III. How to get rid of e-waste or technology trash? 

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III. How to get rid of e-waste or technology trash?

1. Contact your local and state governments. Find out what your city, county and state have to offer in terms of electronics recycling programs. Some cities and counties have hazardous waste trash pick-up days where they will either pick up, or you can bring to them, any hazardous waste you have collected.

2. Contact the manufacturer of the equipment you no longer need and ask if it has a take-back or buy-back program. Major electronics retailers are now, in most cases, accepting most types of e-waste and technology trash, including old computers, cell phones and music players.

3. Donate your used electronic equipment to businesses that refurbish them for charities, non-profits, schools and thrift stores.

4. Donate your equipment to programs/organizations that sell components, such as aluminum and plastics, for scrap. This takes recycling e-waste to a whole new level.


Activity 2. Scan the text and find a word in the text which means:

1) extreme tiredness (Part I)

2) to harm or impair (Part I)

3) to force to be done (Part II)

4) dangerous (Part III)

5) to renovate or redecorate (Part III)


Activity 3. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases:

1) The t _____ s _____ over there sells second-hand household goods to raise funds for charity.

2) You’ve got to learn to use your computer m _____.

3) The new technology hasn’t been successful in t _____ of sales.

4) Medical i _____ is necessary in dealing with computer addiction.

5) A large number of people suffer from “attention d _____”.


Activity 4. Make up phrases by matching the words in A with those in B:

A. technology, awkward, daily, seek, high-impact, hazardous, buy-back

B. program, force, routine, trash, posture, assistance, waste



Activity 5. Choose the appropriate verb:

1) Scientists are planning to invent/inventing a “healthy” computer.

2) Children enjoy to play/playing computer games 24 hours a day.

3) Environmentalists suggest to recycle/recycling e-waste.

4) Parents all over the world hope to get/getting rid of computers one day.

5) Avoid to sit/sitting on the computer for unnecessary reasons.


Activity 6. Convert the following sentences into indirect speech using the following model: The teacher/mother/my boss/my friend advised, begged, offered, ordered, suggested…

1) Do these exercises in writing.

2) Contact your local government to get information about e-waste recycling.

3) Let’s take a two-minute break every twenty minutes.

4) Don’t click on this icon! You will delete everything!

5) Please, don’t spend too much time at your laptop!


Activity 7. Think about your latest problem with a computer. Ask your partner for advice. Listen to your partner’s problem. Help him/her with advice using the Imperative Mood.



Activity 8. Mark the statements as True or False:

1) The text focuses on various negative aspects of the computer use. ___

2) The main idea of the text is the need to minimize computer use. ___

3) People often get addicted to computers because they are bored. ___

4) Computer abuse is not harmful as it has a low-impact effect on our health. ___

5) One should take regular breaks getting away from the computer. ___

Activity 9. Choose the correct variant:

1) Fatigue (Part I) is closest to _____.

a) boredom b) harm c) tiredness d) inconvenience

2) Moderation (Part II) means using something _____.

a) a little bit b) extensively c) sensibly d) too much.

3) A thrift store (Part III) is a shop that sells used articles, especially clothing, for _____ purposes.

a) commercial b) economical c) charity d) ecological

4) The word “scrap” (Part III) means something ________.

a) unnecessary b) usable c) reusable d) processed

5) The word “refurbish” (Part III) means to ______.

a) improve b) reconstruct c) present d) furnish

Activity 10. Say what the following is an appropriate measure against (measure VS effect):

1) Taking a break

2) Imposing computer usage limits

3) Positioning yourself in a right way

4) Seeking for assistance

5) Contacting the manufacturer

6) Contacting the government

7) Donating your equipment to different organizations

Activity 11. Sum up the text graphically and in words.




Activity 12. Summarize the text.


Activity13. Say which of the recommendations you:

a) use and how effectively

b) don’t use and why

c) could add from your personal experience

Activity 14. Group contest: in groups of 3 brainstorm the possible solutions for such computer-related problems as loss of privacy, technological dependence, cybercrime, “attention deficit”, etc. Present your ideas to your groupmates.


