John is a slow eater – John eats slowly. 

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John is a slow eater – John eats slowly.

1. Mary’s translation of the sentence is correct. 2. My friend is a quick walker.

3.She is a careless cooker. 4. His arrival (приїзд) was unexpected (не очікуваний). 5. My friend is an excellent dancer. 6. His death was sudden (раптова). 7. Her speech at the meeting is wonderful.







Заняття №14

Правила етикету за столом. Прислівник


· table manners – правила етикету за толом

· not to put elbows on the table – не класти лікті на стіл

· not to eat off the knife – не їсти з ножа

· not to lick the spoon – не облизувати ложку

· not to talk with a full mouth – не розмовляти з повним ротом

· not to sip the soup – не сьорбати суп

· not to chew and swallow aloud – не жувати та ковтати голосно

Exercise 1: Read and translate text:

Basic Table Manners

Things you should do:

· 1. if you are at a dinner party wait until your host(ess) starts eating or invites you to do it;

· 2. chew and swallow all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink;

· 3. chew with your mouth closed;

· 4. break bread and rolls with your fingers not with your knife;

· 5. you may use a piece of bread on a fork to soak up sauce, never hold the bread in your fingers to go this;

· 6. you may eat chicken or pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue, or very informal setting. Otherwise always use a knife and a fork;

· 7. say "please" and "thank you" when you want something to be passed to you.

· 8. talk about pleasant subjects;

· 9. be good-mannered and kind. If you do not like the food, you should never say so.

Things you shouldn’t do:

· 1. not to put elbows on the table;

· 2.not to eat off the knife;

· 3. not to lick the spoon;

· 4. not to talk with a full mouth;

· 5. not to sip the soup or tea;

· 6. not to chew and swallow aloud;

· 7. never put too much food in your mouth;

· 8. never blow your nose with your hands;


- Are table manners important? Why?

- What is the most important table manners’ tip for you?

- What is the less important table manners’ tip for you?

- How do you think why are tips 3, 7, 8 of “Things you should do” important?

- What other table manners do you know?

- How would you behave if someone near you blows his nose during the dinner? Are you patient or impatient?

- How would you behave if someone near you sips a cup of tea loudly?

- How would you behave if someone near you talks a lot with the full mouth?




Mark statements T (for true), F (for false)

A man should tuck his napkin into his belt.

It is all right to cut all your meat at one time.

It is acceptable to put elbows on the table.

It is all right to eat with one hand and drink with the other.

It is impolite to share a dessert with your friend at a restaurant

It is all right to sneeze into your napkin.

You should not blow your nose into your napkin.

It is impolite to stir hot soup.

You should not comb your hair at the table.

It is impolite to wipe your lips with a napkin.

Grammatical Topic

THE ADVERB (Прислівник)

· Прислівники мають теж ступені порівняння.

· Вищий ступінь порівняння односкладових прислівників утворюються за допомогою закінчення – er, найвищий –закінчення – est: late – later – latest, fast – faster – fastest.

· Ступені порівняння прислівників,що мають два і більше складів, утворюються за допомогою слів more (у вищому ступені) і most (у найвищому ступені): carefully – more carefully – most carefully.

· Ступені порівняння прислівників well добре і badly погано утворюються від інших коренів:

well – better – best

badly – worse – worst

Exercise 1: Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or adverb).

1. Tom is (slow)…. He works….

2. Sue is a (careful) … girl. She climbed up the ladder ….

3. The dog is … (angry). It barks ….

4. He acted … (excellent). He's an … actor.

5. They learn English … (easy). They think English is an … language.

6. Max is a … (good) singer. He sings ….

7. It's … (awful) cold today. The cold wind is ….

8. The little boy looked … (sad). I went over to comfort him and he looked at me.

9. I tasted the soup … (careful) but it tasted … (wonderful).


Exercise 2: Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb:

1. Joanne is happy. She smiles ….

2. The boy is loud. He shouts….

3. Her English is fluent. She speaks English ….

4. Our mum was angry. She spoke to us ….

5. My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives ….

6. The painter is awful. He paints ….

7. Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano ….

8. This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house ….

9. She is a good dancer. She dances really ….

10. This exercise is simple. You … have to put one word in each space.

Questions to the text «Food, Glorious Food»:

1. What is junk food? How often do you eat such kind of food?

2. What can you eat instead of junk food?

3. Why is the way you chew so important? Why is it not good to eat fast for?

4. Why are al biscuits and sweets bad for your mind and body? What can we eat instead of sweets to increase the level of energy?

5. What should we do to eat the right food at the right time?

6. What food from the text is important for the body and organism?

7. What food from the text is harmful for the body and organism?

8. What should we do to be healthy?


to be satisfied – бути задоволеним

sensitive – чутливий

a wide variety of – широке розмаїття чогось

instead of – замість

to eat in a hurry – їсти поспішаючи

to send a message to your brain – відправити повідомлення, сигнал до мозку

to absorb – поглинати

unfortunately – нажаль

to increase – збільшити

to contain – містити





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