I. Read and translate the text. Discuss the Paris Peace Accord and express your opinion on articles. 

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I. Read and translate the text. Discuss the Paris Peace Accord and express your opinion on articles.

1. The Paris Peace Accord dramatically impacted the Vietnamese people, and it also gave credence to those who argued that the United States “lost” the Vietnam conflict. 2. Never in the history of the United States was the government forced to end a conflict on such disadvantageous terms. 3. Perhaps most important was the fact that the Paris Peace Accords gave closure to what was one of the most turbulent periods in American and Vietnamese history. 4. Inspection of the terms of the Paris Peace Accords reveal that the United States basically had to end the Vietnam conflict by completely removing any hint of a military presence. 5. First, Article 1 of the Paris Peace Accord demanded that “… The United States and all other countries respect the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Viet-Nam as recognized by the 1954 Geneva Agreements on Viet-Nam…” 6. Like it or not, the United States was forced to accept that Vietnam had the right to govern itself, and that there would be an additional Communist presence on the Asian continent. 7. Article 2 of the Paris Peace Accord stipulated that “… the United States will stop all its military activities against the territory of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam by ground, air and naval forces, wherever they may be based, and end the mining of territorial waters, ports, harbors, and waterways of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam…” 8. This was essentially the equivalent of the schoolyard bully being told to stop beating up other kids on the playground and go home. 9. The United States was seen as somewhat of a “world policeman” by many around the world for establishing such a huge military presence in Vietnam. Article 2 of the Paris Peace Accord stated under no uncertain terms that the United States had to completely withdraw, which obviously undermined the foreign policy that had dictated and justified America’s presence in the region. Article 21 of the Paris Peace Accord further obligated the United States to “contribute to the healing of wounds of war and to postwar reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam and throughout Indochina”.

II. Underline passive verb groups.


I. Defining and Non-defining relative clauses

Main points: You use defining relative clauses to say exactly which person or thing you are talking about. Defining relative clauses are usually introduced by a relative pronoun such as that, which, who, whom, whose. A defining relative clause comes immediately after a noun, and needs a main clause to make a complete sentence.


You use non-defining relative clauses to give extra information about a person or thing you are talking about. Non-defining relative clauses must be introduced by a relative pronoun such as which, who, whom, whose. A non-defining relative clause comes immediately after a noun, and needs a main clause to make a complete sentence.


A. Translate the text in writing. Underline relative clauses in the text. Complete the sentences by using the proper form of the verb.

Ottoman Empire


1. The Ottoman Dynasty … (find) in the first half of the fourteenth century AD by Osman I who … (become) chieftain of a pastoral tribe that then …(range) over northwestern Anatolia and … (engage) in periodic encroachments on Byzantine dominions.

2. Over the course of centuries Osman’s tribe … (grow) stronger and … (pursue) a course of conquest which …(result) in its obtaining possession of both a substantial portion of the Balkans and Anatolian territory up to the straits that …(separate) Constantinople from Chalcedon.

3. In 1453 Constantinople … (fall) to the troops of Mohammed II. There … (follow) a period of Ottoman expansion in which the tide of conquest … (move) south to the Persian Gulf, west across North Africa to the borders of what is now Morocco, northwest to the gates of Vienna, and north to embrace almost the entire coast of the Black Sea.



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