Определите в каком абзаце сообщается об изменениях со стороны нервной системы 

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Определите в каком абзаце сообщается об изменениях со стороны нервной системы

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4. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста:

a. It is not difficult to diagnose pneumonia

b. X-ray examination revealed shadowing

c. Proper treatment and bed regime help in this case

d. The onset of the disease is characterised by a cough with pains in the

Выберите вариант завершения предложения, соответствующий содержанию текста:

5. Extremely high fever may cause...

a) consolidation in the lungs

b) moist rales

c) breathlessness

d) delirium

Соотнесите данные утверждающие с соответствующим абзацами из текста:

6. Herpes may appear at the onset of the disease

7. Diarrhea occurs very seldom

8. The sudden onset of fever may point to a pneumonic infection

9. The patient tries to suppress the cough
10.The sputum is always clear

Подберите английские эквиваленты слову или словосочетанию, данному в скобках:

1l.The (хрипы) are present for a short time and then disappear.

a) sputum

b) conditions

c) rales

d) signs

12.The patient has (двустороннюю) pneumonia.

a) chronic

b) clear

c) lobular

d) bilateral

13.She had (сухой кашель) two days ago.

a) dry cough

b) persistent cough

c) purulent sputum

d) deep breath

14.In case of pneumonia X-ray examination (показывает) a shadowing.

a) notice

b) shows

c) radiates

d) suffer

15.This medicine (облегчает) an asthma attack.

a) causes

b) is given

c) takes

d) relieves

16. There are centres to ensure the birth of (здоровых) children.

a) russian

b) healthy

c) happy

d) good

17. We have polyclinics for the (взрослого) population and for children.

a) adult

b) ill

c) tired

d) old

18. The ambulance can give (экстренную) surgical and therapeutic

a) qualified

b) dental

c) starting

d) emergency

19. For popularisation of medical science among population press, radio &
TV are very (полезны).

a) important

b) successful

c) helpful

d) serious

20. The working day of district doctor consists of 3 hours of (приёма больных) and 3 hours of visiting patients in their homes.


b) rest


d) consultation


21. The chest roentgenogram often suggests the (точный) diagnosis.

a) complete

b) primary

c) correct

d) wrong

22. When brought to the hospital the patient complaind of (тошнота) complained.

a) malaise

b) headache

c) fever

d) nausea


23.Contagious diseases (передаются) to others by direct or indirect contact.

a) are given

b) are taken

c) are transformed

d) are transmitted


24.(Воспаление) of the lung, with or without infection is also called pneumonitis

a) inflammation

b) cause

c) case

d) complication

25. Children often (жалуется) pain in the throat.

a) suffer from

b) complain of

c) try to

d) leave to



Выберите правильную форму перевода сказуемого:

26.The doctor was examining the patient when a nurse came in.

a) осмотрел

b) осматривает

c) осматривал

d) был осмотрен

27. A large number of children are admitted to the hospital every year.

a) принимаются

b) принимать

c) принимались

d) приняты

28.The disease is in an acute phase.

a) находиться

b) находится

c) находились

d) находилась

29.1 have been coughing for a month.

a) кашлял

b) кашляли

c) буду кашлять

d) кашляю

30.This disease affects mostly children.

a) поражала

b) поражает

c) будет поражать

d) поразила

31. My friend always helped me to learn Biology when we were first
year students.

a) поможет

b) помогал

c) помогает

d) помог

32. In future we shall become doctors.

a) становимся

b) становились

c) станем

d) стали

33. Doctor D. was performing the operation from 10 till 12 yesterday.

a) выполнил

b) выполняет

с) выполнял


34. Professor Petrov has already delivered the lecture in Physiology.

a) читает

b) прочитал

c) читал

d) прочитает


35. In the student scientific society students work on those subjects which they arc interested in.

a) работают

b) работали

c) проработали

d) будут работать

Подберите перевод модального глагола:

36. You must give up smoking.

a) должен был

b) мог бы

c) можешь

d) должен


37.There may be dangerous complications ofter scarlet fever.

a) могли быть

b) могли бы быть

c) должны быть

d) могут быть


38. Feeling too bad he could not fall asleep.

a) не мог

b) не должен

c) вынужден был

d) не хотел


39. The student was able to diagnose the disease without the doctor's assiitance.

a) нужно

b) смог

c) сумеет

d) следовало


40. You should take this medicine for your headache.

a) можешь

b) должен

c) следует

d) вынужден

Выберете правильный перевод степени сравнения прилагательных:

