Ex. 11. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 

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Ex. 11. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Скоростные поезда подчиняются системе автоматического и полуавтоматического управления. 2. Остановки на станциях находятся под контролем машинистов. 3. Создано много автоматических устройств, чтобы избежать несчастных случаев. 4. На железных дорогах широко используется телевизионная техника. 5. Оператор TV может видеть всю железнодорожную линию на своей станции, а путем переключения кнопки он всегда может видеть другую станцию на этом пути. 6. Оператор может читать серийные номера грузовых вагонов и записывать их на магнитофон. 7. Создается новый телевизионный аппарат, который позволит машинисту видеть в темноте.

Ex. 12. Match the English phrases with their Russian equivalents. Do it in written form:

1) a block section a) предупредительный сигнал
2) a warning signal b) серийный номер
3) automatic block system c) блок-участок
4) interlocking d) автоблокировка
5) a serial number e) централизация

Ex. 13. A. Translate the text from Russian into English. Do it in written form. Let your fellow student check your translation.

Прохождение поезда через блок-участок фиксируется с помощью электрического тока, пропускаемого между рельсами и колесами. Когда поезд входит на блок-участок, то на соседних участках включаются предупредительные сигналы, которые не меняются до тех пор пока поезд не покинет данный участок. Метод использования рельса для прохождения информации между поездами и диспетчерами является основой наиболее совершенной системы автоматического управления движением на железной дороге – диспетчерской централизации. Она включает много передовых технологических систем, таких как автоблокировка и централизация стрелок и сигналов. Диспетчерская централизация применяется для управления сетью железных дорог и регулирования движением поездов, что обеспечивает большие скорости и безопасность перевозок. Каждый поезд имеет порядковый номер, который можно увидеть на экране, показывающем схему путей, а также позиции всех поездов в пределах (within) блок-участка.

B. Give the definitions of:

a block section, a block system, a block signal, interlocking

Text B. Scan the text and write down all the unknown words. Read the text trying to guess the meaning of the unknown words. Retell the text in Russian.


Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806 – 15 September 1859) was a British engineer. He is best known for the creation of the Great Western Railway, a series of famous steamships, including the first with a propeller, and numerous important bridges and tunnels. His designs revolutionised public transport and modern day engineering

In the early part of Brunel's life, the use of railways began to take off as a major means of transport for goods. This influenced Brunel's involvement in railway engineering, including railway bridge engineering.

In 1833, before the Thames Tunnel was complete, Brunel was appointed chief engineer of the Great Western Railway, one of the wonders of Victorian Britain, running from London to Bristol and later Exeter. The Company was founded at a public meeting in Bristol in 1833, and was incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1835. It was Brunel's vision that passengers would be able to buy one ticket at London Paddington and travel from London to New York, changing from the Great Western Railway to The Great Eastern Steamship at the Terminus in Neyland, South Wales.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel - /ɪzəmbɑrd kɪŋdəm brʊˈnɛl/

Lesson SIX

Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

transmitter, turbine, coil, electromagnet, motor, dynamo, relay, armature, valve, cycle, cable, barrier;

inductive system, iron-core coil, oscillating circuit, high-frequency generator, passing locomotive, short-circuited, supply of current, driving motor, pilot lamp, fail-safe, modular design, low maintenance requirements, urban railways, maintenance staff.

Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 6. You are to copy them and memorize their meanings.

to actuate – запускать, возбуждать; armature – якорь (электромагнита); a driving motor – тяговый электродвигатель; an iron-core coil – катушка с железным сердечником; inductive train control – система автоматического управления торможением; a safety device – предохранительный механизм; a pilot lamp – контрольная лампа; a valve - клапан, a monitoring valve (signal) – контрольный клапан (сигнал); to resonate – резонировать; to withdraw energy – забирать энергию; аn oscillating circuit – генераторная схема; short-circuit - короткое замыкание, short-circuited – короткозамкнутый.


Ex 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

to attract – притягивать, привлекать;

to fail – переставать действовать, выходить из строя;

а failure – повреждение, отказ в работе, ошибка;

to interrupt – прерывать;

to release – освобождать, разблокировать;

totune – настраивать, регулировать,

in tune – точно, чисто.


Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. I was trying to explain the situation, but a policeman interrupted me. 2. We were very disappointed by the failure of the project. 3. If one of the plane’s engines fails, the other engine will keep the plane flying. 4. I tried to explain, but people kept interrupting me. 5. The signals operate in turn. 6. Her eyesight is beginning to fail. 7. The accident was caused by the train driver’s failure to notice the red signal light. 8. What attracts me to the job is the high salary and possibility of foreign travel. 9. When engine parts become jammed, mechanics know exactly what to do to release them. 10. You will need a wrench to release the bolts when you change a tire on your car. 11. I’m sorry to interrupt but there's an urgent phone call for you. 12. He died of heart failure. 13. It wasn’t the money that attracted me to the job. 14. “I think you’re wrong”, interrupted Angela angrily. 15. A crowd was attracted to the scene of the accident. 16. When will he be released from prison? 17. How much will it cost to tune up my car engine? 18. I tuned to the BBC for the news. 19. He shouted: “Stop interrupted me!” 20. We were not able to release him and dialed 911.

