Complete the lead-in text using the words and phrases given. How far do you agree or disagree with the statements? 

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Complete the lead-in text using the words and phrases given. How far do you agree or disagree with the statements?

Complete the lead-in text using the words and phrases given. How far do you agree or disagree with the statements?

fitting compelling edge evolved accelerated

Video games are the world’s fastest growing entertainment industry. They are at the cutting __________ of digital creativity. The worlds they create are becoming ever more complex and __________. Love them or hate them, video games are here to stay. Art has always _______________ in parallel with technology. New horizons were opened up by the invention of the printing press, the camera and the electric guitar. Video games are our newest cultural form and they are developing faster than anything before; a ____________ mirror for our ________________ 21st century society.

2 Look through the NOTES and watch the Episode “Video Games”. (Мультимедийный каталог 1556 →Unit 9)

The Stadium of Light is an all-seater football stadium in Sunderland, England. With space for 49,000 spectators, the Stadium of Light has the fifth-largest capacity of any English football stadium.

Karen Millen is a Icelandic owned women’s designer clothing brand, specialising in tailoring, coats and eveningwear.

Ted Baker is a British clothing retail company, known for applying twists to their products

Pro Evolution Soccer 3 is football video game series.

The Getaway is an action-adventure video game developed by Team SOHO, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for the PlayStation 2.


Listen to a short paragraph of the Episode and write it down (classwork).

4 Find English equivalents for the following word-combinations.


включать в себя новейшие достижения чрезвычайно привлекательный развиваться одновременно правдивое отражение обладать огромной привлекательностью вызывать изумление большое количество талантливых людей долгий процесс творчество подлинные (географические)карты точные схемы расположения улиц говорить и вести себя узнаваемо Это очень сложно. отвлекающий маневр  

Complete the sentences with the correct words and phrases from Task 4.


  1. “I think “The Simms” was one of the first games which did ……… a really kind of ………… to girls.
  2. A beautifully designed video game …………… just as the fine arts do. (evokes wonder)
  3. His painting strikes with ………………. of detail.
  4. Your offer is unacceptable. That's a pretty ………………….
  5. They were ……………………… in their prediction.

6 Listen to the extract from the episode ( 08:33) and fill in the gaps with missing information. Write no more than THREE words.


“Echo” is set in a vast __________ _________ where dusk nodes dance in _______ ________ and distant battlefields loom in an _____________ ________. The whole environment is a puzzle – ________________ spaces from Keith Robinson-esque contraptions combine beauty with ______________ ____________. “Viewtiful Joe” is a game of ________ ________ inspired by Japanese __________________ and American ______________. ______________ of blossoming cherry trees, drawn in 19th century Japanese style, seem to have ______ ________ and played back on a rickety old projector.

7 Check you know the meanings of the words and phrases given in the box, make use of them when covering the information provided in the episode:



1. Videogames and cinema. Similarities and differences.


a pastime of to be stupefied mindlessness the thrill of to project images to go nuts to overtake a mindless distraction to master a technology a potential


Model of the answer:

According to the narrator videogames is a pastime of illiterate creatures who are stupefied by their daily jobs. Videogames is a machine of mindlessness and dissolution, etc



2. What makes videogames unique in comparison with other art forms.


a fusion of other formats to transport smb to a place in a kinetic way to provoke to change dynamically a stream of to cause effect



3. Some reasons why videogames have a lot of appeal. Gaming audience.


Be seductive an enticing world “Swinging 80s Miami” war-torn Europe sneak through “Stadium of Light” “Period Spy Thriller” pasty-faced cliché a full spread of to be stark



4. Commercial success and public recognition of videogames.


have an impact on product placement mannequins the pitch high visibility



5. How motion-capturing techniques works.


fabricated worlds to align the character with to inhabit the game world to populate the game world to be replicated with to reanimate smb the defined magnetic field the ethereal/virtual realm of physical stunt constitute motivation for



6. Artificial intelligence in the game “The Simms”.


to empathize with smb a crude version to distinguish from to simulate functions complex behaviour to set up home



7. Games as a tool to deal with moral issues.


the infancy of be at the stage a simplistic way of The best mediums to tackle smth to strive for questions of consequence subtle ways the “Fable” to look shifty grotesque individual



Translate the following sentences into either English or Russian using the words and word combinations from Tasks 4 and 7.


1. His was not a mission at the cutting edge of British diplomatic activity.

2. Эти модели включают в себя новейшие достижения компьютерной технологии.

3. Demand may overtake the supply.

4. Нас опередили события.

5. It is dangerous to overtake another car on a bend.

6. Это будет нелегко сделать.

7. Промышленность всё ещё находилась в стадии становления.

8. What are the implications of the new law?

9. Such a clock is guaranteed to be accurate within one second in one million years.

10. В прошлом году эти люди заселили все острова.

Speaking points. Comment on the following quotations from the episode.

Strategy Points

ü Spend a minute thinking about the topic below and making brief notes.

ü During a minute decide how you will introduce and link your ideas, and then talk for 2 minutes (!).

ü Remember to include some examples to support or illustrate what you say.

ü Use a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

ü Make sure you keep to the topic.

ü Learn useful phrases and expressions. These give you time to think, and also act as signposts which help listeners follow your arguments.