41.Yesterday I had more severe pain than now.

a) более сильная

b) менее сильная

c) самая сильная

d) самая слабая


42. The condition of the child was much worse in the evening.

a) хуже

b) немного хуже

c) намного хуже

d) наихудшее


43. Tomorrow the lecture will begin later than usually.

a) рано

b) не так поздно

c) позже

d) раньше


44. The most dangerous complication of pneumonia is lung abscess.

a) наиболее опасное

b) самое опасное

c) одно из опасных

d) наименее опасное


45. The incidence of scarlet fever is the highest during the second five years of life.

a) выше

b) довольно высокое

c) самое высокое

d) более высокое


Выберите правильный перевод причастия:

46.The doctor called examined the patient.

a) зовущий

b) званный

c) вызванный

d) будет вызван


47. A person entering Medical Academy has to pass examinations in Biology,
Chemistry and the Russian language.

a) поступающий

b) поступавший

с) поступивший

d) желающий поступить


48.The examining teacher has just come.

a) экзаменующий

b) экзаменованный

c) проэкзаменованный

d) экзаменующийся


49.The delivered lecture was very interesting

a) читающая

b) читавшая

c) прочитанная

d) прочитал


Выберите вариант, отражающий структуру правильно построенного вопросительного предложения:

50. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

You by are cough persistent a troubled?

a) 3172654

b) 1372654

c) 7315642

d) 1234567

Итоговый Тест

«Английский язык»

ФФМО Специальность «Педиатрия»

2 курс, IV семестр

Вариант II

Pneumonia in infants

A. Onset. Prodromal symptoms other than those of an upper respiratory
infection arc usually absent. Headache, malaise and chilliness are rarely
complained of except by the older child. The chill which is characteristic of
the onset in older children and adults is frequently replaced by a convulsion
in infants. Fever and respiratory distress usually appear abruptly.

B. Fever. The elevation of temperature is rapid, reaching 103"to 104'F. within
a few hours. In older children with the lobar variety the daily fluctuations
may not be more than a degree or so, whereas in infants, especially when
they have a bronchopneumonia, the daily fluctuations are likely to be
somewhat greater. The course of the untreated illness in older children is
usually terminated by an abrupt drop in temperature, the so-called crisis, but
usually without associated symptoms of collapse.

C. Respirations and Pulse. The respiratory rate is almost invariably increased;
rates from30 to 50 per minute are common in older children and from 40 to
80 in infants. In infants an accurate determination can be obtained only
when they are sleeping. The respiratory excursion is characteristically
shallow in order to avoid exacerbation of the pleural pain. In severe cases
the accessory muscles of respiration may be brought into use with the result
that there is some indrawing of the intercostal spaces. Movement of the alae
nasi is one of the more constant symptoms. An expiratory grunt is more
common in older children than in infants.

D. Cough and Expectoration. Cough is generally present. In the early stage it
is usually dry and often associated with pleuritic pain, so that the patient
makes an effort to suppress it. In the stage of resolution the cough may
become looser and productive, but the characteristic rusty sputum is not
often seen in older children.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:

1. What feature of pneumonia is evident to a pediatrician?



c)rapid elevation of temperature

d)sore throat

Завершите предложение в соответствии с основной темой абзаца:

2. The A passage is about

a)the main complaints of a patient

b)Laboratory findings

c)the onset of the disease

d)the characteristic symptoms

3. Определите, в каком абзаце сообщается о колебаниях температуры

4. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста :
a)The infant responds well to the treatment

b)fresh air is usually required in bronchitis

c)in the early stage cough is usually dry

d)sputum is mucopurulent

Выберите вариант завершения предложения, соответствующий содержанию текста:

5. The respiratory excursion is characteristically shallow in order to avoid...
a)an inflammation

b)severe form of a disease

c)constant pains

d)pleural pains

Соотнесите данные утверждения с соответствующими абзацами из текста:

6. The disease is accompanied by fever.

7. Children seldom complain of a headache.

8. The cough is usually painful.

9. Breathlessness sometimes accompanies the disease.
10.The lungs are clear.

Подберите английские эквиваленты слову или словосочетанию, данному в скобках:


11. The (причина) of the disease is unknown.






12.The lungs are main organs of (дыхательной системы).

