II. Read the text and draw up a map of the places, conquered by Alexander the Great. 

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II. Read the text and draw up a map of the places, conquered by Alexander the Great.

Persepolis is the site of awesome ruins and known today as Marvdasht, Iran (northeast of Shiraz), this city was the magnificent capital of the Persian empire until it was sacked by Alexander the Great.

Susa is an ancient city, important to Darius III and his ancestors, is east of Babylon. Gaugamela (Tel Gomel, Iraq) is the scene of this famous battle is somewhere northeast of the Tigris River between the northern Iraqi town of Arbela (known as Arbil today) and Mosul (Al Mawsil, Iraq).

Ecbatana is the capital of the ancient Median empire (known today as Hamadan, Iran), it is the place where Hephaestion (Alexander's close friend and leader of the Macedonian cavalry) died. It is also the place from which orders were given to kill Parmenion, one of Alexander's best generals.

Maracanda is known today as Samarkand, Uzbekhistan, it was in a palace in this town where Alexander killed (most likely accidentally) his friend Clitus.

Oxus River is known today as the Amu Darya River, this region, and north of it, was the place of key Alexander conquests.

Alexandria Eschate is one of the many towns Alexander founded and named after himself is now known as Khujand (on the Syr-Darya River in today's Tajikistan). Alexandria Arachosia is another town (from the former Persian empire) which Alexander named, it is known today as Kandahar, Afghanistan (scene of considerable fighting in the Second Gulf War).

Alexandria on the Oxus. Today this place is known as Ai Khanum, Afghanistan. Gedrosian. In this inhospitable desert, located today in Baluchistan, Iran/Pakistan an extraordinary number of Alexander's men died from deplorable conditions. Paropamisus Range. Moving east, Alexander and his men reached the difficult and imposing Hindu Kush Mountains. Snow was the least of their worries as they met, and defeated, human and natural enemies.

Hydaspes River ia know today as the Jhelum River in Pakistan, this is the site of the famous battle of the Hydaspes in which Alexander's men battled, and conquered, Porus and his elephants.

Bactra/Zariaspa or Balkh (close to the current city of Mazar-e Sharif in northern Afghanistan) is the oldest town in that country and was the capital of ancient Bactria. Bactria/Sogdiana. This territory, so prominent in the story of Alexander, currently encompasses land in Afghanistan, Uzbekhistan, and Tajikistan. Alexander's wife, Roxane, was from Bactria. Roxane was expecting Alexander's child when her husband died.


I. Review Perfect tenses


Main points: You use the present perfect to relate the past to the present.

You use the past perfect to talk about a situation that occurred before a particular time in the past.


A. Look at these sentences and match questions and answers.

1. Where’s Teresa? 2. Are you going to the film tonight? 3. Do you know Michael? 4. Can we go out? 5. May I borrow your book? 6. Do you know London well? 7. How do you feel? 8. Why isn’t John at work today? 9. Do you still work at Smith’s? 10. Do you live near hear? a No, I’ve seen it before. b After I have finished the washing up. c Yes, I have lived here for years. d She’s gone shopping. e No, I’ve never met him before. f I’m afraid I’ve left it at home. g Awful. I think I’ve caught a cold. h No, we’ve just moved to Oxford. i I don’t know. Perhaps he’s had an accident. j Yes, I’ve worked there ever since 2010.

B. Use the information from the sentences above to complete these sentences.

1. He told me Teresa had gone shopping.

2. I didn’t go to the film because …

3. I didn’t know Michael. In fact …

4. We couldn’t go out until …

5. I couldn’t lend Sally my book because …

6. I know London well …

7. I felt so bad, I was sure that …

8. John couldn’t go to work because …

9. We didn’t live in Sevenoaks any more. We …



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