Does, alcohol, traffic, quickly, the, for, attention, drinking, slower, poor 

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Does, alcohol, traffic, quickly, the, for, attention, drinking, slower, poor


Alcohol is perhaps___ (1) most widely used drug in our society. Unlike food, alcohol___(2) not have to be digested. It affects a person very___(3). It slows the brain and affects memory, self-control and ___(4). Body movements become___(5) and muscle coordination is ___ (6).

The widespread use of___(7) has caused special problems not only _ _ (8) people who use it, but for society as well. About half of all the people killed in___(9) accidents each year die because some­one was driving after _ _ (10) too much.

3. Дайтеопределениеследующимпродуктам.

1. It is something you can drink from. It is made of glass and does not have a handle.________________________

2. It is the liquid that comes from fruit when you squeeze it._____________________

3. It is a very cold sweet-tasting creamy food._________________________________

4. It is used to flavour food. It is found in the earth and in the sea water.____________

5. It is something you can drink from. It is made of china or clay and has a handle.________________

6. It is food that people eat, usually at fixed times during the day._________________

7. It is food that is just enough for one person.________________________________

4. Переведите на русский язык кулинарный рецепт “PumpkinSoup”

- 1 onion, finely chopped

- bunch scallions with some of the green part, finely chopped

- ¼ cup plus three tablespoons butter

- 1 two-pound-thirteen-ounce can pumpkin puree

- 8 cups chicken broth

- salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

- 3 tablespoons flour

- 2 cups light cream

- 2 cups crisp croutons


1) Saute the onion and scallions in one-quarter cup of the butter until tender but not browned.

2) Add the pumpkin puree and cook gently five minutes.

3) Stir in the broth and cook, stirring, ten minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

4) Blend together the remaining butter and the flour and whisk into the simmering soup. Stir in the cream and reheat just before serving. Serve sprinkled with the croutons.

Yield: about eight to ten servings


5. Выберите правильный ответ:

1. How much … this bottle?

a) is b) does c) do

2. That waitress … lay the table.

a) doesn’t b) don’t c) aren’t

3. We … a good dinner yesterday.

a) cook b) cooked c) are cooking

4. Many tourists stay … Austaria Hotel

a) in b) at c) by

5. You can reserve a table … telephone.

a) by b) on c) with

6. Переведите содержание следующей ситуации на английский язык:

- Добрый вечер, господа.

- Сколько вас?

- Вот свободный столик у окна.

- Могу порекомендовать Вам наше фирменное жаркое в горшочках.

- Не хотите ли заказать напитки?

- Очень хорошо.

- Я обслужу Вас быстро.





о выполнении самостоятельной работы №3

Тема: Английская кухня

дисциплина: Английский язык

Специальность: Технология продукции общественного питания







Цель: Общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную профессиональную речь; способствовать личностному развитию обучающегося, побуждать к самообразованию

1. Прочитайтетекст

British Cuisine

There is no cuisine in the world about which there are as many jokes as there are about British cooking. Particularly the French are great in making jokes about British cuisine. For example, according to one French comic, hell is a place where the cooks are British.

Or do you know why the British serve mint sauce with lamb? Ac­cording to French food critics, mint must be the only plant not eaten by sheep.

Of course, these all are exaggerations. The British bear them with their superior sense of humour.

British cuisine cannot present so many internationally renowned dishes as French cuisine does. But British cuisine has contributed a lot to the world's steak culture, and there are a number of inventions in British cuisine which are even adopted by the French — as for example the creation of sandwiches.

As for steaks, that has in the past been so British that British elite troops were called Beefeaters. And the term porterhouse for a special large kind of steak cuts has nothing to do with porters or luggage carriers but originates from British pubs where a special brand of dark beer,

Porterbeer, was served, and where a snack consisted of a steak some 900 grams by weight — a single portion for a single man.

It's a character trait of the British not to be proud of their cuisine too much. In case of their foods and drinks, the British learnt a lot from the colonies conquered by the beefeaters all around the world. From East Asia (China) they adopted tea (and reexported the habit to India), and from India they adopted curry-style spicing.

However, they didn't just copy these food and drink habits but com­bined them with their own foodstuffs: tea with milk and curry with pastry (to make curried pies).


1. What did one French comic say about British cuisine?


2. Why do you think the British serve mint sauce with lamb?


3. There are a lot of jokes about British cuisine. How do they bear them?


4. Do you know inventions of British cuisine?


5. British cuisine has contributed a lot to the world steak culture, hasn't it?


6. Can you translate the word beefeater?.


7. Are the British proud of their cuisine?


8. What did the British adopt from East Asia (China)?


9. Where did the British adopt curry-style spicing from?


10. The British didn't just copy food and drink habits from other countries, did they?


2. Заполните пропуски словами (используйте каждое слово один раз):


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