not complex at all. Classical music is quite complex. Folk music is extremely complex.

2) Насколько возбуждают эти мелодии?

Pop songs are not very exciting. Folk songs are not exciting at all. Author’s songs are rather exciting.

3) Насколько призывны эти деятельности?

Listening to the opera is not very appealing. Watching the ballet is extremely appealing. Participating in a performance is fairly appealing.

4) Что отличает эти деятельности?

Reading music is not very special. Writing songs is very special. Dancing well is quite special.

4. Обменяйтесь мнениями о музыке.


- Do you like music?

- No, I don’t like music because it is very boring.

- But I like music very much. Do you prefer any other activities than listening to music?

- Yes, I like reading, it is more interesting.

- Yes, reading is very interesting. What kinds of books do you prefer to read?

- I prefer to read historical literature. But do you have some other favorite ac­tivities?

- Yes, I’m interested in sport.


- Yes, I like music very much. My favorite composer is Bach.

- Oh, I also like music and Bach is my favorite composer, too.

- Have you ever been to a concert?

- Yes, I have. I went to the concert last week. I saw Eric Clapton.

- Would you like to go to an Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov concert? I think it is very interesting.

- Did you like or not.

- I didn’t like it and I won’t go again.

6. Вы мечтали стать поп-звездой? Как качества необходимы для того, чтобы стать звездой?

1) Используя выражения внизу, напишите как можно больше предло­

To be a pop star you must sing well.

To be a pop star you must have a beautiful voice.

To be a pop star you must have an attractive appearance.

To be a pop star you must know the right people.

2) Напишите какие еще качества необходимы для поп-звезды.

To be a pop star you must be young. To be a pop star you must be talkative. To be a pop star you must be good-looking.

8. Лейла - американская студентка. Послушайте рассказ и посмотрите рисунки, где показаны инструменты Лейлы.

1) Выберите правильные слова из рамки.

xylophone, drums, trumpet, electric guitar, guitar, violin, clarinet, saxophone, piano, viola, synthesizer

2) Какой её любимый музыкальный инструмент?

Her favorite musical instrument is violin.

3) Можете ли вы или ваши друзья играть на каких-нибудь музыкаль -
ных инструментах.

Mary plays the piano. John practises the guitar. Bill learns to play drums. Jane takes the trumpet lessons.


1) Напишите три формы этих правильных и неправильных глаголов.

enter - entered - entered find - found - found

cover - covered - covered be - was - been

travell - travelled - travelled know - knew - known

decide - decided - decided have - had - had

die - died - died learn - learnt - learnt

marry - married - married make - made - made

disappear - disappeared - disappeared understand-understood-


look - looked - looked do - did - done

rush - rushed - rushed love - loved - loved capture - captured - captured free - freed - freed

10. Люди обычно имеют причины для совершения поступ­ков. Вот часть из них. Завершите предложения.

1) listening

2) going

3) studying

4) watching

5) going

6) listening

7) discussing

8) showing

9) writing


1) Подставьте подходящее прилагательное для каждого существи-


fearful enthusiastic
comfortable honourable
shocking interesting
boring musical
beautiful talented
sentimental foolish
romantic joyful
fictional sensational
ambitious spiritual
respectable classical
delightful confused
pleasurable surprising
proud sensitive
pressing famed

2) Дайте примеры известных людей тельное из списка.

Enrigo Caruso is a talented singer. “Yellow Submarine” is a beautiful song. Rob Stuart is a famous rock musician. Opera is a very famous show. Violin is a musical instrument. Rock concert is a foolish performance. “Hamlet” is a famous play.

и вещей. Выберите прилага-

Bach is a classical composer. Rock is a boring music.

12. Прослушайте историю о Дмитрие Хворостовском и по -


1) false
2) true
3) false
4) true
5) true
6) true
7) true
8) true
9) false
10) true
11) true

13. Закончите предложения используя who, which, where,
или что-то еще. Затем перестаете предложения, чтобы по­
лучился текст о Билли Холидее.

1, 5, 4, 6, 7, 3, 4, 8, 2

14. Дети разговаривают об их повседневной жизни.
1) Поставте глаголы в правильную форму.

a) I’m looking forward to listening

b) I feel like doing my homework

c) I can’t help eating

d) enjoy playing, I’m looking forward to practising

e) give up playing the drums

3) Напишите собственные ответы на вопросы.

a) Yes, I’m going to the cinema.

b) No, I feel like staying home after cinema.

c) No, I didn’t because I’m looking forward to eating a lot.

d) My favourite activity is sport. I’m looking forward to playing football after classes.

e) My mother doesn’t allow me to play football.


15. Прочитайте, что эти люди говорят вам делать или не
делать. Завершите предложения.

2) to take another English course.

3) to buy this CD.

4) of taking part in the Proms.

5) not to play in the street.

6) not to come home very late. 7) not to eat while reading.

16. Взрослые любят давать детям советы. Напишите какой совет вам часто дают. Завершите предложения.

1) to study a lot.

2) he is always right.

3) to go in for sports.

4) to sit quiet.