a)respiratory surface



d)respiratory system

13.(Младенцы) have the lungs of pale rose color.




d)junior children


14.Thepatient’s sputum is (гнойный)






l5.Children often (жалуются на) pain in the throat.

a)suffer from

b)complain of

c)try to

d)breathe out

Выберите форму перевода сказуемого:


d. A variety of (осложнений) may occur with lobar pneumonia.

a) inflammations

b) complications

c) cases
d) rates


e. (Воспаление) of the lung, with or without infection is also called pneumonias.

a) complication

b) cause

c) inflammation

d) infection


18. There are many possible causes of lung inflammation, including (инфекцию).
a) condition

b) cause

c) hypersensitivity
d) infection

19. Very few of the pneumonias are (заразные).

a) successful

b) contagious

c) different

d) frequent


20. The organisms that (вызывают) most pneumonias are already present in the environment.

a) form

b) do

c) lead

d) cause

21. Asthma is a disease characterized by recurrent attacks of paroxysmal (одышка), wheezing and cough.

a) diaphragm

b) diarrhea

c) dyspnea

d) danger

22. Some types of asthma are due to nervous (напряжение) and emotional problems.

a) tenderness

b) tension

c) tremor

d) tumor


23. Scarlet fever (вызвана) by a variety of strains of Hemolytic streptococci.

a) is brought

b) is caused

c) is set

d) is given


24. Rest and good, balanced (питание) are very important.

a) meal

b) appetite

c) food

d) nutrition


25. A vaccination called BCG (применяется) but is used only in areas where risk of TB is very high.

a) is treated

b) is available

c) is caused

d) is produced

Выберите форму перевода сказуемого:


26.Lobar pneumonia is caused by pneumococci.






27.A weak, rapid pulse and a slow pulse are both bad prognostic signs.






28.The temperature is usually expected to reach its maximum in the first days.






29.The child did not respond to the therapeutic measures a week ago.

a)не реагировала

b)не среагировала

c)не будет реагировать

d)не реагирует


3O.The operation was performed by the best surgeons.

a)была выполнена

b)были выполнены




31.Inflammation of the lung, with or without infection, … pneumonitis.

a) calls

b) is called

c) called

d) have been called


32. These various factorscan … to two different patterns of pneumonia.

a) to lead

b) have led

c) will lead

d) lead


33. Some pneumonias … life – threatening, while others are comparatively mild illnesses.

a) are

b) will be

c) is

d) have been


34. General measures … rest, support of the breathing, if needed.

a) includes

b) have included

c) will include

d) include


35.Many pneumonias that are infectious … for no apparent reason.

a) were occurred

b) occur

c) have been occurred
d) will occur


Подберите перевод модального глагола:


36.You must follow bed regimen.

a) обязан

b) имеешь возможность

c) должен

d) можешь


37. We should pay a special attention to the study of anatomy.

a) следует

b) нужно

c) можно

d) должны


38. They were able to operate on that patient without any help.

a) смогли

b) следовало

c) смогут

d) следует


39. The patient can’t go to the operating room himself, he is too weak.

a) может

b) не может

c) должен

d) не должен


40. When the pain subsides you may walk a little in the yard.

a) должен

b) мог бы

c) можешь

d) следует



Выберите перевод степени сравнения прилагательных:

41.This surgeon is older than his nurse is

a)самая пожилая



d)менее пожилая

c)более пожилая


f. Call for an ambulance if he feels worse.

a) лучшее

b) хорошо

c) плохо

d) хуже


43. Lobular pneumonia is more frequent in winter and spring.

a) реже

b) чаще

c) намного чаще

d) намного реже


44. It’s better to prevent a disease than to cure it.

b) хуже

c) больше

d) лучше

e) меньше


45. You should pay attention even to the smallest changes in your condition.

a) наименование

b) наибольше

c) небольшие

d) больше


Подберите перевод причастия:

46.Examining the patient the doctor listened to his heart.






47.The delivered lecture was very interesting






48. The bronchopneumonic breath sounds associated with medium sized mucous rales usually lead to the diagnosis.

a) связанные

b) связывающие

c) связывая

d) связавшие


49.There are many possible causes of lung inflammation, including, hypersensitivity to inhaled.

a) вдохнувшим

b) вдыхающим

c) вдыхающимся

d) вдыхаемым



Выберите вариант отражающий структуру правильно построенного вопросительного предложения:

50. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Does continue how long the period infancy of?







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