Activity 15. Watch the video “Setting Up Your Computer Workstation” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAMKVJnHNsA, and guess what the following words mentioned in the video are used for:

An adjustable chair, a headset, a cushion, an armrest, a keyboard tray, a palm rest, a mouse bridge/tray, a monitor riser, a glare guard, a light bulb filter, window blinds, a copy stand, bifocals, a foot rest.

Activity 16. Decide whether these statements are true or false.

1. Ergonomic means safe and comfortable.

2. The program is mainly about physical impacts computers have on our bodies.

3. When using an armrest the shoulders should be elevated.

4. Place your palms on the palm rest while typing.

5. Position the monitor at an arm length away.

6. Take a twenty second break every twenty minutes, refocus your eyes on something twenty feet away.


Activity 17. Which of these recommendations do you follow/are you going to follow?



Term Definition  
Agent (of change) (n) driving force; sb or sth that causes sth to happen act as an ~; cleaning/ oxidizing ~; agency (n): by/through the ~ of sb/sth
Backward (adj) retarded in physical, material, or intellectual development; conservative or reactionary technologically ~; a ~ country; backwards (adv); ant. forward, advanced
Balance (n, v) a state of equilibrium; harmony in the parts of a whole ~ of power/mind; maintain/lose/upset the ~; balanced (adj): a ~ decision/diet; ant. disbalance
Bandwidth (n) the range of frequencies within a given waveband used for a particular transmission 10MHz ~; have wide (enough) ~; handle a ~ of 450 MHz; reduce/amplify ~; potential/narrow/ continuous/networking ~
Brain drain (n) the emigration of scientists, technologists, academics, etc., for better pay, equipment, or conditions cause/halt/be hit by a ~; steady ~; ant. brawn drain
Brawn (n) physical strength as opposed to mental skill and intelligence ~ drain; brawny (adj): a ~ man
Bring about (v) cause to happen (a change) ~ reforms/changes; syn. result in
Carry out (v) perform or cause to be implemented; to bring to completion; accomplish ~ a transaction/plan
Commodity (n) an article, product or material that is bought and sold the ~ market/price; trade in ~ies; basic/household/food ~ies
Complete (v, adj) make whole or perfect; fulfill; to finish sth ~ sth (exercises, tests) online; completely (adv); completion (n), completeness (n)
Converge (v) (of two or more things) to move towards and meet at the same place; become similar or the same convergent (adj): ~ opinions/ views; convergence (n); ant. divergence/divergent
Diffuse (v) spread through a large area or a large group of people ~ through; diffusion (n): ~ of information/power/ wealth; diffused (adj): ~ sunlight/gas/liquid
Digital (adj) representing data as a series of numerical values ~ divide/age/epoch/ technologies; digit (n); digitalization (v)
Disparity (n) inequality or difference, as in age, rank, wages, etc. a big/marked/great/wide ~ in/between sth; ~ in age; ~ between countries
Dispense (v) distribute; give out or issue in portions ~ money/free health care; ~ with/sth (manage without sth): ~ with the formalities; dispenser (n); dispensable (adj): not necessary
Display (v) show or make visible (data ~ documents/courage/ strength/ goods; display (n): window ~; be on ~
Diverse (adj) very different from each other diversify (v): ~ into; diversity (n): ~ of opinions, bio~; diversification (n); syn. variety
Drive (v) push, propel, or be pushed or propelled; to compel or urge to work or act, esp excessively ~ to work; ~ into/along/at; be driven by sth; ~ it home to sb; a ~-in café; a strong drive
Empower (v) expand sb's rights and possibilities by delegation of authorities; empowerment ~ sb to do sth; empowerment (n); empowering (adj)
Enroll (v) become or cause to become a member; enlist; register through the Internet ~ online; ~ sb in/on/as sth; enrolment (n); enrollee (n)
Facilitate (v) make easier; assist the progress of facilitation (n), facilitator (n): act as a ~
Fiber optic cable (n) a means of transmitting analog or digital info using light signals over a thin transparent filament made of glass lay a ~; splice/connect a ~; travel through/by a ~
Flat world platform (n) basis on which the world gets flat or globalized be based on a ~
Face (v) meet or be confronted by (a person, difficulties) ~ sb/work/the facts/the truth/losses
Gap (n) a divergence or difference; disparity close/bridge a ~: remedy a deficiency
Go global (v) expand into, enter the international market companies/ideas/products ~
Implement (v) carry out; put into action; perform (a plan, program) ~ a program/reforms/a plan; implementation (n);
Multinational (adj) a large business company operating in several countries ~ company
Maturation (n) the process of fully growing or developing mature (adj); maturity (n)
Occur (v) happen; take place; come about occurrence (n): a happening event
Outdated (adj) old-fashioned or obsolete ~ practices/equipment; ant. up-to-date
Perform (v) carry out or do (an action, operations); to fulfill or comply with ~ sb’s request; performance (n): ~ benchmarks; performer (n): high ~
Shrink (v) become smaller in size ~ to size medium/small/ tiny; shrinkage (n)
Standard of living (n) a level of subsistence or material welfare of a community, class, or person high/low ~; raise/lower ~; go up/down (about ~)
Vary (v) undergo or cause to undergo change, in appearance, character, form, attribute, etc. ~ in sth; ~ to some degree; variety (n); variant (n); variable (adj); syn. assortment;
Verify (v) prove to be true ~ statements/facts/ allegations/figures; verification (n); syn. confirm, substantiate
Work flow software (n) computer programs enabling people all over the world to collaborate on that same digital content from anywhere develop/launch/introduce ~