Ex. 4. The words given below have the same root but their meanings are different. Copy and memorize them: a cause – причина; to cause – служить причиной, поводом; because – потому что; because of – из-за. Insert the right word in the following sentences:

1. The floods were … by heavy rain. 2. The ruin of the empire was … by the loss of freedom and the growth of despotism. 3. Police are trying to find the … of the fire. 4. She left the party … she felt ill. 5. Smoking … cancer. 6. He did badly in his exams … problems at home. 7. I wonder what … her to leave so early. 8. What are the … of this illness? 9. I don’t want to … you any trouble. 10. Heavy traffic is … long delays on the roads. 11. After long investigation into the accident, faulty warning lights were found to be the … 12. She’s in bad mood … her father won’t let her go to the party tonight. 13. The house isn’t really suitable for an old person …. all those stairs. 14. The plane crashed … engine failure. 15. The … of the fire is still being investigated. 16. These outbreaks of violence will continue to occur until the … have been eliminated. 17. The autopsy showed that her death was … by liver failure. 18. A week-long power failure … the whole computer network to shut down. 19. The police wanted to know the … of the accident. 20. Many families break up … a lack of money.


Ex. 5. The words given below have the same root but their meanings are different. Copy and memorize them: to like – любить, нравиться; like – подобный, аналогичный; likewise – так же; would like to – хотелось бы. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. If you like classical music then you must listen to my Mozart collection. 2. She’s always wanted to be a teacher because she likes children so much. 3. The houses here are like the ones in northern France. 4. A hare is something like a rabbit, but larger and stronger. 5. Like father like son, like master like man. (a proverb) 6. At school, jeans were not allowed. Likewise long and untidy hair. 7. Signals control train traffic much like traffic lights control automobile traffic on roads. 8. What would you like for dinner? 9. I don't like my shoes getting wet. 10. What he would like to know is how much it will cost. 11. I don't like it when friends of mine get married. 12. This is a suspicious person acting like a maniac. 13. She wanted a doll like she saw in the store window. 14. Go and do likewise. 15. I’d love to have a car like Diane’s. 16. A switch also can change a train's direction like moving it from a north-south track to an east-west one. 17. I would really like to get some sleep.


Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words: the former meaning “the first of two people or things that you have just mentioned” and the latter meaning “the second of two things or people being compared with each other”:

1. Of these two evils the former is the less. 2. We interviewed one inexperienced candidate and an experienced one, and then chose the latter. 3. Robert is studying physics and maths and hopes to specialize in the latter. 4. Of the two singers Williams and Barlow, the former is more popular. 5. There were two candidates for the presidency, Lyndon B. Johnson and Senator Barry Goldwater. The latter was known to hold extreme right-wing views. 6. Mr Smith refused to accept the proposal of Mr Jones, and the latter had to apply to court. 7. Of the two spellings, the former is more common. 8. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. (Einstein) 9. Many people choose to go by Eurostar rather than use the ferry, but I prefer the latter.

Ex. 7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle II:

1. When energized the relay interrupts a flow of current. 2. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful. 3. When burnt coal produces heat. 4. When used for setting the route the button must indicate which route is clear. 5. If distilled water will become quite tasteless. 6. If given a chance she will become a brilliant actress. 7. Though designed for beginners this textbook may be used for intermediate students as well. 8. When asked about the accident, the girl began to cry. 9. Though surprised by his arrival, Miss Marple did not show it. 10. He suddenly stopped as if struck by the news. 11. The brakes can be actuated by this device. 11. The work done provided us with new data.12. Coal was the most widely used fuel before the middle of the 19th century. 13. New technologies reduce the number of workers needed. 14. The data obtained formed the basis for further research. 15. An undetected defect caused an accident. 16. The equipment needed for the experiment was carefully checked. 17. When properly insulated the wire may be used under wet conditions. 18. For further details you can read the paper presented by Brown. 19. The results obtained showed the stability of the system. 20. A train is given a signal to proceed over the route.


Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the - ing forms:

1. I wonder at your overcoming these difficulties so easily. 2. The rule against visitors entering the lab at the time of the experiment is strict. 3. They started working without another word being spoken on either side. 4. The film serves to demonstrate a new approach in using the computer. 5. Scientists invented another interesting device for testing materials at high temperatures. 6. Each train automatically identifies itself by generating a unique frequency. 7. These installations are being used in connection with the moving of freight cars. 8. It was necessary for railroads to introduce an interlocking system to prevent two trains from receiving a processed signal at the same time. 9. Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. 10. There is no need for us to tell you about the importance of installing the signal appliances at railroads. 11. Adding more turns to the coil makes the magnetic field stronger. 12. Iron is covered with a thin layer of tin which prevents it from rusting. 13. While repairing the motor the operator found two broken parts. 14. The acceleration of a body is proportional to the force causing it. 15. Water expands when freezing. 16. While explaining the results of the experiment the professor wrote a lot of formulae on the blackboard. 17. Our group has succeeded in making a large number of experiments. 18. Above the cylinder there was a tank containing cold water. 19. Steam is an important factor in producing usable energy because of the power being created by its expansion. 20. You need more calories for standing than for sitting, more for running than walking.



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