Giving an example: for instance, if we take the example of X, X serves as a good example of this

Sequencing words: firstly, secondly, finally, lastly, last but not least

Introducing a new idea: the first thing (I'd like) to mention, to begin with, another point to consider is, which leads me on to another point, and, of course, we shouldn't forget

Bringing an idea to its conclusion: to sum up, in the final analysis, on balance, taking all the arguments into consideration, in conclusion

  1. “One day, games might even start to play us…”
  2. ” The minute you have a visually recognizable human being, you expect them to behave and speak in a recognizable way and it’s a very, very tall order.”
  3. “I think, that’s a sort of natural process with a new technology, there is a great excitement of all that is possible and then you are thrown back on the realization that nothing in itself is that amazing, it is what you do with it.”
  4. “We could enjoy new forms of social interaction and may be even build new alternative societies or… we could become willing slaves of the matrix and entertain ourselves to death.”



The World of VERMEER –Part 1  


Listen to a short paragraph of the Episode and write it down (classwork).

Listen to a short paragraph of the Episode and write it down (classwork).

Speaking points. Comment on the following quotations from the episode.

  1. “I wondered if I could make sense of Vermeer as a man desperate to escape from the prison of his own dubious past. Art was to be his way out and up. He became a respectable counterfeiter, a forger not of false coins, but of reality.”
  2. “He took a turbulent reality and made it look like heaven on earth. He painted away the pain of reality”
  3. “ V. might have seen a world transfigured from the confines of a darkened box”. (Does it mean that his method was mechanical, that the human element is taken out of his art?)
  4. A painting is not a photographic image. A painter always translates.
  5. It is a picture that people won’t pass.

Listen to a short paragraph of the Episode and write it down (classwork).


Listen to a short paragraph of the Episode and write it down (classwork).

Who resort to the following superstitions?

Choose from the list: an actor, a gambler, a tennis star, David Thomas, a voodoo mumbo

Turn round a parking lot

2. get a snip into a body of the enemy

3. carry coins

4. create a mountain in the drive way

5. to spin around three times and split over a shoulder

6. eat chocolate chip cookie every night


5 Find English equivalents for the following word-combinations.

впадать в крайности стремление к победе навязчивая идея порождать предрассудок забрать чью-либо силу перейти кому-либо дорогу проститься с жизнью широко применяется влиять на жизнь время от времени приводить на матч прийти в ярость проклясть команду бесконечная погоня за удачей делать ставки на счастливые числа  


1 Look through the NOTES and watch the Episode “DIANA, part 1” (Мультимедийный каталог 1556 →Unit 7)


Diana Spencer was born on July 1, 1961 and died August 31, 1997

the Spencers in the 15th century the Spencers were among the wealthiest traders in Europe. With their fortune they collected an earldom from Charles I, built Althorp House in Northamptonshire, acquired a coat of arms and a motto “God defend the right”. For the next three centuries Spencers occupied various offices at State and Court.

Northamptonshire the estate of the Spencer family

Althorp House the ancestral home of the Spencer family

the 8th Earl Spencer, Viscount Althorp, Jonnie Spencer - Diana’s father

Frances Roche, Lady Althorp – Diana’s mother, the daughter of the 4th Baron Fermoy. Frances Roche married Jonnie Spencer at Westminster Abbey in June 1954.

The Althorps’ divorce went through in April 1969.

Reine Spencer Diana’s step-mother. Reine and Jonnie Spencer married on July 14, 1977

Barbara Cartland Diana’s step-grandmother

Lord Mountbatten, Great Uncle of Prince Charles. Before his assassination in 1979, gave Prince Charles advice on selecting the perfect bride.

Duch the family nickname for Diana

Mark Phillips, first husband of Anne, Princess Royal.

Clarence House home of the Queen Mother

Coleherne Court a three-room apartment in a mansion block, Diana’s present from her parents, she lived there before her marriage.

Highgrove House a house in Gloucestershire, England, which is owned by the Princes of Wales

Balmoral, Balmoral Castle a castle in Scotland which is one of the homes of the British Royal family

Hansel and Gretel the chief characters in the fairy story of that name by the Grimm Brothers. Hansel, a boy, and Gretel, a girl, are left alone in a forest. They discover a house made of gingerbread and belonging to a wicked witch. The witch wants to eat them, but Gretel pushes the witch into an oven and the children go home with her riches.

Coronation Street – a TV serial

gingerbread a cake or biscuit

gorge oneself on something - to fill oneself completely with food in a greedy way: He gorged himself on cream cakes.


Complete the lead-in text using the words and phrases given. How far do you agree or disagree with the statements?

fitting compelling edge evolved accelerated

Video games are the world’s fastest growing entertainment industry. They are at the cutting __________ of digital creativity. The worlds they create are becoming ever more complex and __________. Love them or hate them, video games are here to stay. Art has always _______________ in parallel with technology. New horizons were opened up by the invention of the printing press, the camera and the electric guitar. Video games are our newest cultural form and they are developing faster than anything before; a ____________ mirror for our ________________ 21st century society.

2 Look through the NOTES and watch the Episode “Video Games”. (Мультимедийный каталог 1556 →Unit 9)

The Stadium of Light is an all-seater football stadium in Sunderland, England. With space for 49,000 spectators, the Stadium of Light has the fifth-largest capacity of any English football stadium.

Karen Millen is a Icelandic owned women’s designer clothing brand, specialising in tailoring, coats and eveningwear.

Ted Baker is a British clothing retail company, known for applying twists to their products

Pro Evolution Soccer 3 is football video game series.

The Getaway is an action-adventure video game developed by Team SOHO, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for the PlayStation 2.



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