Choose the right answer:

1. Computers help students to _____ mathematical operations.

a) perform b) do c) make d) create

2. A school website allows teachers to publish exercises for students to _____ online. a) perform b) complete c) make d) carry out

3. In banks computers enable staff to _____ financial transactions.

a) do b) create c) make d) carry out

4. ATMs _____ money to customers by the use of a PIN protected card.

a) display b) enter c) dispense d) send

5. Mobiles let you _____ voice calls, send texts and email people.

a) perform b) complete c) make d) carry out

6. Monitors _____ data and images while you work or play.

a) display b) enter c) dispense d) send

7. Customers are asked to _____ a four digit PIN, it makes transactions more secure. a) display b) enter c) dispense d) send

8. Teachers use projectors and interactive whiteboards to _____ presentations.

a) make b) access c) transfer d) give

9. In airport control towers, computers are used to _____ radar systems.

a) access b) enroll c) manage d) verify

10. PIN is used to _____ payments.

a) access b) enroll c) manage d) verify

11. _____ means the difference in access to ICTs between developed and developing countries as well as difference in access inside each country between different groups according social status, education, age, race, language and gender.

a) Standard of living b) Digital divide c) Digital age d) Brain drain

12. Because of the high cost of connection facilities the cost of information products and services will significantly _____ in different regions.

a) vary b) verify c) diffuse d) empower

13. Unequal access to technologies results in unfair competition and economic _____. a) balance b) unbalance c) disbalance d) misbalance

14. The Program for Bridging Digital Divide in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been _____ since 2007. a) completed b) occurred c) implemented d) verified

15. Brain drain _____ because of the bad economic situation in developing countries. a) completes b) occurs c) implements d) verifies

16. Digital divide can bring _____ conflicts and military interventions.

a) about b) around c) across d) ---

17. The flat-world platform is the product of a _____ of the personal computer with fiber-optic cable with the rise of work flow software.

a) diffusion b) shrinking c) diversification d) convergence

18. Globalization 3.0 differs from the previous eras not only in how it is _____ and flattening the world and in how it is empowering individuals.

a) diffusing b) shrinking c) diversifying d) converging

19. Global integration was powered by falling telecommunication costs – thanks to the _____ of the telegraph, telephones, the PC, satellites, fiber-optic cable and the early version of the World Wide Web.

a) diffusion b) shrinking c) diversity d) convergence

20. Globalization 1.0 and 2.0 were _____ primarily by European and American individuals and businesses. a) facilitated b) occurred c) faced d) driven


Santiago R. Esteras, Infotech. English for computer users. 4th edition. Students' book. Cambridge University Press, 2007.pp.2-3



Activity 1. Look at the title above and predict what the article may be about.


We are now living in what some people call the digital age, meaning that computers have become an essential part of our lives. Young people who have grown up with PCs and mobile phones are often called the digital generation. Computers help students to perform mathematical operations and improve their maths skills. They are used to access the Internet, to do basic research and to communicate with other students around the world.


