Once He Decided To Be A Vegetarian 

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Once He Decided To Be A Vegetarian

Joe: Hey! Peter came to me today to let me know that he decided to become a


Kristin: Oh, really?

Joe: Yeah, he told me he’s finally seen the light.

Kristin: Well, what helped him arrive at that decision?

Joe: Well, I mean his girlfriend’s been a vegetarian for about a year now.

Kristin: Yeah, that makes sense.

Joe: He told me that he wanted to speak with me about it because I was an authority on the subject.

Kristin: Well, you pretty much are. You’ve been one for many years now.

Joe: But if it’s a person who’s not a vegetarian and they’re not interested, it pretty goes in one ear and out the other.

Kristin: Right, and for me, I just don’t like to feel like I make somebody do it.

Joe: Well, he wanted to know how I actually, uh, became a vegetarian.

Kristin: Well, what’d you tell him?

Joe: Well, I actually began to think back to when I was in college, uh. I had some friends who were vegetarians and they also tried to convince me to stop eating meat.

Kristin: Mm-hm.

Joe: But, I started to read some literature on my own and there’s a lot of good reasons to go vegetarian. I mean…

Kristin: Yeah, yeah, there are.

Joe: You know, there are environmental reasons. There are also health reasons

obviously. I mean it reduces the risk of heart problems and high blood pressure.

Kristin: Right.

Joe: Um, another thing was connected with animals. I think it is really inhumane to the animals.

Kristin: Yeah, yeah.

Joe: I read literature that talked about how these animals are suffered…

Kristin: Yes, you are right. So, I think you should tell him, that he is a teenager only, and he needs all products, especially meat which has important ingredients for the organism. Milk and dairy products are very useful for our bones. Fish, meat, cheese and other food are an essential part of person’s developing.

Joe: I’s tell him it, of course.

Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

1. What is the function of meal? What can meal give us, do for us?

2. Is it good to be a vegetarian?

3. What advantages \ disadvantages does vegetarian eating have?

4. Is it good to be on a diet? What positive and negative features do you see in it?

5. Is it good to eat fast food \ highly caloric food (a lot of sugar, fat and calories)? What positive and negative features do you see in it?

6. Do you healthy food? What is it?

7. Do you like sweets and chocolate? Are they important?

8. How do you think, should we eat everything what we want?

9. What is more important: taste or use of the food?


1. Why do fast food dishes have enormous popularity nowadays?

2. What are the pleasant and unpleasant aspects of cooking for you?

3. Is it common for men to be cooks?

4. What kind of restaurants do you like to go to?

5. How would you describe your relationship with food? Have you ever been on a diet? If yes, explain your motives and feelings about it.

6. What do you know about anorexia and bulimia?

7. Why does anorexia affect women, not men?

8. Can you give any examples of the countries suffering from famine?

Exercise 3: Discuss the main points of different food, say positive and negative features and your attitude to each of groups. Numerate them from the healthiest to the less, as you think, and vice versa (навпаки).

Vegetarian food Low-caloric food (to be on a diet) Fast food (hamburger, chips, fried potatoes, cheeseburger, steaks) Healthy food Foreign food (pizza, noodle, sushi,) Chocolate, sweets. Highly caloric food



Grammatical Topic

THE PRONOUN (Займенник)

· В англійській мові є такі питальні займенники: who – хто, what – що, який, which – який, котрий, whose – чий.

· Питальний займенник who має ще об’єктний відмінок whom: Who is there? – Хто тут? With whom do you live here? – З ким ти тут живеш? Whom do you trust? – Кому ти віриш?

· Питальний займенник what вживається стосовно неживих істот, абстрактних понять та тварин. What is it? It is a cat. – Що це? Це – кіт.

· Питальний займенник which вживається стосовно істот та неістот, коли мається на увазі вибір: Which of these stories do you like? – Яка з цих історій вам подобається? Which room is yours? – Яка кімната твоя?

· Прийменник,що сполучається з питальним займенником, здебільшого ставиться після дієслова: to wait for: What are you waiting for? – На що ти чекаєш?

· Займенники who (whom), whose, what та which вживаються не лише в питальних реченнях. Вони служать також для зв’язку підрядних речень з головними, тобто виконують функцію сполучних займенників. До них також належить займенник that – який.

The boy who sits next to window is excellent student. – Хлопець, що сидить біля вікна,є відмінником.

· Сполучний займенник which у підрядних реченнях вживається лише стосовно істот та неістот, якщо стосується людей, тоді використовується сполучний займенник what:

I know this girl, who sings – Я знаю цю дівчину, що співає.

I read this book, which you gave me – Я читаю цю книжку, яку ти мені дав. (що ти мені дав).

· До неозначених займенників належать some, any, one, а також складні займенники somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything.

· Займенники some, any (кілька, декілька, деякі) вживаються:

I have some stamps – Я маю кілька поштових марок.

Have you any stamps – У тебе є поштові марки?

Have you any books? Yes, I have some. No, I haven’t any.

· Якщо займенник some вживається перед злічувальними іменниками в множині, то він означає кілька, деякі, дехто: There are some shops in our village – У нашому селі є кілька крамниць. Якщо займенник some вживається перед злічувальними іменниками в однині, то він означає який-небудь, якийсь: I read it in some book – Я читав це в якийсь книжці.

· Складні займенники somebody, someone ( хтось, хто-небудь ), something ( щось ) вживаються в стверджувальних реченнях (I give you something) та у питальних реченнях, що виражають пропозицію або прохання (Can I have some milk?)

· Складні займенники anybody, anyone ( будь-хто ), anything ( будь-що ) вживаються в питальних та заперечних реченнях (I don’t see anything. Are there any fruit?) та у стверджувальних реченнях, де any має значення будь-який: You can buy stamps at any post-office. – Ти можеш купити марки в будь-якому поштовому відділенні.

