Составьте словосочетания и переведите их. 

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Составьте словосочетания и переведите их.

1. to recruit a) a situation

2. to apply b) details

3. to simulate c) application form

4. to achieve d) new employees

5. to solve e) a letter of application

6. to establish f) for a job

7. to advertise g) an interview

8. to sent h) a position, a job vacancy

9. to contain i) a CV

10. to complete j) a suitable applicant

11. to select k) the employers’ criteria

12. to attend l) objective

13. to compile m) a problem

14. to match n) relationship


Заполните пропуски, используя активную лексику по теме “Getting a job”.

Apply selects shortlist attend provides suitability complete

Applicant impression suitable recruitment accurate

1. In order to ______________ for a job an ___________ must _________

a standard application form.

2. The HR department _________ the most ____________ applications.

3. The HR department prepares a _________ of candidates to _______

an interview.

4. A ______________ agency ___________ a list of suitable applicants.

5. CV demonstrates the ____________ of an applicant for a job.

6. CV must be ___________ and relevant and make the best ___________




1. Прочтите фразы (существительное +существительное). Обратите внимание на способ их перевода.

1. job description должностная инструкция

2. job selection выбор работы

3. organizations procedures организационные процедуры

4. business awareness знание бизнеса, осведомленность

5. recruitment approach подход к найму на работу

6. person specification требования к принимаемому на работу

7. competency framework границы компетентности

8. job specification квалификационные требования



2. Прочтите фразы (определение +существительное). Обратите внимание на их перевод.

1. personal qualities личные качества

2. relevant skills существенные навыки

3. relevant experience существенный опыт

4. essential attributes важные отличительные черты

5. desirable attributes желаемые отличительные черты

6. special aptitudes особые способности

7. required information требуемая информация

8. designated space (place) намеченное место

3. Прочтите и переведите словосочетания (глагол + существительное).


1. to confirm information подтвердить информацию

2. to apply for a job обратиться по поводу приема на работу

3. to indicate willingness указать готовность (желание)

4. to attend an interview посетить интервью

5. to produce job description создавать должностные инструкции

6. to solve a problem решить проблему

7. to make a decision принять решение

8. to work out a decision выработать решение

9. to draw up a competency framework установить границы компетентности




Переведите названия видов интервью

One-to-one interview, sequential interview, panel interview, telephone interview, video interview, traditional interview, conventional interview, chronological interview, competency-based interview, technical interview.



The employment interview is the most widely-used selection technique. Job candidates are usually interviewed by a member of the HRM staff. Interviews provide an opportunity for the firm and the applicant learn more about each other. Different problems can be solved through the use of structural interviews. A structural interview is an interview in which an interviewer asks a prepared set of questions.

The interview is probably the hardest part of getting a job. If you are invited to attend an interview, confirm the appointment by a letter, phone or mail. Think about your appearance – first impressions are important. Use the Internet to search about the company. Prepare questions which you think the interviewer may ask you. Think about your personal strengths and weaknesses or how you would describe your personality. Ask yourself why the company should choose to employ you, instead of the other people who are applying. There is a short wait until the company calls back with their offer or mail a rejection.





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