Bargains, buy, ones, prices, are, offer, money, line, there, supermarkets, spend, different 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Bargains, buy, ones, prices, are, offer, money, line, there, supermarkets, spend, different

Shopping in the USA

Americans love to shop. If they shop for small items like coffee and tea or big___(1) like furniture, they___(2) a lot of time and___(3) in different stores. Many of them are smart shoppers, they compare ___(4), check the sales and look for___(5). As they say, "a penny saved is a penny earned." In the USA you can do shopping at many___(6) places. Food is more expensive at the convenience stores, they are open 24 hours a day and you can shop there quickly. Usually you make your purchase without having to wait in ___ (7). Many people do their weekly shopping at the large___(8) near their home. Supermarkets _ _ (9) a wide variety of goods and services. You can get food, flowers, cosmetics, autosupplies, household items and even stamps _______ (10).

The oriental markets contain foodstuffs and delicacies that are una­vailable at the supermarkets. Some people buy most of the groceries at the oriental markets. You can get Vietnamese, Korean and other specialties there. Some Americans often___(11) fruit at the farmers markets. Farmers bring their fresh fruit and vegetables to this open-air markets several times a week. The prices___(12) fairly reasonable and the produce is fresh.

3. Дайтеопределениеследующимпродуктам:

1. It is a vegetable that grows under the ground. It can be boiled, baked or fried. It can also be made into chips or crisps.__________________________________________

2. It is the meat from a bull or a cow.______________________________________

3. It is a vegetable. We eat the dark red part that grows under the ground._________

4. It is a shopkeeper who sells fruit and vegetables.____________________________

5. It is a large shop which sells all kinds of food and things for the house.__________

6. It is a plant which has seeds called grains.__________________________________

7. It is a vegetable. It looks like a large ball of leaves. The leaves can be green, white or purple.________________________________________________________________

4. Переведите на русский язык кулинарный рецепт “MushroomSoup”

- 1 pound mushrooms

- 4 cups fresh or canned chicken broth

- ¼ cup butter

- 2 tablespoons flour

- salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

- ¼ cup dry sherry

- ½ cup heavy cream


1) Remove the stems from the mushrooms and chop the stems coarsely. Reserve the caps.

2) Place the chopped stems in a saucepan and the broth. Bring to a boil and simmer twenty minutes. Strain the broth and reserve.

3) Slice the mushroom caps. Heat the butter in a saucepan and add the caps. Cook, stirring, until lightly browned. Sprinkle with the flour and add salt and pepper. Using a wire whisk, stir in the broth and bring to a boil. Simmer five minutes and add sherry and cream. Heat thoroughly and serve hot.

Yield: four or six servings.


5. Выберите правильный ответ:

1) How much … this wine cost?

a) is b) does c) do

2) They … serve roast goose today.

a) don’t b) aren’t c) doesn’t

3) My sister … a pie on Sunday.

a) bakes b) baked c) is baking

4) I’d like a table … the window.

a) by b) at c) on

5) The same … me, please.

a) to b) for c) about


6. Переведите содержание следующей ситуации на английский язык:

- Добрый день, сэр.

- Вот меню.

- С чего желаете начать?

- Предпочитаете мясные или рыбные блюда?

- Тогда возьмите наше фирменное блюдо – рыбное ассорти.

- Не желаете ли вино?

- Очень хорошо.

- Я принесу Вам вино и закуску прямо сейчас.





о выполнении самостоятельной работы №2

Тема: Рестораны быстрого питания

Специальность: Технология продукции общественного питания








Цель: Общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную профессиональную речь; способствовать личностному развитию обучающегося, побуждать к самообразованию

1. Прочитайтетекст

Eating out in Moscow

Some years ago it was rather difficult to find a place for eating in Moscow. There were few canteens, cafes and restaurants where people could have lunch, dinner or a snack. But Moscow has changed. Now­adays there are a lot of different places here where we can eat decent food at reasonable price and take someone for lunch on business.

If you want to eat on the run, you should go to a fast-food restaurant: McDonalds, "Russian Bistro" or Pizza Hut. They are very popular now. The first Russian-Canadian restaurant McDonalds was opened in 1990. Nowadays there are a lot of them in our city and everyone has experienced the dishes there. The service is quick: you enter the restaurant, come up to the counter, make your choice, pay the money, take the tray with your dishes and occupy any vacant table. The menu card offers you single or double hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fillet of fish, fried crisp potatoes. For a drink, you can order cooling beverages — "Coca-Cola", "Fanta", "Sprite", tea or coffee.

If you are in a hurry, you can have a snack in a bar. There are many kinds of bars in Moscow: snack bars, express bars, milk bars, beer bars.

Besides, if you are hungry but have too little time for eating, you can take a quick bite in a cafe "Russian Bistro" or "Russian Bliny".

But if you seek the gastronomical experience of your life, you should go somewhere else. There are hundreds of restaurants in Moscow to satisfy everyone's taste — from traditional Russian food to the finest of French wines and delicacies of the Far East.

The Russian people have always been gourmets. Moscow famous restaurants were reborn in our time. One can again visit "Yar" or "Metropol". Many new restaurants keep the old traditions of the Russian cuisine and hospitality. Each restaurant has its specialties of the house.

In European, American and oriental restaurants of Moscow you can order international dishes although each restaurant as a rule specializes in one of the national cuisines.

The French cuisine has had the leading role in Moscow homes and restaurants since Peter the Great's times. In today's Moscow you can find a classical choice of French dishes at the art restaurant "Nostalgie". The restaurant has a vast wine list and a sommelier to help you make the right choice.


1. What was the situation with eating out in Moscow some years ago?


2. Where can you eat on the run in Moscow?


3. When was the first McDonalds opened in Moscow?


4. Why are the restaurants of quick service so popular nowadays?


5. What does the menu card offer to the customers of McDonalds?


6. What kinds of bars can you find in Moscow?


7. What restaurants with traditional Russian cuisine are there in Moscow?


8. Where can people try national dishes of different countries?


9. Where can you find a classical choice of French dishes?


10. What is the name of the person who helps people make the right choice of wines?


2. Заполните пропуски словами (используйте каждое слово один раз):


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