Use Gerund with the following expressions 

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Use Gerund with the following expressions

I am capable of (здатний) fond of (подобатися) accustomed to (призвичаїтися) interested in (цікавитися) successful in (досягати успіху) afraid of (боятися) tired of (втомитися) doing a lot of work
I have no excuse (вибачення) reason for (причина) possibility of (можливість) coming so late
They succeed in (мати успіх) insist on (наполягати на) think of (думати про) thank for (дякувати) object to заперечувати, виступати проти   * rely on * count on розраховувати   * feel like * don't mind не бути проти getting a job
It's * worth * worthwhile варто   * not worth(while) * no use не варто postponing the meeting


Chapter 10

They * can't help * can't resist не могти не   * can't stand * can't bear ненавидіти doing nothing
We * look forward to з нетерпінням чекати   Would you mind* Чи не могли б ви...   */найбільш ввічлива форма прохання/ hearing from you     coming later?


GERUND in a Sentence

Subject Підмет Part of Predicate Object Додаток Attribute Означення Adverbial modifiers Обставини Reading books is useful. Читати книги — корисно. Carrying out this task is of great importance. Дуже важливо виконати це завдання. Виконання цього завдання має велике значення. His favorite pastime is listening to music.
How about What about postponing the test?
  He insisted on translating the text. Він наполягав на перекладі тексту. Ann likes studying foreign languages. Енн подобається вивчати іноземні мови.   There are two reasons for discussing the problem. Існують дві причини для обговорення проблеми. The boiling temperature of water is 100 С. Температура кипіння води — 100 С. (ПОР1ВНЯЙТЕ: boiling water (Participle I) — вода, шо кипить) On entering the room, he greeted everyone. Зайшовши до кімнати, він привітав ycix присутніх. After discussing the problem they arrived at important conclusions. Після обговорення проблеми вони дійшли важливих висновків.


Chapter 10 171


Noun with 's / Possessive Adjective + Gerund

I object to your participating. I know of John's coming late. The scientist's having discovered this phenomenon made him famous. Я виступаю проти вашої участі. Я знаю, що Джон прийде пізно. Відкриття вченим цього явища зробило його відомим.


MIND the difference between


Possessive Adjectives AND Possessive Pronouns
My Your His/Her/Its Our Your Their Mine Yours His/Hers/Its Ours Yours Theirs


Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Forecasting future is always an uncertain business.

2. We learn much by reading books.

3. Writing essays in English requires practice.

4. It is worth remembering this rule.

5. They are capable of constructing these facilities.

6. Active animal life exists at all temperatures from the melting point of ice, to about 40° below the boiling point of water.

7. There are many reasons for questioning this theory.

8. The exhibition was worth attending.

9. He could not help joining the discussion.

10. I really thank you for taking all the trouble.

11. If you are not interested in asking questions, you are not interested in having answers.

12. The problem is worth solving.

13. I like to work without being disturbed.

14. Your studying much now will help you in your future work.

15. We succeeded in obtaining reliable results. -

16. They know about our investigating the problem.

17. In spite of his being tired, he continued to work.

18. I object to your discussing this issue now.

19. A true scientist is interested in being told about his or her mistakes.

20. I know of your having read this article.

21. He went away without having told us the necessary information.

22. The result of his investigation depended upon his having applied the proper method.

23. Academician Artzimovich once humorously defined science as a practice of the scientist's satisfying his or her curiosity at the expense of the government.


Chapter 10


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