Text 2 eras of Globalization 

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Text 2 eras of Globalization

Activity 2. Match the words and phrases with their definitions:

1) C 2) E 3) B 4) F 5) D 6) A

Activity 3. Give synonyms/antonyms:

Word synonym/antonym
1. shrink get larger, get smaller
2. brawn physical force, muscle, brain
3. diverse various versatile
4. deploy use
5. maturation grow to full capacity
6. empower make sb stronger, enable sb to do sth

Activity 4. Choose the correct word-form:

1) Globalization 1.0 shrank the world from a size large to a size medium.

2) While in Globalization 1.0 countries and governments had led the way in driving global integration, at the next stage it was driven by multinational companies.

3) Globalization 1. 0 lasted from 1492 until around 1800.

4) In Globalization 2.0, the key agent of change was multinational companies.

5) During that era we really saw the birth and maturation of a global economy.

6) By now the multinationals have gone global for markets and labor.

7) Globalization 3.0 is going to be more and more driven by non-white individuals.

8) Globalization 3.0 is flattening and shrink­ing the world.

Activity 5. Open the brackets:

1) There has been three great eras of globalization.

2) In Globalization 1.0 countries tried to fit into global competition and opportunities.

3) The multinationals went global for markets and labor after the Dutch and English joint-stock companies had expanded.

4) Globalization 1.0 and 2.0 were driven primarily by European and American individuals and businesses.

5) The flat-world platform is empowering individuals and small groups to go global.

6) Individuals from every corner of the flat world are taking part in Globalization 3.0.

7) Due to globalization the world has shrunk from size large to size tiny.

Activity 6. Mark the features as characteristic of:

1) G3.0 2) G1.0 3) G2.0 4)G 2.0 5) G3.0 6) G 1.0 7) G 2.0 8) G 3.0 9) G 2.0


Activity 2. Give antonyms: 1) unfair 2) disbalance 3) uneven 4) brawn 5) weaken 6) disconnected 7) equality 8) rural 9) illiteracy


Activity 3. Mark the odd word: 1) d 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) d 7) b

Activity 4. Match the words with their collocations:

1) G 2) D 3) E 4) F 5) B 6) A 7) C

Activity 5. Predicate or attribute?

1) used – P, created – A; 2) developed – A; 3) mentioned – A; 4) developed – A;

5) isolated, concentrated – P; 6) characterized – A; 7) limited, outdated, peripherilized – A; 8) yielded – P; 9) created – P, aimed – A.

Activity 6. Open the brackets:

1) Uneducated people are unlikely to be interested in IT.

2) For example, music is being created and transferred in digital form.

3) With the time, the flow of cheap commodities will be concentrated in one part of the world.

4) In rural economic sectors, small and medium scale industries have not yet been properly connected to the national and regional chains of production and services.

5) Within two years of the Program implementation about 2 million citizens have been trained, tested and certified.

6) The growth of the number of Internet users in Kazakhstan is presented in the table below.

7) So, it may be concluded that Kazakhstan is actively bridging the Digital Divide.

8) In order to improve the situation, the RK government has been taking some measures of late.

Activity 7. Mark the statements as True or False: 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) T

Activity 12. Watch the video “ What does the digital divide mean to you?” and answer the following questions:

1) access, skills; 2) nearly half; 3) class, geography, race; 4) appearance of 300 000 jobs; 5) finding a job, voting, getting governmental benefits


TV QUIZ: 1a 2d 3c 4b 5a 6b 7d 8c 9b 10a 11c 12b 13d 14a 15d 16b 17c 18a 19c 20d


Activity 2. Choose the correct answer:1) d 2) a 3) b 4) a 5) c 6) d 7) b

Activity 3. Match the words to their meanings: 1) E 2) D 3) B 4) C 5) A

Activity 4. Form collocations and define their meanings:

1) b - bypass security measures;

2) a – crash a website;

3) c – propagate a virus;

4) e – secure a network;

5) d – launch a malicious program

Activity 5. Define non/identifying relative clauses. Put commas where necessary:

1. I; 2. N; 3. N; 4. N; 5. I; 6. N


Activity 6. Combine using relative pronouns and adverbs:

1) which/that 2) whose 3) who/that 4) which/that 5) whose 6) which 7) where

Activity 7. Put the following adjectives in the correct column:

il) illegal.

in) insecure, inadvertent, inauthentic, inviolate, inoffensive, independent.

un) unauthorized, untrusted, unsafe, unreliable, unknown, unfaithful, unlimited, undamaged, unaltered, unprotected, undisguised, unintentional.


Activity 8. Mark the statements as T, F, NG: 1) NG 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) NG 6) T

Activity 9. Which computer crimes are the characteristics assocviated with:

1) G 2) A 3) H 4) B 5) D 6) E 7) F 8) C

Activity 11. Identify the Internet crimes:

1) piracy; 2) phishing; 3) Trojan horse; 4) scam; 5) worm; 6) cyberstalking

Activity 12. Which computer crime does each advice refer to:

1) a 2) f 3) d 4) b 5) e 6) c


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