Teachers use projectors and interactive whiteboards to give presentations and teach sciences, history or language courses. PCs are also used for administrative purposes - schools use word processors to write letters, and databases to keep records of students and teachers. A school website allows teachers to publish exercises for students to complete online.


Students can also enroll for courses via the website and parents can download official reports. Mobiles let you make voice calls, send texts, email people and download logos, ringtones or games. With a built-in camera you can send pictures and make video calls in the face-to-face mode. New smartphones combine a telephone with web access, video, a games console, an MP3 player, a personal digital assistant (PDA) and a GPS navigation system, all in one.


In banks, computers store information about the money held by each customer and enable staff to access large databases and to carry out financial transactions at high speed. They also control the cashpoints, or ATMs (automatic teller machines), which dispense money to customers by the use of a PIN-protected card. People use a Chip and PIN card to pay for goods and services. Instead of using a signature to verify payments, customers are asked to enter a four-digit personal identification number (PIN), the same number used at cashpoints; this system makes transactions more secure. With online I-banking, clients can easily pay bills and transfer money from the comfort of their homes.


Airline pilots use computers to help them control the plane. For example, monitors display data about fuel consumption and weather conditions. In airport control towers, computers are used to manage radar systems and regulate air traffic. On the ground, airlines are connected to travel agencies by computer. Travel agents use computers to find out about the availability of flights, prices, times, stopovers and many other details.



Activity 2. Give abbreviations suiting the given definitions:

1) A general-purpose computer, whose size, capabilities, and original sale price makes it useful for individuals.

2) A space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information.

3) A secret numeric password shared between a user and a system that can be used to authenticate the user to the system.

4) A machine at a bank branch or other location which enables a customer to perform basic banking activities (checking one's balance, withdrawing or transferring funds) even when the bank is closed.

5) A mobile device that functions as a personal information manager.

6) A portable consumer electronic device that allows you to store and play music files in a definite format often using flash memory for storing music.

7) An object detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects.

Activity 3. Make collocations, combining words from column 1 with those on column 2:

  1. give
  1. calls
  1. keep
  1. a text
  1. access
  1. databases
  1. enter
  1. presentations
  1. transfer
  1. research
  1. make
  1. money
  1. do
  1. records
  1. send
  1. a PIN



Activity 4. Choose all nouns from the text used with a) zero article b) definite article c) indefinite article. Explain their use.


Activity 5. Insert the missing articles, if necessary:

1) With ____ built-in camera you can send _____ pictures and make _____ video calls in _____ face-to-facemode.

2) They also control _____ cashpoints, or ATMs (automatic teller machines), which dispense ___ money to _____ customers by _____ use of _____ PIN-protected card..

3) Instead of using _____ signature to verify _____ payments, _____ customers are asked to enter ____ four-digit personal identification number (PIN), _____ same number used at ____ cashpoints.

4) ____ new smartphones combine _____ telephone with ____ web access, ____ video, ____ games console, ____ MP3 player, _____ personal digital assistant (PDA) and _____ GPS navigation system, all in one.

5) With ____ online I-banking, ____ clients can easily pay ___ bills and transfer ____ money from ____ comfort of their homes.


Activity 6. Choose the WRONG answer:

1) Computer technologies allow students to _____:

a) publish tests to be completed while studying b) enroll for courses c) perform mathematical operations d) do basic research

2) The text covers computer use in:

a) education b) banking c) IT d) air travel

3) While doing online banking at home you cannot:

a) pay for purchases b) dispense money c) transfer money d) pay bills

4) Computers help teachers to _______:

a) make powerful presentations b) submit tasks

c) search for information d) communicate with students

5) Schools use IT for _____ purposes.

a) administrative b) monitoring c) entertaining d) educational

Activity 7. Complete the following sentences:

1)Thanks to Wi-Fi, it's now easy to_____.

2) Online banking lets you_____.

3) Skype is a technology that enables users to_____.

4) In many universities, students are encouraged to use_____.

5) The Web has revolutionized the way people _____.

6) Cookies allow a website to _____.

7) With the latest mobile phones, you can_____.



Activity 8. Translate the first paragraph of the text.

Activity 9. Identify the topic of the text and summarize it.

Activity 10. Describe the range of things you can do digitally with the help of your mobile phone, PDA, I-phone, smartphone, games console, PDA, MP3 player, GPS navigation system, etc.




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