Ex. 9. Choose the correct tense form of Continuous: either Active or Passive. 

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Ex. 9. Choose the correct tense form of Continuous: either Active or Passive.

1. Two men (are questioning /are being questioned) at the police station tonight in connection with last week’s armed robbery. 2. My friends (are traveling / are being traveled) to the South these days. Meanwhile, their doggie (is looking / is being looked) after by their neighbour. 3. Lorry-driver Albert Whittaker had a lucky escape this afternoon when a concrete block, which (was loading / was being loaded) on to his lorry, fell off and landed inches from his feet. 4. What (was displaying / was being displayed) in the Pushkin Museum when you visited it? 5. Mum (was watching / was being watched) some stupid film after dinner, so she made me washing up. 6. I think we (are following / are being followed). 7. The police have found the people they (were looking / were being looked) for. 8. Jane (was waiting / was being waited) for me when I arrived. 9. How fast (were you driving / were you being driven) when the accident happened? 10. Was Carol at the party last night? – Yes, she (was wearing / was being worn) a really nice dress! 11. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last saw him, he (was trying / was being tried) to find a job in London. 12. We (are hoping / are being hoped) that we will at least cover our costs at the conference.

Ex. 10. Choose the correct form of Participle I or II and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. While (repairing, repaired) the motor the operator found two broken parts. 2. The acceleration of a body is proportional to the force (causing, caused) it. 3. While (explaining, explained) the results of the experiment the professor wrote a lot of formulae on the blackboard. 4. The equipment (needing, needed) for the experiment was carefully checked. 5. The results (obtaining, obtained) showed the stability of the system. 6. When (arranging, arranged) properly the device works without breakdowns. 7. When properly (insulating, insulated) the wire may be used under wet conditions. 8. The mechanic (checking, checked) the breaking system didn’t find any faults. 9. ATC is a train protection system for railways, (ensuring, ensured) the safe and smooth operation of trains on lines. 10. Automatic train protection system (installing, installed) in some trains prevents collisions through a driver's failure to observe a signal or speed restriction. 11. An (undetecting, undetected) defect caused an accident.

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to -ed forms.

1. The equipment was carefully checked. 2. Coal was the most widely used fuel in steam locomotives. 3. The data obtained formed the basis for further research. 4. When insulated the wire may be used as a conductor. 5. An undetected defect of a wheel caused an accident on the railway. 6. New technologies reduce the number of workers needed on railway construction. 7. Mechanical measuring devices lacked accuracy. 8. Old automatic control systems relied on an electrically energized (or de-energized) third rail. 9. The trains equipped with robot engine drivers operate on some underground lines. 10. One of the earliest examples of ATO was on the Victoria line of the London Underground, opened in 1968.

Ex. 12. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to -ing forms.

1. Always follow the instructions very carefully when fitting safety belts. 2. Above the cylinder there was a tank containing cold water. 3. An inspector making the wheel measurements uses special wheel gauges. 4. While passing through the conductor, resistance results in the production of heat. 5. Computers are widely used for controlling all kinds of processes on the railway. 6. Automatic Train Control (ATC) is a train protection system for railways, ensuring the safe and smooth operation of trains. 7. The train was approaching the station when the warning signal was given. 8. Maintaining the railway can be more difficult than building it. 9. ATC systems in the United States are almost always integrated with existing continuous cab signaling systems. 10. Separate signals are placed for trains traveling in opposite directions. 11. I think that driving is the best way of travelling. 12. Most phones now have memories for storing frequently used numbers.

Ex 13. Fill in the gaps with can/ can’t/ could/be able to.

1. The inspector has a new measuring system so he… measure the wheels very quickly. 2. They won't … to drive a car until they are eighteen. 3. If the train ran faster it … get to the station on time. 4. The upper berth is so high I … get there without your help. 5. As the train arrived at the station we … see our friends on the platform. 6. … I see your ticket, please? 7. The dispatcher in the dispatcher's office … keep track (отслеживать) of trains' locations across the territory that he/she controls. 8. Before putting into operation of CTC no train … be routed into a section of track against its flow of traffic and the traffic flow would not … to be changed until the track section was clear of trains. 9. The train dispatcher … directly see the trains' locations and efficiently control the train's movements by displaying signals and controlling switches.
10. Having the same railway gauge Finland and Russia … handle cross-border operations without stopping. 11. Electricity … be produced from nuclear and solar energy. 12. Airplanes … fly faster than twice the speed of sound.

Ex 14. Fill in the gaps with must/mustn’t/have to/had to/ be to.

1. The train leaves at 1pm so I … be at the station at 12.30. 2. You … smoke in the compartment. 3. The train was delayed so we … wait at the station. 4. I don’t know the reason she is late, we … to meet at 5 o'clock. 5. If you don’t want to miss the train you will … take a taxi. 6. Passengers … show their tickets and passports to the conductor. 7. When calculating the size of the blocks and, therefore, the spacing between the signals, such characteristics as track speed and the braking of the train … to be taken into account. 8. The signalman … move each set of points to the desired position before operating the switch or button of the signal reading over them. 9. With a traditional signaling system, the engine driver … observe wayside signals and act accordingly, depending on the aspects displayed. 10. A man was injured in the accident and he … to go to hospital. 11. Railways … to use signaling systems throughout their networks. 12. I … change trains twice to get to work. 13. The length of each track circuit depends on the length of the section at which the trains … to run. 14. The workers … to use a lot of force to move this heavy piano.

Ex. 15. Use the Passive Voice with the modal verb must instead of the Active Voice:

Model: You must wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike. ® A helmet must be worn when you ride a motorbike.

1. You must not take responsibility for this job because you are not as experienced as your colleague. 2. The secretary must send this important message by fax. 3. The company must appraise the performance of their employees once a month. 4. Everybody must pay their taxes. 5. Your relatives must view this situation from a different point. 6. The students must submit their term papers by the end of the week. 7. The sales manager must control the quality of consumer goods sold in this supermarket. 8. You must not miss your English lessons! 9. The factory must recycle their wastes to provide environment protection. 10. You must not take this book away from the library because it’s a unique copy. 11. Railroad engineers must obey the signals in order to keep the traffic moving safely and smoothly across the railroad. 12. All people must obey traffic laws.



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