Exercise 10. Read the text and answer the questions about it. 

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Exercise 10. Read the text and answer the questions about it.

Isaac Newton (1642 — 1727) was born in England. Newton set modern physics on its feet by deriving laws showing how objects move on the Earth and in space, and by finding the law that describes gravity. For many years he developed his ideas about the nature of motion and about gravitation. In order to derive them mathematically, he invented calculus. Newton long withheld publishing his results, possibly out of shyness. Finally, Edmond Halley, whose name we associate with the famous comet, persuaded Newton to publish his works. A few years later, in 1687, the «Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica» (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) was published. He built the first reflecting telescope in 1668, and used it to study how the planets move.

Newton's most intellectually fertile years were those right after his graduation from college when he returned home to the country. Newton was a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, later in life went into government service. His tomb in Westminster Abbey bears the epitaph: «Mortals, congratulate yourselves that so great a man has lived for the honor of the human race». Newton made many discoveries that are part of modern science. Even now scientists still refer to «Newton's laws of motion», «Newtonian telescopes», «Newton's laws of gravitation». Scientists measure the force due to gravity in units called newtons.


1. What is the best title for the passage?

a. Newtonian telescope

b. Great invention

c. Isaac Newton

d. Edmond Halley


2. According to the author, Newton worked most productively

a. as a professor at Cambridge University

b. during his government service

c. while studying at college

d. right after graduation from college


3. It can be inferred from the passage that Isaac Newton

a. did not publish Principia in 1687

b. published his works together with Halley

c. wanted to publish his works as soon as possible

d. was probably a modest person


4. According to the passage Isaac Newton build his reflecting telescope at the age of

a. 40

b. 26

c. 28

d. 36


5. The passage was probably written by a specialist in

a. geology

b. geography

c. ecology

d. astronomy


Chapter 10

Exercise 11. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for it.


1. We really need to advance this technology.

a. approach

b. improve

c. reproduce

d. realize


2. There is no shortage of these materials.

a. abundance

b. need

c. analogue

d. lack


3. Nylon is a versatile material.

a. is very useful

b. is indispensable

c. has many different uses

d. has very few uses


4. I'm accustomed to getting up early.

a. used to

b. not used to

c. interested in

d. capable of


5. That's a very sound suggestion.

a. silly

b. strange

c. reasonable

d. timely


6. I feel like studying tonight.

a. don't like

b. don't need

c. don't mind

d. don't want


7. He says he can't bear being shouted at.

a. can't resist

b. can't stand

c. can't forgive

d. can't thank for


8. You can rely on my doing it.

a. find out

b. insist on

c. object to

d. count on


9. We all share corporate responsibility.

a. collective

b. government

c. partial

d. this


Chapter 10 179

10. He admitted the intrinsic merits of my idea.

a. innovative

b. intriguing

c. inherent

d. valuable


11. Ballet originated in Italy in the 1400s.

a. coexisted with

b. developed in

c. began in

d. brought about


12. Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing.

a. in the beginning

b. in the end

c. usually

d. from time to time



Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

Thomas Edison


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UNscientifically speaking...


It doesn't matter if something I buy turns out to be a mistake and unreturnable, because three years ago I found fifty dollars on the street, so THAT BALANCES EVERYTHING OUT!


Chapter 11 181

Chapter 11

Focus on:



DOs and DON'Ts for Young Scientists On Innovators and Innovations


Grammar: Emphasis


Chapter 11


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