· Неозначений займенник one не стосується конкретної особи, він вживається щодо людей взагалі. One must read this book – Кожен має прочитати цю книжку. One must do it – Треба це зробити. Також займенник one вживається замість раніше вжитих іменників, щоб уникнути їх повторення: Which house do you like? – That one. Який будинок тобі подобається, Он той.


Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with some or any:

1. I have … English books. 2. Are there … arm-chairs in the room? 3. There isn’t … chalk (крейда) in the classroom. 4. There is … milk in the jug (кувшин). 5. Mother has … butter. 6. There aren’t … mistakes in my dictation. 7. There are … lakes in this district. 8. Have you … French newspaper?


Exercise 2: Translate the questions into Ukrainian, pay attention to the underlined (підкреслені) words:

1. Who is your mother? 2. What do you know about fast food? 3. What are you dreaming about? 4. Whom do you trust? 5. Which of these products do you buy? 6. Are there any pictures on the wall? 7. Do you have something for me? 8. Have you any brothers or sisters?

Exercise 3: Paraphrase the sentences using the indefinite pronoun one:

Model: It is necessary for everyone to go in for sports. – One must go in for sports.

1. It is necessary to be careful while crossing the road.

2. It is necessary to read newspaper every day.

3. It is possible to find any book in this library.

4. It is impossible to master (оволодіти) a foreign language without working hard.

5. It is impossible to forget that day/

6. It is necessary for everyone to air the room.

7. It is impossible to go for a walk now.




Українська кухня. Займенник


· the hospitality – гостинність

· cuisine – кухня

· eating habits – звички у їжі

· broth – бульйон

· to be rich in – бути багатим на

· the substantial meal – суттєва їжа


Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:

Ukrainian National Dishes

The hospitality of the Ukrainian people is well-known throughout the world. When a foreigner comes in Ukraine first he particularly knows- it is our cookery – national dishes and meal times. He should know that in this country national dishes are not the same as in his country, eating habits differ from one country to another.

The usual meals in Ukraine are breakfast, dinner and supper. They are not at a definite hour. Breakfast is the first meal of the day. But it is often informal meal. Most people do not have a full breakfast, and some have no breakfast at all, except a hot drink. The lighter evening meal is called supper.

The most substantial meal is dinner. The Ukrainians can’t imagine it without the first course. To begin with they may have either the Ukrainian borshch (beet and cabbage soup), dumplings, fish soup, chicken broth, cabbage soup (thick soup made of meat broth, new cabbage, potatoes and onions), okroshka (cold kvass soup with vegetables and chopped meat or fish). Then follows the main course. The Ukrainian national cuisine is rich in different delicious things such as: holubtsi (cabbage leaves stuffed with meat and rice in sour-cream sauce), Kyiv style cutlets (chicken cutlets filled with butter), varenyky (either with cherries, blackberries, cottage cheese or mashed potatoes etc.), kholodets’ and others.

In the many Ukrainian homes dinner is followed by a cup of tea with a slice of lemon, jam or sweets. The well-known Ukrainian soft-drink is uzvar (kompot).

“Ukrainian food is of extremely good quality, and it really tastes of something – unlike American food, for example, which all tastes the same” says an English television’s famous cook who has visited our country. But let us remember: “One should eat to live, not live to eat”.

Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

1. What is well-known throughout the world?

2. What are the usual meals in Ukraine?

3. Are they at a definite hour?

4. What is the first meal of the day? Does everyone have it?

5. What do the Ukrainian have for breakfast?

6. What is the most substantial meal of the day?

7. What is the first course?

8. What is the main course?

9. What do the Ukrainian have for dinner?

10. What Ukrainian national dished do you know?

11. What Ukrainian national dished do you like \ dislike?

12. What Ukrainian national dished do you like to cook?

13. What do the Ukrainian drink?

14. What is supper? Does the whole family gather at supper?

15. How do you understand the proverb: “One should eat to live, not live to eat”?


Exercise 3: Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. There are many tasty dishes in Ukrainian cuisine.

2. One of the most popular dishes is borshch.

3. Borshch is a vegetable soup made out of beets, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, dill.

4. Breads and wheat products are very important to Ukrainian cuisine.

5. Uzvar is traditional compote made of dried fruit, mainly apples, pears.

6. "Holubtsi", or stuffed cabbage, is another favourite dish. "Varenyky" filled with potatoes, meat, cheese or berries such as blue-berries or cherries are also very delicious Ukrainian dish.

7. Of course, every region of Ukraine has its own recipes and traditions.


Exercise 4: Imagine you are given a shopping list. Think what products you must buy. Make your own shopping list. See the example:


a loaf of brown bread a bottle of vinegar

0.5 kg of cheese 2 medium-sized herrings

1 kg of pork a tin of sardines

3 lemons 2 kg of potatoes

0.3 kg of ham a large chicken

1 small cabbage biscuits

a tin of condensed milk a bag of flour

a bunch of radishes a 0.5 kg pack of sour cream

a drum of margarine 0.2 kg of butter

Exercise 5: Work in groups. Discuss the following questions:

1. What do you think about eating out? Do people eat out because they can’t cook or because they want to stay in public or for some other reasons?

2. Take-away food is getting more and more popular in Ukraine. Can you name any advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Which are more numerous? What are the most popular takeaway meals in Ukraine? What is your favourite and least favourite takeaway meal? Why?

3. What do you understand by the term “good food”?

4. Before visiting a new place one may hear certain things about its culinary traditions. How often do these things come true when one actually visits this place? Can you recall any similar situations from your own experience?


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