5) to read more in English.

6) to study harder.

UNIT 3. What's the news?


2. Напишите определения для следующих видов фильмов, используя данные фразы.

makes you laugh.

has a serious story.

often has an exciting story.

has cowboys in it.

has a story about love.

is about crime and police.

is about space and the future.

has a lot of music in it.

is very scary.

is always beautiful.


2) Сопоставте каждое определение (антонимы).

morning - evening colour - black and white daily - weekly national - local pop - serius quality - tabloids serial - film

6. Закончите Сеть слов словами в pa


awful exciting stupid strange

terrible wonderful silly unusual

horrible fascinating rubbish boring

terrific fantastic wacky annoying


7. Напишите ваше мнение о людях, фильмах, книгах и т.д.

1) Shakespeare is the author who wrote “Hamlet”. It’s a very famous comedy.

2) “Nine yards” is the film which I like most of all. It’s a comedy.

3) Bruise Willis is an actor who was in this film. He’s a famous actor.

10. Вы услышите три разных мнения о британском телевидении. 1) Какое мнение принадлежит учителю, ученику, политику.

The first opinion belongs to a pupil, the second one belongs to a politician and the third opinion belongs to a teacher.

3) У вас и вашего партнера есть мнение о телевидении в России? Обсу­дите темы.

- I think there is too much violence on TV. So do I. There is too much violence on TV. I think there are too many foreign films on TV. So do I. There are too many foreign films. I think there are too many politician programmes on TV. I don’t think so. There are enough politician programmes on TV. I think there are too many chat shows. I don’t. There are enough chat shows on TV. I think there are too many American crime series on TV. So do I. There are a lot of them. I think there is too much news on TV. So do I. There are to much news on TV. I think there are too many quiz shows on TV. I don’t. There are not enough quiz shows on TV. I think there are too many comedy shows on TV. So do I. There are too many comedy shows on TV. I don’t think there are enough channels on TV. Neither do I. There are not enough channels on TV. I don’t think there are a lot of documentaries on TV. Neither do I. There are not enough documentaries on TV. I don’t think there is much variety on TV. Neither do I. There is not much variety on TV. I don’t think there are enough sports on TV. Neither do I. There are not enough sports on TV.

15. Эти молодые люди обмениваются мнениями о том, что они посмотрели. Посмотрите их мнения. Используйте правиль­ные формы say или tell.

1) Tom says that “Cross My Heart” is an unusual and humorous film.

2) Mike told his friend that that programme about computers had been absolutely fantastic. And he had recorded it on video. His friend could borrow it if he liked.

3) Sue told her mother that the play had been very bad. They had left toward the end.

4) Film reporter said that the acting of the children had been surprisingly good and he had to admit that he had enjoyed the film immensely.

5) Nick’s sister told him that when football had come on she had turned off the TV. She really couldn’t stand it.

6) I told my friend that “The silence of the Lambs” was fantastic. I was going to watch it by all means.

18. Репортер опрашивает Боба Вилсона, баскетболиста

1. Напишите интервью из представленных утверждений. Используйте временные связки из рамки.


I started playing basketball at the age of eight.

I havn't really enjoyed it at first and for a time i have tried to refuse to go, but after winning my first competition i decided that i realy liked it.

It was in 1987. I practised all the time in weekends and during the school holidays. Eventually i was good enough to enter big competition.



19. Репортер из журнала для подростков опрашивает одного
из британских известных комиков, Ленни Генри.

1) Составте парами вопросы и ответы.

When did you decide to become a comedian?

I decided to become a comedian at school, when I was 15.

Why did you want to be a comedian?

I wanted to be a comedian because I played fool at the lessons I hated, could make my friends laugh.

What were your favorite subjects at school?

Art, music, science and English, but in all the others the teachers were boring.

Who influenced your choice of profession?

My science teacher, Mr. Brooks let me tape voices and jokes and then play them to the class. My friends pushed me as well.

What is your favorite work?

My favorite work is “Lenny Love and Unleashed”, because it stretched me to my full talent.

2) Что написал репортер о Ленни Генри в журнал?

Recently I interviewed Lenny Henry. He said that he had decided to become a comedian at school, when he had been 15, because he had played fool at the lessons he had hated and could make his friends laugh. He said that his favorite subjects had been art, music, science and English, but in all the others the teach­ers had been boring, but his science teacher, Mr. Brooks, had influenced his choice of profession. He also added that his favorite work was “Lenny Love and Unleashed”.

ZU. Вы прослушаете отрывок из радио о проишествиях в Лондоне. Отчитайтесь, что случилось на этой наделе.

1) I heard that The New London Theatre was showing the International Award Winning Musical “Cats” on Thursday.

2) It was said that the Peter Hall company was beginning a season of plays, starting with “An Ideal Husband” on Wednesday at the “Globe” Theatre.

3) I heard that there’s Rostropovitch’s performance of Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Juliet” at the Barbican Centre on Monday.

4) They said that there’s football at Wembley Stadium, with a big match be­tween Arsenal and Manchester United on Saturday.


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